/ / Decanters for wine - vessels for the awakening of the divine drink

Decanters for wine - vessels for the awakening of the divine drink

The blood of Jesus, the drink of the gods, the substance, inwhich, according to the philosopher Pliny the Elder, holds true - all this wine, an amazing creation of nature and human hands. About it you can talk endlessly, because each individual wine has its own history, written over the centuries.

Decanters for wine

But today we will limit ourselves to a story about not veryA popular accessory that has a direct bearing on the culture of supplying noble drinks. This decanter decanter - a vessel, absolutely necessary for true connoisseurs of the divine drink. It is in it, and not in the bottle, that wine should be served on the table.

So, decanters for wine

В хорошем ресторане можно наблюдать, как the sommelier is sacred: slowly and carefully he pours a precious drink from a bottle into a special carafe, and only after a certain period of time serves the guests. This procedure is called decantation, or decanting. Its main practical goal is to obtain pure wine, without particles of sediment, formed naturally in separate bottles.

When decanting mature wines sommelier by traditionTracking the progress of sediment to the neck of the bottle in the soft light of a wax candle, and at the right time stops the transfusion into the decanter. After a short time, the wine from the vessel gently poured into the glasses, and the particles of the sediment, which came from the bottle, remain on its bottom. The decanting of old wine needs a particularly cautious approach, in order to pour it, do not break the delicate balance and harmony of the bouquet.

Decanter price

For young tannin wines with potentialprolonged exposure, the transfusion into the decanter is carried out not to separate the sediment, but to effectively saturate with oxygen. This helps them to reveal themselves and demonstrate the complexity of the fragrance and nobility of taste. To accelerate the process of aeration, the transfusion into the decanters for wine is made quickly, certainly in advance, that is, not later than 1-3 hours before serving. During this time the young drink has time to be saturated with oxygen and, as the sommelier says, "blossom" in the decanter, having got rid of harsh tones and tannin.

In the assortment of producers of wine accessoriesfans of decanting can find the simplest glass decanter, and the author's exclusive decanter. The price of them depends on the complexity of the form, material and even the flow of fashion. It ranges from a few hundred rubles to several thousand. The best decanters for wine are made by hand from crystal clear glass or crystal. Often, glass blowers give them the most bizarre shape, of course, while retaining the necessary functionality. In principle, to fulfill the role assigned to them, two basic types of decanters are needed, so that all other decanters for wine are just variations. The shape of the vessel is chosen depending on the variety of the drink and the way it is decanted.

Decanter decanter

Thus, decanters for unrevealed young wines havea wide lower part and a neck, widening in the form of a funnel. Vessels for mature wine, well seasoned and already saturated with oxygen during long-term storage, usually have the form of a bowl or decanter with a narrow neck. This throat regulates the flow of air, which allows very carefully "wake up" the aroma of a noble old drink. From the point of view of hedonism and aesthetics, for people, decanting is a beautiful ritual that can enrich the wine experience and bring pleasure, and for wine - the opportunity to breathe and restore balance, in a word, blossom like a bud flower.

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