/ / Twins Pregnancy by Week

Pregnancy twins by week

In the life of any woman,pregnancy. It is impossible to fully describe the feelings of a woman who learns that she is pregnant with twins. Perhaps someone thinks that she should be happy about this event. However, most often parents of twins or twins experience fear, confusion and discouragement. Such feelings should in no case be scared or embarrassed. Such a reaction is normal for any person. After all, the parents of two small children are responsible for the double responsibility for health and life. Quite quickly you will get used to this idea and accept this fact. After that, people tend to experience committed other, positive emotions.

The pregnancy of twins, for weeks, always has its ownfeatures. This is how it differs from the usual. Further in the article, a multiple pregnancy will be described, the reasons for this phenomenon, the developmental features of babies in such a situation. The more information about the pregnancy of twins will be with the parents, the easier it will be for the future mother to transfer her position.

To begin with it is necessary to tell, that suchmultiple pregnancy. At least once in their lives, most people have heard of the birth of twins or twins. What are they different from each other? Everyone knows that fertilization occurs only after the ovum is fertilized by the spermatozoon. So, some women simultaneously mature two, or even three, ovules. They can also be fertilized by spermatozoa at the same time. Each egg is fertilized by one of them. Such fertilized eggs have completely different genetic code. In this situation, twins are born. They can differ from each other by the color of the eyes, height and physique. The floor can be the same or different. Such a pregnancy by specialists is called dizygotic.

The second case.Only one mature ovum was fertilized. In this case, only one child should be born. But sometimes in the woman's body there is a certain failure. As a result, the egg simply divides into two identical halves. They continue to develop in a normal way. Since the sperm that fertilized one egg, there was only one, the genetic code for the kids would be exactly the same. Thus, parents have twins. They can not be of different sexes. Babies often suffer from the same diseases, they have the same birthmark in the same places, and so on. This type of pregnancy is considered to be monozygotic. It is easy for specialists to recognize di and monozygotic children.

Pregnancy twins by week.

In the first eight weeks of pregnancy,The embryo has a length of two to three centimeters. The weight of each fruit is slightly less than five grams. In these weeks, their kidneys, brain, urethra, handles, legs begin to develop. When the embryos are six weeks old, they can already be seen on an ultrasound scan.

From the eighth to the twelfth week, the symptomsMultiple and normal pregnancies are very similar. However, my mother can experience everything much more. A pregnant woman often suffers at this stage from toxicosis, increased fatigue, pain in the mammary glands.

Starting with the twelfth week, children developfaster. They finally approached the stage of the fetus, when mothers start calling them babies. Kidneys of children during this period begin to function well. In addition, the water in the stomach or urine in the bladder of each baby at the sixteenth week of development can already be detected in the ultrasound examination.

It is worth noting that by the end of the sixteenth weekquite often parents learn about the field of their future children. You can determine it directly on ultrasound. If the children did not turn out very well, this will not be possible at this stage.

Решающими для малышей становятся двадцать the fourth is the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy. This month is considered important for twins or twins, as they are on the verge of their vitality. Even if suddenly mom starts premature birth, doctors can save and go out of such babies. At this stage, the alveolar courses and alveoli are formed in the lungs of each fetus. Now through the thinnest walls of the alveoli there is an exchange, the so-called carbon dioxide and oxygen. In the period from the twenty-fourth to the twenty-eighth week of development, the weight of the kids will increase at least twice. Now they weigh from eight hundred to a thousand grams. The length of each fruit is thirty-five centimeters. Under the skin of the children accumulates fat, their eyelids are fused, and the hair continues to grow. In addition to all this, every baby sleeps at a certain time of the day.

The third trimester begins with the twenty-eighthweeks of pregnancy. This is the final stage. Babies are already opening their eyelids, slapping with cilia. The skin is more smoothed, since the kids have gained enough fat. Children can hiccup and suck fingers on legs and pens.

Развитие многоплодной беременности схоже с usual. However, as it was said above, significant changes in the first case occur when the 28th week of pregnancy of twins comes. At this time, babies can exist without a mother with the help of special devices.

36 неделя беременности.The double at this stage is already ready for birth. At this time the probability of premature birth is great, since the babies already do not have enough space in the belly of the future mother. Therefore, quite often pregnant women in this situation are assigned a cesarean section.

The pregnancy of twins is discussed weekly forsome forums on the Internet. On such sites, a pregnant woman can get a lot of useful information. Mom who already gave birth to two kids, twins or twins, can advise something. However, a twin pregnancy every week requires a doctor's supervision. Do not engage in self-medication, if there are any health problems in this situation. Pregnancy of twins is a more complicated pregnancy, which requires observation from a specialist.

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