/ / Natural diuretics during pregnancy

Natural diuretic during pregnancy

Pregnancy is not only beautifulwaiting for a miracle for a woman, but also a huge stress for her body. All organs and systems begin to work for two. They experience heavy loads, especially if the expectant mother is expecting the birth of twins or triplets.

The greatest blow is aimed at the kidneys.They have a responsible and difficult task - to remove fluid from the body, the number of which only increases every month. If the organs malfunction or imperfectly perform the functions put on them, the woman begins to suffer from edema. Therefore, the accumulation of excess fluid is a problem that future mothers often face. In this situation, the doctor may prescribe diuretics during pregnancy. Which of them can be drunk and which can not? Let's figure it out.

diuretics for edema during pregnancy

Herbal preparations

A woman expecting a baby, gynecologists often prescribe diuretics. With edema during pregnancy, you can drink only herbal preparations. These include:

  1. "Euphyllinum".The main contraindications are low blood pressure, heart problems, epilepsy. If you drink the medicine before a meal, the work of the gastrointestinal tract may be disrupted. In the same situation, the expectant mother may feel dizzy. Therefore, it is better not to take it on an empty stomach.
  2. "Kanefron".It contains the lovage root, as well as rosemary leaves and centaury grass. The drug has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. It is produced in the form of drops and tablets. The second option is more suitable for pregnant women, since the first may contain alcohol in small doses.
  3. "Fitolizin".Ingredients: sage and orange oil, wheatgrass root, birch leaves, parsley and pine extract, horsetail grass. The drug is allowed to use only if there are no inflammatory processes in the pregnant woman’s body.
diuretics in late pregnancy

Natural Diuretic Drinks

The use of diuretics during pregnancy, even if they are of plant origin, is still undesirable. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to do without them, then it is better to do it.

At the same time, to avoid puffiness, bettercompletely eliminate salt from the diet. In addition, you can get rid of the problem with the help of decoctions: horsetail, bearberry leaves, birch buds. It should be remembered that even seemingly harmless herbs during pregnancy can cause irreparable harm. Thus, the fruits of juniper, strawberries and parsley root cause uterine contraction, thereby causing miscarriage. In any situation it is better to consult a doctor.

Многие беременные женщины прибегают к мочегонным teas But, as stated by many gynecologists, it is better to abstain from them. Such drinks often violate the water-salt metabolism and acid-base balance, removing the vitamins and microelements necessary for the development of the fetus from the body.

diuretics during pregnancy

Diuretic vegetables

Natural products are better to replace anydiuretics during pregnancy. In late periods it is better to eat plenty of vegetables. They not only serve as prevention of edema, but also save the pregnant from gaining excess weight, which often happens in the third trimester. Being watery, vegetables cause frequent urination. First of all, they have this effect:

  • Tomatoes. In addition to the diuretic, are famous for antimicrobial properties. They contain many antioxidants.
  • Cucumbers. They improve digestion, due to the presence of a large amount of fiber. Their diuretic effect is very mild.
  • Carrot. Not only prevents the formation of edema, but also has a laxative effect. It serves as a prophylactic agent for the formation of sand and stones in the bladder.
  • Pumpkin. Its juice has laxative, choleretic and diuretic properties.
cucumbers and tomatoes


Еще одни разрешенные мочегонные средства при of pregnancy. However, fruits should be treated with caution. Many of them contain a lot of water. As a result, their abuse often leads to a decrease in sodium levels in the blood.

The following fruits are excellent diuretics: dried apricots and apples. The latter are very useful in anemia. Among the exotic options, pay attention to coconut, papaya, mango.

Fruits are one of the safest diuretics for pregnant women: they contain a lot of minerals and vitamins, compensating for the nutrient deficiencies associated with diuresis.

pregnant eating an apple


They are not only tasty, but also healthy.Diuretic properties have, for example, mountain ash, lingonberry, cranberry, blackberry, watermelon, viburnum. The latter is most often advised to expectant mothers. But women should take it carefully. Despite the positive properties of viburnum decoction, strengthening and toning of the body, it increases the tone of the uterus, creating the threat of premature birth. Therefore, in the later stages of the drink is better to resist.

Other diuretics during pregnancy,even if these are simple berries, they can also pose a threat to a woman’s health. For example, a decoction of lingonberry leaves copes with edema. At the same time, such a drink is contraindicated if urates, salts of uric acid, are found in the urine. In addition, it is not recommended to drink cowberry broth to pregnant women suffering from hypotension, as it lowers blood pressure even more.

diuretics in late pregnancy

Grasses and Herbs

What else can you use diureticsduring late pregnancy? Doctors draw the attention of women to herbs - they are very strong diuretics. Unfortunately, herbs and the most dangerous for future mothers. That's because they do not contain nutrients in their composition, so they can not fill up the lack of minerals and vitamins in the body. Most often, when puffiness occurs, women lose ascorbic acid and potassium. Their stock must be replenished with other natural medicines.

The best diuretics are considered chamomile,oats and chicory. You can drink caffeine in small quantities. For example, coffee and green tea are relatively safe diuretics. The liquid in their composition compensates for the water balance, without leading to dehydration. However, these drinks should not be abused.

daisy during pregnancy

Drinks with diuretic effect

Natural diuretics whenpregnancy, as we have seen, can act and vegetables, and fruits, and even cereals. In addition, doctors recommend that women drink fluids that have a similar effect:

  1. Infusions of medicinal herbs.This is a variety of fees sold in pharmacies. Their composition may include the following components: wild rose, black currant, strawberry, lingonberry, birch, flax. Infusions are best to drink in the afternoon. Use them only after consulting a gynecologist.
  2. Vegetable juices. Very effective drinks made from parsley and celery. In addition, it helps the juice of green cucumbers, carrots and beets.
  3. Sour fruit drinks. These include citrus juices and cranberry juice. They also relieve the future mother of heartburn.
pregnancy and vegetable juices

The help of traditional medicine

Dill seeds are often advised to drink to women, solike this decoction - an excellent diuretic during pregnancy. Trimester 3 - the most insidious in terms of edema, so many expectant mothers should be ready to fight the excess fluid in the body. To do this, they need to brew dill seeds, insist a little and take on an empty stomach. But consultation of the gynecologist is necessary in this case, since this plant can provoke uterine contraction.

Surprisingly, in the fight against swelling is verycommon beans are effective. You need to take 40 grams of crushed sashes and pour them with a liter of cold water. Drink insist the whole night, then filter and drink 3-4 times a day in a glass.

A few more recipes

What diuretics are possible during pregnancy? Expectant mothers are allowed to take only medicines from natural raw materials. Healing broths and drinks can be made at home:

  • Pour a liter of boiled water with a tablespoon of dried peel of apples. Insist 10-15 minutes. Drink half a glass five times a day.
  • Take one and a half cups of boiling water and fill them with 15 grams of dry blackberry root. Take the broth to half an hour before meals for ½ cup.
  • Birch leaves are finely chopped.You will need no more than two teaspoons of dry raw materials, which you need to pour a glass of boiling water. Broth insist half an hour, after which we add baking soda to it at the tip of a knife. It is necessary to drink medicine each four hours on one teaspoon. By the way, effective in the fight against edema and ordinary birch sap.
birch sap is useful for pregnant women

This is not all natural diureticmedications for pregnant women. To choose the means that is right for you, you need to consult a doctor. Only a qualified gynecologist is able to assess all the risks and prescribe proper treatment.

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