/ / What does the crying of a child mean?

What does the crying of a child mean?

If the baby cries, mom and all the homemade right thereleave all the cases and rush to find out why the baby is flooded with tears. And it is right. After all, a small child just crying can bring important information to adults. He cries if he is hungry, if something hurts or is simply bored and needs attention. Let's figure out what the crying baby-babe means.

Causes of crying a child

Crying child
A small, newly born, child is still quitehe does not know how to talk. But he can communicate with the world, inform about his desires and feelings. And this is happening with the help of crying. It is for this emotion that you can find out what the child wants at the moment. Perhaps he needs attention or needs medical attention. We will find out why the infant is crying, what are the reasons?

First, if the baby is crying and screaming loudly,then he can be hungry. This baby crying is very loud and usually begins suddenly, for no reason. It is enough to give the baby food (breast or bottle with a pacifier full of food), as he pauses and starts eating with a special appetite.

Secondly, the baby with the help of crying tries to attract attention. Perhaps he was bored, and all the toys were boring. Maybe he wants to feel my mother's scent and feel the warmth of her body.

Third, the child cries if frozen or, conversely, too wrapped up, and it's hot. And then the temperature of the baby's calf will tell.

Fourth, he will cry if something hurts.Perhaps the child just hit or is uncomfortable lying. For example, on a wrapped diaper that presses on the skin. However, there are more serious situations. We will tell in more detail in which cases parents should assess the situation and urgently take action.

Crying? Cause for concern

The baby cries after bathing
When a child sometimes cries and fits,Do not worry. You just need to understand the cause of the anxiety and eliminate it. But it happens, when parents need to assess the situation with responsibility and attention and urgently take measures.

If the child has a high fever, and thisaccompanied by a loud cry, you must immediately bring down the temperature and call an ambulance. For babies it is dangerous, if during crying the body gets a bluish tint, and the limbs become cold. If the baby's crying is prolonged, it seems to choke and wheeze, vomiting appears, and it spits out undigested milk, a doctor's examination and hospitalization are urgently needed.

Parents should be on their guard if the child's cry does not stop more than 15 minutes. You should also pay attention to the fontanel. If it sinks and pulsates violently - induce resuscitation of infants.

Bathing and crying

Why does an infant cry?
Many mothers notice that their babies cry andburst into tears after bathing. In fact, the answer is obvious and is on the surface. For babies, water is a familiar medium. They love water, they like to be in it, to swim and swim. In the water, children calm down and relax, here they feel protected. If a child cries after bathing, then he just does not want to interrupt this pleasant procedure.

It should be noted that after bathing a child cancry if it's frozen. Also, one can not exclude the fact that many mothers incorrectly bathe their infants. The child during the stay in the bath could be frightened or experiencing an unpleasant emotion, for example, soap fell into the eyes and pinched them. Agree, the feelings are unpleasant. How not to burst into tears!

In a word, mothers need to be attentive to their baby. A little patience, and you will learn to understand the unique language of the newly born little man, which is expressed in weeping.

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