/ / Homemade wine from gooseberries: a recipe for a successful drink

Homemade wine from gooseberry: a recipe for a successful drink

Drink, considered in this article,it turns out very tasty and quite healthy. The recipe for wine from gooseberries allows you to use berries of different varieties, the main condition is their ripeness. Adjust the percentage of alcohol and sugar content can be added to the product water. In other respects recipes are distinguished by the presence

Homemade wine from gooseberries: recipe
other components that allow changing the taste. Let's consider some basic variants of preparation.

Homemade wine from gooseberry

The recipe for table wine involves the use ofa half kilogram of berries, four hundred grams of granulated sugar and seven hundred and fifty milliliters of water. From the specified quantity of products it will turn out two liters of wine. So, let's figure out how to make wine from gooseberry. In two hundred and fifty milliliters of water, you need to dissolve the sugar, and use the rest of the liquid for infusion. Shredded berries along with the juice obtained in the process should be diluted with warm water. After a couple of days, the berries are required to squeeze and add another three hundred milliliters of hot water to the remaining cake. The resulting juice should be mixed with what was obtained from the previous process. Sweet water should be divided into three parts and added at each stage of the preparation of juice along with the usual warmed-up liquid. If you want to make a dessert drink, the amount of sugar is recommended to be increased by one hundred and fifty grams, without changing the amount of water. Fermented beverage can be

how to make wine from gooseberry
pour into bottles and put away for storage. Keep in mind that it should be consumed within two years, it will not last longer than this period.

Homemade wine from gooseberries: a recipe for an amber drink

You will need six kilograms of yellowgooseberries, five kilograms of sugar, four lemons, ten liters of water. Rinse thoroughly and pick berries, chop them, add a kilogram of sugar and pour water. Leave for ten days at room temperature, sealed with a sealed plug. After that, add the remaining sugar, dissolving it in the cast wort and adding there zest and juice of four lemons. Place the wine under the water seal until the fermentation is complete. Almost ready-made homemade wine from gooseberry recipe recommends to filter and stand for two days in a cool place, then pour into bottles and put away for storage.

recipe for wine from gooseberry
Homemade wine from gooseberry: a recipe for making a drink from green berries

This recipe will suit you in case youstill decided to prepare a fragrant drink from berries, which had not yet fully ripened. Take five kilograms of green gooseberries, four kilograms of sugar, five liters of water. Rinse and rastolkute berries, pour a kilogram of sugar and pour water. You can add wine yeast. Soak the wort for ten days, pour off a little and stir the remains of sugar in the cast part. Close the lid with a rubber tube, one end of which must be in the wine, and the other in the jar with water. Wait until the end of fermentation, strain, two days in a cool and bottled for storage.

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