/ / Baby food "Gerber" (puree): reviews of specialists

Baby food "Gerber" (mashed potatoes): reviews of specialists

The first complementary food plays an important role in the formation ofimmunity, as well as in the physical and mental development of the baby. That is why it is important that acquaintance of the child with adult food begins with really high-quality products, to which the baby puree "Gerber" belongs.

History of the brand

Almost 90 years ago, in the distant 1927, beganhistory of the Gerber trademark. And it happened in the US state of Michigan thanks to the wife of the owner of a cannery. Dorothy Gerber was just preparing mashed potatoes for her six-month-old child, when she came up with a brilliant idea: why not try to make this baby dish at her husband's enterprise?

gerberas puree

The first batch of such food,1928, had a stunning success. At first the assortment of products "Gerber" consisted of 5 kinds of puree: from carrots, spinach, green peas, prunes and beef soup. Most parents liked the idea and taste qualities of canned dishes so much that gradually the company began to increase its assortment.

To date, baby food "Gerber", "photo of which is presented in the article, has more than 500 kinds of products, which is presented in 30 countries of the world. At least 80 of them are offered on the Russian market.

Secrets of production and quality "Gerber"

The Gerber brand follows all standardsquality, which are imposed on the products of baby food in every country in the world. Specialists of the plants control the entire process of puree production, from seed preparation to the production of the next batch of jars.

baby puree gerber отзывы

There are several key secrets to the success of the Gerber trademark:

  • The exceptional quality of all products thatguarantees each country-producer "Gerber". Gerber baby food is the result of close cooperation with the best suppliers of vegetables and fruits grown in ecologically clean areas. Moms can be sure that only safe, fresh and quality raw materials are delivered to Gerber factories.
  • Particular attention is paid directly tothe process of production of mashed potatoes. Baby food is prepared in conditions of absolute sterility. Quality control of products is carried out in special laboratories located directly in the production.
  • Specialists of plants in different countries took careabout how to diversify the food "Gerber". The manufacturer offers a wide assortment of puree in traditional jars and in soft packaging. The Gerber company, when making a new menu, does not forget to listen to the opinion of moms who know best about their baby's preferences in food.

Classification of products

The company "Gerber" produces a wide range of baby food, which includes:

  • one-component puree (fruit and vegetable);
  • multicomponent fruit and vegetable purees;
  • fruit purees in soft packaging;
  • vegetables with meat;
  • fruit and milk desserts.
    baby food gerber

Depending on the age, all Gerber products are classified in a certain way.

  • The first stage includes the assortment of baby food from which pediatricians recommend starting a lure.
  • From 6 months, the products "Gerber" (fruit and vegetable purees) are offered, which is introduced at the next stage after the first feeding, but not before the onset of 6 months of age.
  • From 8 months, a puree is recommended, which introduces the baby to new products.
  • From the 9 months the next stage begins at the stage of introduction of complementary foods.
  • From 10 months, puree is shown, which is very popular with grown-up babies.

To understand what kind of food is intended for a child of a certain age is not at all difficult. This information is indicated on the label of each jar of mashed potatoes: the first step, 6, 8, 9 or 10 months.

First lure with Gerber

With the problem of choosing a quality baby foodsooner or later every mother comes across. If the baby is exclusively breastfed, gains weight well, pediatricians recommend introducing complementary foods when they reach six months of age. But for children on artificial or mixed feeding acquaintance with adult food occurs earlier. It was for them, and was developed food "Gerber" from 4 months. From this age, you can gradually introduce into the diet vegetables and fruits, which are important for the health and development of the child. They are sources of vitamins, macro- and microelements, which are necessary for the growth of the baby.

baby food gerber photo

Puree for the first complementary food has a special marking on the jar "First Step" and is represented by the following product range:

  • One-component fruit and vegetable purees: apple, pear, peach, prunes, carrots and zucchini.
  • Fruit puree in soft packaging: apple.
  • Multicomponent fruit and vegetable purees: apple and zucchini, zucchini with milk, cauliflower and potatoes, broccoli and zucchini, apple and peach, apple and pear and others (total 14 items).

One-component and multi-component puree

Acquaintance of the kid with an adult table beginsonly with a one-component puree. As a rule, pediatricians recommend starting lure with an apple. It is important that the cooked mashed potatoes meet all the quality and safety requirements that are imposed on baby food. These criteria are fully consistent with the products of "Gerber".

Puree one-component from the world's leadingthe manufacturer is allowed to include in the baby's diet from 4 months already. These are such kinds of baby food as an apple, pear, peach, prune, zucchini and carrots. Already in 6 months to the presented assortment the puree from a banana is added.

food gerberas from 4 months
When the baby is already familiar with the one-componentpuree, it does not have any allergic reactions and upset of the stool, you can go to the next stage of complementary feeding. It consists in introducing a multicomponent puree into the diet. In the assortment of "Gerber" products several types of such baby food are presented, which are recommended from 4 months (apple and pear, apple and peach, apple and pumpkin, zucchini and apple, etc.) and six months of age (apple, apricot and banana).

One-component and multi-component purees are able not only to facilitate the work of the mother, save time needed to prepare the dish, but also make the baby's diet useful and varied.

Fruit purees in soft packaging

Along with mashed potatoes in glass jars, the companyGerber produces products in soft packaging. It has a number of advantages over the traditional feed from Gerber. The mashed potatoes are identical, regardless of packaging according to their taste.

First, soft packaging is convenient and practical.You can not worry about the fact that the jar with mashed potatoes will break, and the contents will spill. Baby food in a soft package is convenient to take with you for a walk or a trip. It takes up a minimum of space in the travel bag.

food gerbera manufacturer
Secondly, thanks to soft packaging, the baby learnseat independently, developing at the same time the motor skills of the hands. It is not necessary to use a spoon. Fruit purees in soft packaging are represented by a wide assortment. From the age of 4 months, babies are invited to try an apple, and from 6 months, you can introduce 5 new types of puree.

A full-fledged diet for a baby from Gerber

Baby food "Gerber" - is not only puree in jars and soft packaging, intended for the introduction of the first complementary foods. This is a real full-fledged diet for a small gourmet.

For the main meal is offered puree fromseries "Vegetables with meat." It is recommended to enter it after acquaintance with one-component and multicomponent nutrition, but not earlier than 6 months. The following products are represented in the assortment of the product: Gerber: spaghetti puree with chicken, vegetables stewed with beef, tender vegetables with rabbit, etc.

gerber baby food customer reviews
After lunch, the baby can enjoy himselfa real fruit and milk dessert. Apricot, peach, banana, strawberry with cottage cheese and a special yogurt puree will surely please even the most capricious child. A full ration of "Gerber" will allow each mother to pay more attention to the development of the child, and not to spend it, standing at the stove.

"Gerber" (baby food): customer reviews

Parents who have already tried productsGerber, most of them were satisfied with her. They confirm that the puree of the brand Gerber has a natural composition, pleasant taste, a delicate texture. And the jar is very compact. The kid completely eats his portion, and, thus, you do not have to overpay for excess volume.

Children's puree "Gerber", reviews about which inmost of its positive, does not suit buyers only high price. But, as you know, you have to pay for quality. And this is truly a golden truth.

Baby food "Gerber": reviews of specialists

Difficulties with the introduction of the first complementary food ariseat mums of children-allergikov. They need to choose only those vegetables and fruits that will be safe for the child. Therefore, most pediatricians recommend introducing into the diet of babies prone to allergies, namely puree of the Gerber trademark, considering it the best alternative to home cooking.

It is proved that Gerber products are manufacturedexclusively from environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic vegetables and fruits. Thanks to this, children do not have rashes on the skin, the stool is normal, there is no pain in the abdomen. This is confirmed not only by feedback from buyers, but also by pediatricians.

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