/ How to make a list of books for children 3-4 years?

How to make a list of books for children 3-4 years old?

Love of the kid to the reading of teachers and psychologistsI advise you to vaccinate not that from early childhood, but from being in the womb. Already then you can read good tales aloud, because the baby catches the mother's voice, the uniformity and timbre of which act soothingly and monotonously. When a child is born, he will know the voice of the person closest to him, an emotional bond will form between them.

list of books for children 3 4 years

The book as a tool for communicating with the child

It is from such early times that one should think aboutreading with the child, and begin to compile a list of books for children 3-4 years old and those who are older. The modern literary world is so vast that it is necessary to carefully select literature for the baby. Not only in content, but also in his age. After all, if the child will be difficult to understand what is going on even in the brightest and colorful fairy tale or story, he will not be interested in reading.

Correctly compiled list of books for children (3-4years, 1-2 years) will help to establish the first dialogue with a small person who in fact understands much, but does not always know how to express your feelings, emotions and desires.

Why is it important to read books with a child?

Joint reading has many positiveparties. The mad pace of life, constant employment and haste does not always allow you to pay enough attention to the most important thing that exists in a person's life, a child. Plunged into the world of fairy-tale heroes, magical countries, miracles and fantasies, the kid feels that he has something in common with his mother and father, they together experience all the adventures of their favorite character, rejoice at his victories and sympathize with sorrow. Only such pastime allows to get close to the baby.

books for children 3 4 years list

Most often reading in the evening, beforeit's a wonderful end of the day. Peace, quiet and leisurely activities will help the child to tune in to rest, easier to fall asleep and relax. Another positive point is the expansion of vocabulary. People stopped talking much. Communication of adults occurs mainly at work, on the road or social networks. Children simply can not draw knowledge and words, so it is so important to know their preferences, to make a list of books together. For children of 3-4 years this will become a very important lesson and task, they will feel their importance and serious attitude of parents.

Books for the little ones

You need to know the basic age preferenceschild to properly compile a list of books. For children of 3-4 years this can already be narrative, but absolutely crumbs, which are just taking their first steps and drawing knowledge mainly from pictures, are best suited for small editions with bright illustrations, thick pages that easily turn unstable fingers. Most often such books are presented in the form of collections of animals, toys, certain actions, seasons. They can contain the names of objects, flowers and figures. These are the first developmental activities for children, they will help to easily remember the necessary information, because they are very simply perceived at the age of 1-2 years:

  • "What animals live in the city?".
  • "Who says?".
  • "The Gingerbread Man".
  • "We study colors" and others.

books for children 2 3 years list

What can I read to a child in two years

But publications with short verses, small stories, fairy tales for one or two pages - these are the best books for children of 2-3 years. The list of such literature is uncomplicated and simple:

  • Folk tales such as "Teremok", "Repka" or author's "Chicken and Duckling" (V. Suteev), "Why the Fish Are Silent" (B. Zakhoder).
  • Small rhymes of different authors (B. Zakhoder, A.Barto). Their simple plot and motif are easily remembered, and the characters are simple and understandable to the smallest reader. The latest editions, indeed, are pleased with the high level of quality, incredibly good illustrations, sweet and touching, which will leave only warm feelings in my soul.

Also not bad are the special editions,aimed not only at reading, but also the development of fine motor skills, logic and thinking. In such books there are special pages for stickers, drawings, they can contain liners and three-dimensional pictures. These books are suitable for children 3-4 years old. The list should not be limited to general recommendations. After all, every boy or girl has his own preferences and interests.

How to instill a love for a child in a book?

As you grow up, each child beginsfind their own personal interests. Parents can form them, prompting and unobtrusively pushing their child to certain cartoons, literature. Nowadays, parents and children are not always interested in the printed word, but publishers try to interest young readers by creating a list of books for children of 3-4 years in such a way that it matches the time. This is expressed in books based on animated stories. Familiar characters on the screen will certainly fall in love on paper pages. List of books written on modern cartoons:

  • "Masha and the Bear".
  • "Mermaid".
  • "Smeshariki".
  • "Fixichi, 7 stories."
  • "Robokar Paulie and his friends."

the best books for children 3 years list

How to be guided and how to find the best books for children of 3 years? The list must be filled up by such authors:

  • Kornei Chukovsky - "The Fly of the Tsokotukha", "Fedorino Mountain".
  • Vladimir Suteev - "Little Rat", "Boat".
  • Samuel Marshak - "Olino Ring", "Twelve Months".
  • Charles Perrault - "Cinderella", "The boy with a finger."
  • Astrid Lindgren - "Carlson", "The Lionheart Brothers".
  • Nikolai Nosov - "Dunno" and others.

All these authors have created many excellentstories that will help any child to enter adulthood, learn to understand what is good and evil, compassion, mercy and nobility. However, any fairy tale should be approached with intelligence, omit some points if the kid does not understand them or they startle him. Early reading should instill a love for this occupation for life, rather than scare off the first page.

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