/ Weekdays and holidays of the project “Gold Rush. Alaska"

Weekdays and holidays of the project “Gold Rush. Alaska"

Alaska Gold Rush
Remember the famous scene from the movie with CharlieChaplin? Did he “dance” there on the table with a couple of buns? This - frames comedy "Gold Rush". Attacks of spontaneous and acquisitive gold mining have swept across America more than once. Klondike and Alaska, California were pilgrimage sites for thousands of prospectors eager for easy prey. It was not at all funny and not funny: people died from hunger and disease, from hard work, at the hands of greedy rivals. But in the series “Gold Rush. Alaska "gold is mined by modern methods and civilized way. This documentary project of the Discovery Channel is interesting by the fact that viewers from the inside watch the process of gold mining, see all the difficulties faced by the heroes of the project, empathize with them. And, of course, they are happy if seekers manage to conceive.

When the appliances fail

Alaska Gold Rush 3 Series
Our prospectors have enough problems.Here, for example, “Gold Rush. Alaska, Season 3. The Todd Hoffman Brigade, working on the Klondike, set itself the goal of producing 30 kg of gold over the summer (the cost of such a quantity is estimated, by the way, at 1 million 600 thousand dollars). In the winter, he ordered a new wash station. But the deal fell through, and the prospectors are forced to work on the old. When the cost of production is 4 thousand dollars a day, every grain must be protected, but the trap does not delay gold, and the losses are enormous. In the third season of the series “Gold Rush. Alaska ”3 series tells about Todd's new problem: it turns out that the Indian River site does not belong to them, but to a completely different person, but it is on this land that the gold-bearing vein was found. Without it, there is no need for 10 rented cars and hired personnel. Much to Hoffman’s relief, the landlord is making concessions. The head of this section, Todd's assistant Dave Tyurin, is in a hurry to assemble new equipment worth 50 thousand dollars. And all 50 sections in their places. It remains to try out an expensive car. Something goes wrong, the wash unit vibrates and is about to fall apart. The team strengthens the tying design. “The beast is tamed,” states Dave. You can move on.

Another participant of the documentary project"Golden fever. Alaska "- Fred - because of the flood had to temporarily leave the old section. The new place is tight, and we need more hands. One of the candidates is a woman riding Rodeo Melody. Despite its fragility, it deftly handles the mechanisms. When the installation shaft breaks down, everyone rushes to eliminate the accident. They start the engine again, and if they made at least one mistake, then 4 tons began to crush the fruits of their labor. But the cost. Fears are in vain. “One more little step to the goal has been accomplished,” smiles Fred, who is gray-haired.

Alaska Gold Rush Season 3
Not so bad damn ...

The youngest hero of the program "Gold Rush.Alaska ”(he is under 18) - Patrick Schnebel. He borrowed 150 thousand dollars from his grandfather for the development of the mine. During the season, 9 kg of gold should be its prey, with a weekly rate of 620 g. However, things are going bad: the breed is empty. What was the joy of Patrick and his team, when at the end of the week they found out that the trap was all yellow from grains of reclaimed gold! As many as 778 g (40 thousand dollars in monetary terms). Whereas for the entire second season his “catch” was 1 kg and 100 g. So I want to say: “The devil is not so terrible as he is painted”! Difficult conditions of the north, frozen ground, deep drifts, heavy equipment, lack of human resources - the participants of the series “Gold Rush. Alaska, but do not give up. They are fighters, no worse than the courageous heroes of Jack London, from whom they have been separated for over a hundred years.

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