/ / The name of the group in kindergarten - how to choose?

The name of the group in kindergarten - how to choose?

The name of the group in the kindergarten is largevalue. Both adults and children are much more interesting when instead of the usual "junior group" or "group number 2" some interesting name sounds. Then there is an individuality. To come up with something new and original is a work that is sophisticated and subtle, requiring thoughtfulness. After all, as a ship you will name ... Now practically all children's establishments refuse the standard numbering. So what are the principles of this choice?

name of the group in kindergarten
First, the name should be associated withconcepts "childhood" and "happiness", to be euphonious and understandable guys. For example: "Rostock", "Joy", "Smile", "Flowers of life", "Our children", "Kinderly land", "Vorobushki", "Pants on the straps". When naming, you can not infringe someone else's copyrights. It is known that several Russian children's institutions have already received claims from Ilya Reznik for using the name "A Little Country".

Secondly, it is desirable that the name of the group in theThe kindergarten corresponded to the general style of a children's institution. If the kindergarten is "Fairy Tale", then it is logical to name the groups "Alyonushka", "Winnie the Pooh", "Thumbelina", "Cinderella", "Emerald City". And for "Birches" or "Polyanka", all kinds of "Berry", "Zemlyanichki", "Ladybugs" and "Borovichki" will be appropriate.

the older group of the name kindergarten
Thirdly, the name reflects the characteristiccollective, its orientation, for example, if the group is logopedic, linguistic, creative, then the name should be given the appropriate name: "Bukvoshki", "First Steps", "Watercolors", "Harmony", "Notki", "Drawers", or " Newbe »(Beginner). Fourthly, it should be borne in mind that the name of the group in the kindergarten presupposes an appropriate design. If the room is already decorated in a certain style, then the group in it will have to be given a name that corresponds to the design.

Well, the last question affecting naming.For what period does the group name in the kindergarten: for the entire period of its stay in the institution, or does the collective change the tablets every year as the children grow up? For each children's institution, this issue is resolved independently. The second option is more often used, when the name of the group in the kindergarten is selected by age.

For younger children, they usually usediminutively caressing names. Some institutions attract parents to this process. The main rule - the name should be simple, understandable to young children, not too cunning and original. It is prudent to use the names of plants, animals known to children of this age, or the names of cartoon characters. For example: "My kitten", "Baby-candy", "Belchata", "Vorobyshki", "Winnie", "Little Dog", "Angel", "Karapuziki", "Dandelion", "Frog".

original group names

At the age of 4-5 years, children can already take partin the selection of a name for his group. It is not necessary to take their idea, but they need to be asked. Perhaps, it is the options of the children who will prompt the right word. Choose a neutral name in the sexual sense, which will satisfy both boys and girls. At this age, we allow a transition to more abstract ideas. It is offered: "Shustricks and mumbos", "Postrelyata", "Madagascar", "Pochemuchki", "Kubiki", "Smeshariki", "Sputnik".

Leaves children's subjects closer to schoolthe senior group of a kindergarten. The names become more serious. Children grow up and are fully capable of participating in the process on all rights. You can invite them not only to come up with their own original group names, but also the motto and design elements. This task develops wit, imagination preschool, teaches them to defend their opinions, listen to others, correctly accept victory or defeat. Suitable examples for elders: Hercules, Toddlers school, Bukvariki, Asta la Vista, baby !, Bambini club, Fantasers, Kinderland, Neposedy, Znayki and others. .

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