/ / Taurine for cats - instructions for use, composition, harm and benefit

Taurine for cats - instructions for use, composition, harm and benefit

To every living organism for a fullexistence requires a number of vitamins. There is a special amino acid for cats - taurine. What is it? What is it for? How correctly to give it? Answers to these and many other questions can be found in this article.

taurine for cats

Basic concept and history of origin

In 1827, specialists of a narrow circle activelywere studying the bile of a bull. From it was extracted a separate substance - taurine acid. Within a few days, its significant benefit was determined for any living organism. Almost in all individuals it is synthesized independently from other amino acids. The exception are cats.

What is taurine? This term means an acid of natural origin. It is mandatory for cats for several reasons:

  • It improves the development of the retina. The visual acuity becomes much better.
  • Ensures the normal functioning of important components of the body: the nervous system, the heart and the brain.
  • Supports the immune system.

taurine in the stern for cats

Taurine for cats is found in high quality foods and natural products. It can be purchased as a biologically active additive.

Lack of Vitamin

If a long time this vitamin will beabsent in the cat's body, then a number of negative factors may arise. In the first place, there are visual problems. The animal begins to see much worse and is poorly oriented in space. There may be problems with digestion. After each meal, as a rule, vomiting reflex is actively manifested. Obvious signs are diarrhea or constipation. The most dangerous symptom is heart failure, accompanied by general weakness, drowsiness and malaise.

vitamins with taurine for cats

If such ailments are observed, it is worthTo immediately enter into the diet vitamins with taurine for cats. Lack of it can lead to the development of serious diseases. In some cases, it is a harbinger of death.

Features of vitamin intake during pregnancy

Vitamin taurine and biotin for cats in a doubleamount needed during pregnancy. Its lack leads to the fact that premature and weak kittens can appear in the light. The condition of the female deteriorates noticeably, it becomes very sluggish, practically does not react to extraneous factors.

cat food with taurine

List of products containing in taurine

In its pure form, this vitamin is contained only inmeat and seafood. With any heat treatment, it disappears. And also there is taurine in the feed for cats. It is worth to carefully study its composition before purchasing. For example, this substance can be found in the following products:

  • "Kitekat".
  • "Night Hunter".
  • "Friskis".

It is recommended to buy liquid food for cats with taurine.

A strong defect of this substance is impossibleto make up for one meal. If the animal has become weakened, signs of molting and lack of appetite have appeared, then you should consult a veterinarian. The clinic will need to pass the necessary tests, the study of which will confirm or refute the deficit of taurine.

If necessary, special active supplements are prescribed. They are sold in specialized pet stores.

Application features

Taurine for cats can be found in two main forms of release: drops and tablets.

vitamins for cats taurine and biotin

The first option is for treatmentdiseases of the retina of the eye. One drop should be applied 2-3 times a day. Naturally, the animal will resist, therefore it is recommended to firmly fix its body. The general course of treatment lasts three months. If during this time the problem could not be eliminated, then you can repeat the procedure after a two-week break.

Dosage in tablets is determined by a specialist,depending on the degree of insufficiency of this vitamin in the body. Making a cat eat a medicine is almost impossible. It is recommended to add it to food or dilute with a little water.

Possible side effects

Almost all individuals tolerate this biologically active additive well. In rare cases, side effects occur in the form of an allergic reaction (itching, sneezing, redness) or diarrhea.

Preventive measures

Deficiency of taurine in a cat is better prevented, rather than then treated for a long time. There are special preventive measures to control its content:

vitamins for cats taurine and biotin

  • It is not necessary to feed the animal only with food. Without fail, various types of meat (turkey, chicken, rabbit) should be present in its diet.
  • It is not recommended to freeze this natural product in the freezer. Hot and cold treatment markedly reduces the content of this vitamin.
  • Do not cut it into small pieces, it will also lead to the destruction of nutrients.

It should provide for the pet the most useful and rich food. Only in this case it will be possible to avoid many diseases, including vitamin deficiency.

Important Tips

Of particular importance is taurine for cats, since this substance can not be synthesized on its own. It is worth paying attention to several rules for its introduction into the diet:

  • This medication is sold in pharmacies without a prescription.This does not mean that you can buy it and give it to the animal absolutely with any ailments. The additive can be given only for the purpose of a specialist, after a comprehensive diagnostic study.
  • It is strongly recommended not to miss the receptionvitamin, since the effectiveness of treatment will noticeably decrease. If this can not be avoided, then in no case should the animal be given a double dose of the medicine at the same time to fill this gap.
  • You should carefully monitor the pet forseveral days after taking the supplement. If there is frequent diarrhea, then you should stop taking it. You should consult a specialist for treatment correction.

Cats are the most common pets. They are always affectionate, sweet and kind. Is it possible to allow this charming creature to suffer from a deficiency of taurine in the body ?!

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