/ When is World Environment Day?

When is World Environment Day?

Indian politician and public figure MahatmaGandhi said that our world is enough to fully satisfy all human needs, but it is too little to satiate human greed. His words most fully convey the attitude of man to the environment that has developed with the advent of technology and industry into our lives. After people began to realize that the resource of nature is far from eternal and that by our actions we are digging a hole for our own descendants, there was a need to protect this very environment.

day of environmental protection

The United Nations decided in its own wayto draw people's attention to the problems of natural pollution and the destruction of resources. To this end, the date of June 5 became known as the World Environment Day. The date was chosen not by chance. It was on June 5, 1972, that the Stockholm Conference began, devoted to the problems of the protection of natural resources. This forum developed the basic concept of the development of mankind, to which the UN has been guided to this day.

The Day of Environmental Protection was proclaimed for the first timewas at the 27th session, held by the UN General Assembly. It happened on December 15, 1972, and the aim was to draw the attention of the world community to the problems of environmental pollution by anthropogenic factors, the cruel treatment of animals, the extermination of numerous living species that were on the verge of extinction, and other problems that arose through the fault of man and lead to destruction of the planet's natural resources.

World Environment Day
Celebrating such an event as the Day of Protectionenvironment is designed for the fact that every person on Earth will penetrate the problems of environmental organizations and will want to participate and contribute to activities aimed at improving the environmental situation throughout the world. Therefore, on June 5, various rallies, concerts, parades of bicyclists and other events of activists of the "green" movement and just people and organizations not indifferent to the problems of nature protection are held around the world on UN requirements.

Every year for the celebration of theAs a day of environmental protection, the UN leadership coordinates the themes of these events, common to all peoples in the world. This practice has been taking place since 1974, when the first theme of the holiday "Only One Earth" was put forward, and events corresponding to this theme were organized. But the Day of Environmental Protection 2013 is already focused on a less global concept.

Environmental Protection Day 2013

The name of the holiday of nature protection this yearsounded like "Think, Eat, Save" and was devoted to such important problems as conscious consumption, which seek to turn the attention of people environmental experts and economists, as well as the problems of hunger on the planet, which despite all our high-tech civilization is still relevant in many countries of the world, which are just beginning their development.

In general, such a holiday is the Day of Environmental Protectionenvironment - is needed for our planet now more than ever. After all, if we do not start taking measures to change the global ecological situation, after several generations our descendants will lose the opportunity to enjoy many incarnations of the beauty of nature on planet Earth.

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