/ / Washing powder for children: rating, reviews, prices

Children's powder washing: rating, reviews, prices

The skin of the baby is sensitive to the effects of variouschemical preparations. With them, he joins in the first place through food and clothing. A young mother faces a problem. I want clothes for the baby was clean and beautiful. This can make synthetic powders, created from the so-called "chemistry". But they are harmful to the skin. Natural remedies (household soap) do not seem to cause harm, but they are of little use. The appearance of products suffers from such washing. Now on sale there is a plenty of washing powders. Each manufacturer claims that it is his washing powder that is environmentally friendly. The rating of user sympathies speaks about the priorities of a certain range of consumers. How to find the golden mean, and is it there?

Harm from powders

Harmful substances through the skin enter the body of the child and poison it. There may be rashes or atopic dermatitis. The metabolism may be disturbed.

Иногда возникают проблемы с почками.They can not cope with cleaning the body of harmful substances that contains detergent powder. The rating compiled by the parents makes it possible to find the safest means.

Harm caused to the body of a child by powders can be reduced by following simple recommendations.

The rules of washing children's things

  • Children's clothes are washed separately from adults.
  • Powder for washing children's things should not have a smell. Well, if it is phosphate-free or has a small number of them in its composition.
  • Wash children's clothes at around 40 ° C.
  • It is not necessary to starch.
  • After washing clothes are ironed with steam on both sides. Especially it concerns clothes for the smallest.
  • Spots should first be washed with powder or laundry soap. But be careful. On poorly colored things from soap, not only the stain, but also the paint is removed.
  • Bleaching is best not to use at all, especially the first six months.
  • The conditioner for giving softness can be used only for children, apply it only if the water is very tight.
  • Children's clothes need to be thoroughly rinsed. If you do this with a washing machine, you need to repeat the rinse once or twice.
  • If a child still has problems withskin, possibly, they are caused by chlorine, which is in the water, as well as in the powder. In this case, clothes after rinsing should be dipped in boiling water. Chlorine under its influence will evaporate and will not harm the skin of the baby.
  • All the clothes of a child are better divided into homework andelegant, on the way out. Feed it better at home. If the child spills the juice, quickly remove the blouse and spill it with boiling water until the stain disappears. When it brightens strongly, you can leave clothes in hot water for a while until it disappears completely. Do not use household soap.
  • The spots on the sliders are digested in a solution of laundry soap with the addition of a small amount of soda ash.
  • Если на домашней кофточке осталось пятно после washing, there are two options: do not pay attention to it or throw it away. Risking, using a strong stain remover, is not worth it. Especially if the child already had skin problems.
  • Smart clothes, on which there are no stains, are erased with a minimal addition of powder.

Harmful substances in detergents

Мы живем в век химии. Она пролазит всюду.Using foods, you can never be sure of their full ecological purity. And we can not talk about the means of household chemicals. But it's one thing when you wash the closet door with such a means, and it's completely different if you wash your underwear with your beloved child. Therefore with such attention choose a washing powder. Rating, prices can help choose quality. It can not be said that the most expensive is the best. But still the cheapest is definitely not the best.

Particularly dangerous are anionic surfactants.They stay in the child's body for four days. In this case, phosphates help the surfactant penetrate through the skin and accumulate on the fibers of various body tissues. And the washing powder is to blame for this. The rating of these products says that people are afraid of phosphate funds. Now the phosphates have been replaced with phosphonates. They are considered less dangerous for the body. Or less studied.

Reviews of some customers say that the high-quality washing powder for better imported from Germany, as in the production of joint production of phosphates added to more than any norms.


The rating of washing powders for children is headed by:

  • "DAKOS" is a phosphate-free powder.

liquid laundry detergent rating

  • Amway baby. American powder without phosphates. Contains a less dangerous phosphonate, hypoallergenic. You can wash your hands and machine.
  • Persil sensitive odorless. Good erases, hypoallergenic.

washing powder price

  • Special Bebe - production of France.
  • "Daughter."
  • "Burti" »German manufacturer, safe.
  • Easy Life - a paste for washing, gives a very good effect.
  • Luxus (concentrate) is a German-made product (Oricont GmbH).
  • "Liby".
  • "Mara" is a Belarusian washing powder. Good washing stains, no odor.
  • "Chistown" is advertised as a powder fromnatural components. In its composition a third of soap, 60% of soda, 0.2% of citric acid. But the phrase "natural soap" causes criticism of specialists, because instead of this name one should write the components of soap: fat and alkali. Perhaps this is just a marketing move, because soap consumers trust more than some kind of alkali.
    rating of washing powders for children
  • SODASAN is a German powder without phosphates.It is designed for washing colored baby clothes at a temperature of 30 °. It has no smell. It makes the laundry soft, preserves its color. The packing price of 1,2 kg is 230 UAH. But consumers complain about the poor quality of washing and the unpleasant smell of things.
  • Royal Powder of Ukrainian production. Reviews say that he is inferior to Sadosan only in price. But this is not cheap powder.
  • "Eared Nanny." Manufacturer of Nevskaya Cosmetics.Phosphate contains, but in small amounts. It is very popular, and many children do not cause any allergic reactions. But the reviews of many consumers indicate that when it is used, the skin of the child dries out, often there are red rashes.

ecological washing powder rating

Rating of children's washing powders for newborns

  • "World of childhood" with soap has no phosphates.Good for washing characteristic of newborn spots. But does not cope with traces of greenery and bright juice. The price of a package weighing 400 g is 140 rubles. You need to rinse in the "super-rinse" mode. Ecological laundry powder.

rating of detergent powders for newborns

  • Рейтинг продолжает «Аистенок», который собирает good parents' feedback. Aloe vera extract softens things like air conditioning. The price is 50 rubles for 400 g. The manufacturer is ZAO "Aist", Russia. Virtually no smell this washing powder.

powder washing rating

  • The rating is completed by the Karapuz.Presumably it is intended for washing clothes for newborns. But the parents' testimonies indicate that even dry powder causes an allergy. It causes sneezing and itching in the nasopharynx. He completes the rating of detergent powders for newborns.

Liquid agents

The rating of liquid detergent powders is headed by:

  • Luxus concentrated from Yanki Polish is recommended from birth and older. Wash in warm water things of different colors.
  • Concentrated Balance, which does not have phosphates, flavors. Manufacturer Ringuva. Easily splits.
  • "Our mother" with soap shavings. Concentrated, with silver ions, a decoction of chamomile and string. The price is 350 rubles.

rating of children's washing powders for newborns

  • There is a liquid form of washing means "Eared Nanny".

Buying powder for washing children's things, look for it on the mark of international organizations certification organic.

Soap nuts

More and more young mothers, frightened by the presence ofphosphates in powders, Indian soap nuts are used for washing - soap-tree fruits, which have a lot of natural saponin foaming agents. They are completely harmless. Have bactericidal, healing, anti-inflammatory effect. Of the shortcomings - they need to brew.

Features of washing in besfosfatnyh powders

If, after washing in the usual powders, you decide to use phosphate-free ones, you need to soak the first five washings in this powder for 12 hours. Then it will not turn gray.

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