/ / How to feed a Labrador? How to feed a Labrador

How to feed a Labrador? How to feed a Labrador

Если в вашем доме появился маленький пес, то вам, It will probably be interesting to know how to feed a new pet. That's what we'll talk about today. Regardless of what is planned for keeping a Labrador: in an apartment or in a house with free access to the street, you need to properly think about the food and diet of the animal.

First days at home and feeding

It is certain that in the first days afterA small lump appeared in your apartment; you need to feed him with the food he ate at the breeder. After several days (or weeks), if you already have the desire, the dog can gradually be transferred to a diet acceptable to the new owner.

what to feed a labrador

It should be noted that you need to advanceprepare two bowls: one for food, the other for water. The latter must always be filled. Make sure that the water in the bowl is always clean and fresh. Food put a puppy for 15 minutes (no more). Labrador food, regardless of age, should be warm, about 32 degrees. If the baby eats badly, indulges, then after this time the food must be removed, and no matter how much food the dog ate. In no case do not try to persuade him, otherwise in adulthood you will also beg. Why exactly 15 minutes? During this period, the puppy will have time to eat food if desired, while he will not have time to indulge.

best dog food

It is advisable to place bowls on stands, so that their incorrect placement does not lead to the curvature of the cervical vertebrae. Height must be adjusted depending on the growth of the puppy.

The number of feedings for dogs of different ages

How much to feed a Labrador?The number of meals depends on age. For example, in the first two months the baby needs very frequent meals, about 6 times a day. Up to six months, five feedings per day will suffice, and after 6 months the dog should be fed 4 times. After seven months and up to a year, three meals will suffice. After you can already feed the Labrador twice a day.

Errors when feeding a puppy and an adult dog

After the puppy has eaten it is not worth it.to brake, in order to avoid turning the stomach. Labradors are very cunning dogs, they can manipulate their owners, begging for food, because they almost always want to eat. Between feedings, you should not feed your pet, otherwise the “poor, unhappy, hungry” dog will always be at your feet when you will have lunch, breakfast and supper. It is better to send your pet to another room for the time of the meal, so that neither he nor you will be tempted.

food for labrador

Now let's find out what to feed.Labrador is a mobile dog, therefore it needs a varied and balanced diet. Given the fact that at home it is quite difficult to do, many experts recommend dry food.

Ready meals

What products are suitable Labrador?Of course, this category includes the best premium or super premium dog food. They need to pick up the size and age of the animal. Do not cost to save on food, using products of economy class. Such food can not provide a growing body with essential vitamins. In addition, representatives of the breed are often allergic. Think about it, because the subsequent treatment will cost more.

how much to feed a labrador

So what to choose for a Labrador?What is the best dog food? The most acceptable products are from companies such as Royal Canin, Hill "s, Purina Pro Plan, etc. Manufacturers produce a large range of food for dogs of different age groups.

At first, pets can be given food for puppies, butneed to pay attention to the content of fats and proteins. It is very important. So it is better to choose and feed the Labrador? 2 months is the age when you can give ready-made feed, but the protein content should be small. After the puppy is six months old or more, products for juniors or young animals will be needed. After a year, the usual feed is already needed (as a rule, an age category is indicated on each product).

If you are overweight, you need to reduce the amount of food or switch to light products.

royal canin

As mentioned above, Labradors are oftenare allergic to any product. In this case, it is worth giving a feed of the Royal Canin, Hills, and Nutra Choiz trademarks. These manufacturers produce a line of hypoallergenic products with sea fish, lamb, rice.

If you decide to feed your Labrador with dry food, do not add natural products to its diet, it can upset the balance, as a result of which liver or kidney diseases will appear.

Up to three months solid feed is desirable a little.soak it with warm water, gradually making it all drier. It is impossible to say for sure what volume of finished products to give a puppy - it all depends on the age and weight of the animal. This information is usually indicated on the packaging.

Natural products. What to feed?

Labrador - an animal rather picky.If you decide to feed the dog with natural food, then the food for him should be prepared separately. The basis of the puppy's diet, of course, are protein foods (eggs, meat and cottage cheese). First, the kids are given chopped meat. In addition, for the full development of the required porridge.

Composing the diet of an adult dog, you need to observe the following ratio: for 1 kg of body weight you need 15 g of meat per day, 1-2 g of fat and 6 g of carbohydrates.

For puppies, the figures are several times higher (two or three).

what kind of meat can labrador

What kind of meat can a labrador?Of course, lean beef is best. Pork can not be given, it adversely affects the liver. From six months, you can enter into the diet of internal organs (heart, kidney, scar, etc.).

What dairy products to give a dog?Of course, this is cottage cheese. Milk is poorly digested, it is less nutritious, besides sometimes weak. The puppy is especially useful kefir and sour milk. These dairy products have a good effect on digestion.

Useful for puppies up to seven months and calcinedcottage cheese. It is prepared simply: put milk on the fire, add calcium chloride solution (based on 1 liter of liquid 2 tablespoons) before boiling, and after boiling remove it from the fire, stir and discard on gauze. This is how curd is made.

what to feed a Labrador 2 months

Enough nutritious foods are eggs,but in their pure form, they are poorly absorbed. Raw yolk is best given in a mixture with porridge or dairy products. Can be made as an omelet. In a week to a dog one egg is put. In the period of carrying and feeding the babies, the bitch is given a greater number, as well as in the breeding season.

What fish is better to give a dog a Labrador breed?It is advisable to choose the sea. The dog can use it both boiled and raw. River necessarily be boiled. Remember that the carcass should be boneless. Labradors, especially those in need of dietary nutrition, useful pollock, pike perch, pike and hake. Fish species that contain trimethylamine oxide are prohibited for dogs.

Bones for labradors are not particularly useful, they are nothave no nutritional value, and chicken is completely forbidden to give, since they can lead to big problems with the intestines. Sometimes one innocent tubular bone can cause the death of an animal. So do not mess with the health of the pet.

labrador content

What else can a Labrador have for breakfast and dinner?

  • Groats are needed for the proper development of a puppy.You can give buckwheat, rice and rolled oats. Occasionally, you can cook millet porridge. When cooking is allowed to add vegetables. Note that barley, corn, semolina and barley grits should not be given. You can cook soups and dogs, but do not add seasoning to the dish.
  • Vegetables are useful to give raw, especially cabbage and carrots. You can prepare stewed mixtures of these and other ingredients.
  • Fruits and berries.
  • Greens (chopped).

What should be discarded if you want your pet to live longer ...

Do not feed the dog food with starch. These include beans, peas and potatoes. Why? Because animals lack enzymes that break down starch.

Do not give your dog sweets, they disrupt digestion and spoil the appetite.

Mineral top dressing

Carefully make the dog's diet beforefeed. Labrador should get enough minerals and vitamins that must be given along with natural food. If you give your pet premium food, then, as a rule, it does not need additional feeding. But other factors should also be considered. For example, with intensive growth or heavy stress on the joints, you can begin to add vitamins to your puppy from three to four months. What mineral supplements are suitable for labrador? These are the preparations Glucosamine and Calcidee, as well as the fertilizing “Irishkal” (Holland), which has established itself well among dog breeders.

how and the better to feed the dog breed Labrador

A small conclusion

Dogs are amazing animals.They need to take care and know how and what to feed. Labrador is no exception. We hope that our recommendations will help you grow a healthy dog. As you can see, an animal can be fed not only with natural food, but also with finished products. For Labrador dogs, the most suitable option is Royal Canin feed. It is usually chosen by the owners of this breed.

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