/ / List of books for children 7-8 years: about nature, adventures, fairy tales. Children's writers

The list of books for children of 7-8 years: about nature, adventures, fairy tales. Children's writers

In the modern world, you can often see a child forcomputer game than with a literary work in hand. But parents still make lists of books for children 7–8 years old. And, wanting to instill a love of reading for their younger students, they try to include the best works in them. The guys at this age have already formed certain tastes, so someone likes to read about animals, someone - about their peers, someone will like adventures or children's detective stories.

list of books for children 7 8 years

Parents can help

The main thing that children's books were interesting.The reading process should enthrall the child, for this he needs to inculcate a love of literature from early childhood. First you need to buy special editions with pictures for your baby, then learn to put letters into words. At school it is very important that the child reads on his own. A large volume of children of this age can not yet master, in this case, the parents come to the rescue.

Enough for a junior high school student to read inday about 1 hour. Gradually, the volume and speed of reading will increase. Do not be upset if the book did not like. Another time will come when the child will be able to accept and understand the story described in it. You just need to offer him the following from the list. The list of books for children of 7–8 years is great, and there must be at least one in it that they want to read more than once.

books for younger students

How to choose a book

Shops offer a wide rangeliterature for any age. But do not assume that it is easy to choose interesting books for children. Parents need to know their child very well in order to find what he really likes. To do this, pay attention to the design, font, book title. It is also worth getting acquainted with the annotation, to determine which genre it belongs to. Do not take children's books designed for older age.

Shops offer a wide range of printededitions. But how to understand what a particular child needs? Parents should understand their children, their hobbies and interests, so that, after reading the abstract, to determine whether the product will like their child. Books for younger students can not be boring and too abstruse. Scary stories can frighten and discourage the desire to read.

What is interesting to children

To choose the right childliterature, it is necessary to use ready-made lists compiled by experts. For example, a school teacher can provide this information. And you can remember your experience and make your own list of books for children of 7–8 years old.

Publishing houses produce literature that canbe interesting to both girls and boys. At this age, children are close to the topic of school relations, communication between teachers and students, funny stories that occurred in the classroom. It is very good if reading helps solve any problems arising during studies. You can read about this in the book “In the country of unlearned lessons” by Liya Geraskina. She tells about a boy who studied very badly, but then got into a magical country. The fascinating adventures that happened there with him helped to rethink his attitude to school.

interesting adventure books

For boys and girls

Но есть и специальные книги для девочек 7–8 лет.It can be fairy tales about love, stories about friendship, the main thing is that everything in them is beautiful, feminine and ends well. For example, "The Adventures of Sarah Kru" (writer F. Bennet), "Mary Poppins" (P. Travers), "Doll's Notes" (V. Andrievskaya). For the boys fit the book, in which there are exciting adventures. The hero must be noisy, brave, funny and a little naughty boy. The more adventures occur on the pages of a literary work, the more interesting it will be to read the younger student. For example, “The Boy and Darkness” by A. Lukyanenko, the “Golden Ball” by G. Pocheptsov, “Emil from Lennebergi” by A. Lindgren.

Classic children's writers

Считается, что дети должны читать только лучшие literary works. Therefore, a list of books for children of 7–8 years old should be made up of classic editions. They are time tested, guaranteed to teach good, give answers to many questions, form the correct perception of the world.

Children's writers familiar from childhood to severalgenerations: A. Barto, B. Zakhoder, N. Nosov, E. Charushin, V. Dragunsky, S. Aksakov, K. Bulychev, L. Carol, A. Lindgren and others. Tales, stories and poems of these authors are popular in our time. Many of them are included in the school curriculum. But kids read them not because they were obliged to do it.

It is actually entertaining and interesting.books for children. There is not a single child who would not know such literary heroes as Pinocchio, Alice, Peter Pen and other people and animals whose funny or sad stories made them laugh and sadness their children and their parents.

books for girls 7 8 years

Animal Stories

To favorite children's literary works notin vain carry books about nature and animals. They teach kindness, compassion, good attitude to our pets. The stories about them touch the soul, tell about the world in which not only people live, but also defenseless creatures that you need to take care of. Famous children's writers, such as B. Zhitkov, E. Charushin, V. Bianki, tell about the life of wild and domestic animals in a language that is accessible to children. Love not only prose, but also poems teaches love for nature, which means homeland.

The list of books for children of 7–8 years old includesliterary works of S. Yesenin. For example, "Dog", "Cow", "White Birch" and some others are quite accessible to the understanding of schoolchildren of 1-2 grades. And who glorified Russia better than Yesenin? Those children who are interested in the surrounding world are advised to read such books about nature: “About the Elephant” (B. Zhitkov), “Lesnaya Gazeta” (V. Bianki), “My Animals” (V. Durov), stories by E. Charushina, M. Prishvina, “Hare Paws” (K. Paustovsky), poems about the nature of S. Yesenin.

children's writers

Fairy tales

The list of books for children aged 7–8 is mandatory.Fairy tales should be included. This may be the author's works, folklore. This genre is interesting because it grows with a man. Very young children begin to meet him with simple little tales about animals. The older the child becomes, the more complex and deeper the literary work that he perceives with joy.

The fairy tale not only teaches the simple division of lifeon the "good" and "bad", but also solves some children's problems, which gradually begin to appear with age. They teach children that they need to work to achieve life benefits. Man's desires are not fulfilled just like that, without any effort. The lazy person does nothing, but does not receive anything. This is true for the kid who recently entered the school path. After kindergarten, he begins a new life, in which everything must be achieved by himself. But, of course, guys love fairy tales not for moral teachings and moral, but for miracles and magical adventures that take place in them. Thus, fairy tales and fantasy are fascinating, but capable of raising books for reading. 7–8 years old is the age allowing to master such literature: “Vovka in the Far Eastern Kingdom” (V. Korostylev), “The Old Man Hottabych” (L. Lagin), “The Unusual Adventures of Karik and Vali” (Y. Larry), “Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone ”(J. Rowling), fairy tales by G.Kh. Andersen and the Brothers Grimm.

Modern books for children

It is easy for parents to make a list ofworks that they know. They read them in childhood, and now they are ready to share good memories of them with their babies. But since then, children's literature has been replenished with new works. One must be very careful, including them in the list of books for children of 7–8 years old. After all, modern literature can conceal a danger to the child's mind. The child may be interested in its design, and the text will be meaningless, empty or destructive psyche.

В наше время царит свобода слова, поэтому, choosing such works in bookstores, one must carefully read their contents. It is best to do this in advance, listening to the opinion of reputable sources. But among modern writers there are also worthy authors whose books can be safely handed over to children. They include J. Rowling with a literary series about G. Potter, Tyukhtyayevs with works about Zok and Badakh and others. Due to the fact that the perception of life is different for different generations, a child can be read in a modern book that an adult will not understand. It is necessary to encourage the love of reading in any case.

What to read

The main thing - to include in your list of interestingbooks. Adventures, fairy tales, stories about animals, children's detectives must find their place in it. This is necessary so that the child does not ask what to read, but he himself took the book and could not tear it away. But if, nevertheless, such a question arises, parents should be able to answer it.

It is necessary to explain to children that reading is firstturn pleasure. Good literature enriches vocabulary, develops taste and thinking, increases literacy. If you learn poetry or interesting passages, your memory will be trained, the ability to express thoughts will develop, and this will undoubtedly be useful both in school and in your future life.

What do children's books teach?

Literary works answer questionsthey call for kindness, wisdom, teach compassion, give a dream, develop imagination. Thanks to what has been read, a small person begins to understand his emotions, receives the first knowledge of morality. If you choose the right literature, children will learn what good friendship is, how to love your homeland, animals, close people. With examples of such works, one can learn the correct behavior in difficult life situations. What the bad deeds of the heroes lead to, what punishment follows this - children’s writers tell about all this in the pages of their works.

books for reading 7 8 years

Book or gadgets?

В современном мире само это понятие утратило свое value. When they say "book", no longer necessarily mean printed products. Rather, it means a literary work that can be read from the screen of the tablet or listen to audio recordings. Is its significance diminishing? No, because the information that the author conveys is important, not the carrier on which it is presented.

Even if the work is read from the screenmodern device, it does not interfere with the knowledge of the beauty of the native language. And if the meaning of the word or phraseological turnover is not clear, you can always ask the parents. In addition, the harm of screen radiation of an electronic device is not proven, and it is pleasant and useful to keep up with the times.

interesting books for children

Children should not be afraid to read.The book should not harm, it must bear the good and joy. The development of thinking contributes to the efforts of children to understand the meaning of the work. The love of reading can and should be developed at home. Making a list for your child, it must be borne in mind that the age range is a convention. If the kid is developed and fascinated by literature, it may turn out that he will need books intended for the next age group. You can love children's works all your life, periodically re-reading them at your leisure to replenish your store of positive emotions.

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