/ / Compare the climate of the peninsulas of Alaska and Labrador with us

Compare the climate of the peninsulas of Alaska and Labrador with us

When someone asks:"Compare the climate of the peninsulas of Alaska and Labrador," the first thing that comes to mind is to look at the climatic zones. After all, both Labrador and Alaska belong to the subarctic belt. However, Labrador is credited with a temperate marine climate, although quite severe.

compare the climate of the peninsula of Alaska and Labrador

Do not judge the climate by comparingthe latitude on which the regions are located. For example, the climate of Labrador is much more severe than the weather at the same latitudes in Europe and Asia. Speaking about the climate, we must take into account that there is the influence of cold seas, especially the northern current off the coast of Labrador.

The south of both peninsulas is distinguished by a warmer summer by local standards. But even in August frosts are not excluded. The beginning of summer is from June to the month, and the winter from September.

climate of Alaska

The current near the Labrador coast carries floating ice.Especially their number is impressive from late May to early June. Lakes and rivers are covered with ice in September and it lasts until June. A significant part of the year, the aerial arctic masses dominate the peninsula.

Such a different climate in Alaska

In Alaska, the weather varies very much from one region to another.

Для сравнения, южное побережье отличается high humidity, cool summers and mild winters. But the climate of Alaska is closer to the north already definitely subarctic and even arctic. In summer, the temperature can rise to +30 degrees Celsius, while in winter it drops to -52 °S. Summer is very dry, winter is snowy.

Labrador's climate

It is the north of Alaska that attracts tourists with an arctic climate. It is possible to observe the famous northern lights.

average temperature

The average temperature in the winter on the Labrador Peninsula reaches -18 degrees, in summer it rarely exceeds + 15-18 FROM.

Alaska is much more severe in numbers. Depending on the region, the temperature in winter can drop to -20-25 degrees Celsius, and in summer it rarely reaches +15 FROM on the law thermometer.

Но не забывайте, что средние температуры по peninsula may not reflect the real situation in the extreme regions, where the maximum and minimum temperatures can reach 30 degrees and fall below -50.

Annual precipitation

Характерное среднегодовое количество осадков для Labrador is minimal in the north - from 250 mm per year and can reach 1,200 mm in the south of the peninsula. The mildest climate on the Labrador Peninsula is observed in the southeast, where almost half of the population of this Canadian province lives. There is also a capital.

В то же время среднегодовое количество осадков for Alaska can range from 1,600 to 5,000 mm. A significant range can be explained by the fact that in the mountains the humidity is much higher than the flat part. The amount of precipitation decreases sharply in the south. Well, to the very north, the level of precipitation becomes even smaller: already up to 300 mm in the continental zone, and up to 150 mm in the Arctic.

Winds on the peninsulas of Alaska and Labrador

When you compare the climate of the peninsulas of Alaska and Labrador in general, it's time to pay attention to the prevailing winds.

The strength of the winds also varies from season to season anddepends on the terrain. But the direction of the winds on the peninsulas of Alaska and Labrador is quite similar. In winter, the northeast (arctic) winds prevail, in the summer - the western winds of temperate latitudes.

After you compare the climate of the peninsulasAlaska and Labrador, think about how severe it is. That is why the population density there is very low in comparison with other US states and provinces of Canada, despite a lot of state motivational programs for settling these places.

It is worth noting that fresh air, colorfullandscapes and climate peculiarities of these states, of course, cause delight. It is always interesting to visit the local lands. Visiting them, you yourself compare the climate of the peninsulas of Alaska and Labrador.

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