/ / Labor protection day: description and history

Labor protection day: description and history

For nine years now, every year 28April is the World Day of Labor Protection. At one time, the International Organization for Occupational Safety decided to draw attention to this problem. After all, the number of deaths and injuries of employees in the workplace is growing every year.

Russia, unfortunately, is not an exception in this regard.In our country, labor protection has a long history. It began still with the Russian Empire, in the distant 1882. It was then that a factory inspection was created, the main task of which, in addition to monitoring, was the control of employers - for compliance with all the rules of labor protection. Children and adolescents, whom in those years were many in factories, were given special attention. In 21 years after this, in 1903, rules were prescribed for providing compensation to those workers who suffered in the workplace. In the event of the death of an employee, compensation was paid to his next of kin.

The history of the same holiday, which is called -Labor Protection Day, began in the US and Canada. In 1989, the trade unions of these countries arranged a "Memorial Day for the Dead Workers". After only ten years, more than one hundred countries of the world have adopted this experience and have become all manner of legitimate ways to draw the attention of statesmen to such a blatant problem as labor protection. And finally, the holiday was celebrated under its modern name - Labor Protection Day. Thus, more and more countries have become aware of the scope that this problem has acquired. Data provided by the International Labor Organization simply shock: about six thousand people in the world die daily at work! And this figure increases every year by 10%. All of these deaths are mostly related to savings on safety equipment, thus the employer reduces the market value of the product, which seems to him extremely beneficial. A hackneyed phrase about the inevitability of occupational diseases should be eradicated from the lexicon of employers once and for all.

The ILO itself is the founder of such a holiday asInternational Labor Day, was created by the structural unit of the League of Nations in the distant 1919. The activists of this organization were the Social Democrats of America and Europe. Its charter was developed by the Commission for the Peace Conference. This charter was included in the Treaty of Versailles.

Today, more than a hundred countries hold rallies,marches, actions in support of workers, and not only on Labor Protection Day. Most enterprises and organizations in Russia actively support such events.

The ILO cites such disappointing data:annually due to accidents and due to diseases caused by professional activity, more than 2 million people die in the world. Plus, 270 suffer from trauma in the workplace. Over 160 million people are registered for medical reasons because of occupational diseases. About 600,000 industrial accidents are registered only in the CIS countries. These far from gloomy figures should make all employers think about the organization of working conditions, and that safety on the worker must first of all be. You just can not save on security, it's unacceptable. And it is at this moment that experts from international services accent employers' attention.

ILO says that 4% of world GDP is lostprecisely as a result of negligent attitude of employers to the conditions of work that are created in the workplace. Also it is worth considering that deaths as a result of accidents and occupational diseases should not be "costs of the profession". And Labor Protection Day is an additional reason to think about the safety of employees in the workplace.

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