/ / The trailer for the ATV with your own hands. The trailer for a quadrocycle self-made

Trailer for the ATV with your own hands. The trailer for a quadrocycle self-made

Quad bike is a powerful four-wheeled vehicle,with a high cross. Owners of it very much love for unpretentiousness and durability. Such transport can be used to transport rather serious cargo, but this requires a special trailer for the ATV. Assistance in the household from such an acquisition will be great, because the power of the ATV is enough to transport loads weighing a thousand pounds. There remains only one question - the trailer.

Trailer for ATV: what and how should it look like

Trailer - this is a box on wheels, on whichit is possible to transport not too oversized cargo. It is usually attached from behind. The ATV trailer differs from the automobile or some other transport only in size. This is a very important factor. If the trailer is wider than the quadric itself, it will not be very maneuverable, and in narrow places where only an ATV can drive, it will get stuck. If it is just smaller, then there will be no benefit from it. Or rather, it will be, but you do not pull large loads on such a trailer.

trailer for the ATV with your own hands

Why is it worth considering a self-made trailer for an ATV

In the market and in specialized stores inabundant trailers for the ATV are being sold. They will fit in size, lift the body through hydraulics and have many other accessories, but the price of such a product remains sky-high. In various towns and small towns, where the ATV is the most in demand with a good trailer, the sum of one and a half to two thousand dollars is unattainable (this is, if we talk about the most ordinary trailers). Transportation with various lotions are much more expensive. Their price is not less than three thousand dollars.

trailer for ATV trailer options

No exit!It remains only one thing: to make a trailer for the ATV with your own hands. This approach will save a lot of money. In addition, the trailer for the ATV with its own hands will be executed as the owner wants. It will perform all the necessary functions.

If somewhere in the swamp or mud the trailer is still stuck, you can throw it with a clear conscience and not suffer with it. This is another plus of home-making.

ATV Trailer: Trailer Options

There are several variants of trailers (generally theirmany, it's a matter of fantasy), differing in design, materials of manufacture and practicality. If desired, everyone can make a trailer for the ATV with their own hands. Equipment, tools and the ability to use them - that's the main question when creating such a homemade.

Mini trailer for ATV with own hands

The easiest option for transportation is"trough" option. A little more difficult will already make a classic, which is very similar to the simplest car trailer. This will already serve a very long time. In a classic trailer, you can already carry fairly heavy loads, which significantly increases the effectiveness of this homemade product.

"Trough" version of the trailer

The "trough" version is awheels. Such a trailer will cost more, as many parts will have to be bought. But everyone can make it. To make such a thing, you do not have to work much, it is very simple to manufacture. First you need to buy the body itself. In any construction shop you can buy a large iron trough (something like a bath). This will serve as a bodywork. It is important that such a bath does not exceed the width of the ATV itself, but it was about the same. This will allow you to maneuver freely in any conditions.

trailer for the ATV with your own hands equipment

Then you need to weld from a square metalbeam (of this type of rolled metal) rectangular frame around the perimeter of the bottom of the trough. It will not be very difficult. Axis for the future trailer is best to buy in car services or ask to make a familiar craftsman, as you can pick up problems with the suspension and mountings. To do this, you need a lot of experience. If it is, it will save money again.

Secure the trough and the steel frame with bolts.Drill need to make a couple of holes in the bottom and in the appropriate places on the frame. At this stage accuracy is very important, so it is better to measure everything several times, so that there are no distortions that can cause cracks due to exploitation. Drill holes in the bottom and on the iron profile, you can insert the bolts into the holes and tighten them with nuts. It is very important to tighten the nuts well so that they do not loosen up when driving.

Attach the trough to the ATV

The last step is to attach the drawbar to the body.The dashlo is a beam that holds the tractor and the trailer. It can be made from the same square bar, only the thickness of the walls needs to be taken a little more, since at the turns on this part a large load will be transferred. With a welding machine, the drawbar is welded to the bottom of the trough. Also, to strengthen the structure, you can weld additional fasteners at an angle of forty-five degrees.

The trailer for the ATV is homemade, like everything elseother trailers, connects to the main transport thanks to a special hitch and a hitch. This mechanism is freely sold in the market or in stores. It can also be removed from old cars. The principle of installation is simple: the ball of the Towbar is screwed or welded to the rear beam of the ATV, and the hitch is screwed to the drawbar. Now the trailer for the ATV with its own hands can safely pull loads. It should be borne in mind that this option will not be too heavy lifting, as the design is a bit flimsy. But it can not carry very heavy loads. Sacks with cement and other building materials will fit in the back.

trailer for self-made ATV

We make a trailer for ATV: the classic variant

The classic trailer is an ordinary iron box on wheels. This option will already be more load-lifting and reliable, but efforts to create it will take more.

How to make an axis for a classic trailer?

It is necessary to buy an axle with a rubber-harness suspension. Such axes will be quite cheap. This type of suspension will be the most optimal for the trailer.

All axes that will be sold are not wide in widthfit, so they still have to be shortened. Here it is necessary to calculate so that with the wheels the width of the carriage does not exceed the ATV itself. It turns out such a mini-trailer for the ATV, made with his own hands, with a shortened axle.

From this axis, it is necessary to cut out the central part,initially all the calculations. After that, it became shorter. To connect them, you need to pick up a metal pipe of this diameter, so that the semi-axes enter there without backlash. Inserting the semiaxes into the pipe directly in the center, you need to weld the ends. It is important to fill the water during welding, so that the rubber rollers do not melt.

we make trailer for ATV

Then the shaft is welded to the axis at right angles. It is made of a thicker square metal bar. Then all this is welded to the substrate.

We make a body for a trailer

The body of the trailer is made according to the needsowner. If this is an ordinary cargo trailer for an ATV, created by oneself, everything is done according to the scheme. First, we weld a solid frame from a square metal bar, then weld an axle to this frame. On the frame weld the remaining parts: the sides and bottom. When working on the body of the trailer, it is worth considering the thickness of the sheet iron serving for the bottom and sides. Again, it is calculated from the needs of the owner: the greater the gravity is planned to be transported, the more there should be a steel sheet.

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