Compote is a pleasant and healthy drink.It perfectly quenches thirst and refreshes in the summer heat and nourishes us with much-needed vitamins in winter and in the off-season. Sweet, with an obligatory sour taste, compote becomes a favorite treat for the whole family, and not just kids, as many might think. It can be harvested from almost all berries and fruits. But it is amazingly delicious, he comes from a royal berry - gooseberries.
Compote "kozhovenny ordinary"
For this drink, ripe fruits are usually taken, butsolid. They need to be well sorted and thoroughly washed, since on berries often there is a gray bloom. To close the compote of gooseberry, for each kilogram of berries requires half a kilogram of sugar. The prepared products are covered in cans, filling them with 1/3. Then they report the sugar, distributing equally among the tanks (we divide the grams from this calculation). Alternatively, the syrup can be prepared separately, by calculating how much water you need for your quantity and the dimensions of the cans in which you prepare the compote from gooseberry. Before the beginning of the neck fill the containers with liquid and sterilize: half-liter - 10 minutes, liter - 15, 3-liter - half an hour. Then roll up, turn over, cover with a blanket or a coverlet, and in a day put in the cellar.
Gooseberries with vanilla
Original compote from gooseberry will be obtained, ifberries canned with vanilla pods, melissa and rum. 2.5 kg of the main product requires sugar 4 cups, a handful of lemon balm (fresh), a liter of rum, half a vanilla pod on each jar. The rules of preparation for canning are already known to you. At the beginning berries are packaged. In the compote of gooseberries for this recipe, they are taken a little greenish. Then sugar is distributed. Several leaves or twigs of greens are falling asleep, vanilla is put. If there is no pomegranate, it will fit in bags. Approximately half a pack per jar. Then rum is distributed, water is added last. Sterilize the cans for 20 minutes, then roll up. Closed in this way compote will be well preserved for about one and a half years in a dry cool room.
Gooseberries with strawberries
How to brew compote of gooseberry to make itit turned out more saturated to taste? To this end, you can combine berries of several kinds. For example, with strawberries. For 1 kg of gooseberries is taken 700-750 g of this berry and a kilogram of sugar. Fruit to sort, dry, distribute to the banks. Pour the syrup (sugar dissolve and boil in 2 liters of water). Sterilization should be carried out as follows: banks of 3 liters - 25 minutes, 1 liter - 18-20 minutes. Close with tin lids, cover, let cool and take it to the cellar or pantry.
Gooseberries with pears
And finally one more interesting recipe:how to make compote of gooseberries with pears. Ingredients: pears ripe, sweet - 2 kilograms, berries - 1 kilogram. Sugar - a glass on a 3-liter jar. Pears to clean, cut into slices or quarters. Distribute them to cans, add washed and dried gooseberries, sugar and water. Sterilize for 15-20 minutes, close. It is important in a week and a half to check the banks for "bombing".
Enjoy a tasty and useful compote!