/ / Is the protein in the urine dangerous during pregnancy?

Is the protein in the urine dangerous during pregnancy?

One of the most fundamental research inthe time of pregnancy is the urine test. It is assigned to determine whether the kidney function is normal. After all, it is this analysis that can be the key to the identification of many diseases even in the asymptomatic period and will provide information on the general health status of the pregnant woman. The kidneys remove mineral substances, liquid and other toxic substances through the urine. Thus, urine contains hundreds of different substances. Along with a large number of different components of urine, the number of proteins in the laboratories is checked. The normal indicator is his absence.

During the waiting period of the child, the woman regularly gives an urine test. When protein is found there, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Protein in urine during pregnancy (proteinuria) can be dangerous not only for mom, but also for her unborn child.

The body of a healthy person every dayProduces protein. This is a natural process and the norm for an adult is 150 mg of daily protein excretion. During pregnancy, the kidneys of a woman are under severe pressure. And it's not surprising. After all, they must filter more blood at this time. Thus, the norm for expectant mothers increases, and the protein in pregnant women per day is 260 mg. However, the morning urine test should not show this. The indicator can vary up to 5 in the field of view.

The most common reason why there is a proteinin urine during pregnancy, is urinary tract infection. Because at this time a woman is particularly susceptible to them. Proteinuria can also be a sign of arthritis and circulatory failure.

Unfortunately, the protein in the urine of pregnant women canto indicate a serious disease, which sometimes happens in expectant mothers - is gestosis. During this disease, the vascular membrane of the kidneys is damaged, which will invariably lead to the appearance of protein in the urine. Gestosis is found in about 5-10% of pregnant women. He is in the early stages of pregnancy with symptoms such as vomiting and nausea. More dangerous is gestosis in the second trimester of pregnancy with symptoms such as proteinuria, hypertension and swelling of the extremities after rest. Gestosis is the immediate cause of eclampsia. The loss of protein can affect the weight of the child at birth - it will be much less normal. Gestosis must be treated, as serious complications that threaten the life of mother and future child are possible.

Protein in urine during pregnancy can occur intime of high temperature, due to excessive physical exertion or hypothermia of a woman. Such proteinuria is called physiological and it is temporary.

The results of the urine test should be interpreted only by the doctor, because self-esteem can be ignored and lead to inaction.

To protect yourself from urinary tract infections,which results in the appearance of bacteria and protein in the urine during pregnancy, care must be taken very carefully for personal hygiene. The appropriate hygiene of the future mother is the best prevention of kidney disease. During pregnancy, it is better to use natural remedies for women's hygiene, if possible, wash each time after going to the toilet, use free clothes and do not overcool. In addition, the future mother should pay attention to the products used. It is necessary to limit salt intake, avoid canned food, and drink a lot of mineral water and natural juices. In addition, do not hold urine for too long, as this promotes the growth of bacteria. Very useful for the prevention of kidney disease is cranberries in dried form or brewed.

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