/ / About which testify erythrocytes in the urine of children

What is evidenced by erythrocytes in the urine of children

Red blood cells, which have their main function of moving oxygen through the body, are red blood cells. In the urine of a child, the norm of the presence of these cells is 0-2 units in all fields of vision.

erythrocytes in urine in children
In general, all red blood cells are divided intounchanged (in other words - fresh) and altered (leached). Fresh erythrocytes in the urine of children have the form of yellowish-green discs. They contain hemoglobin, and they are found in a weakly acidic, alkaline, neutral urine. The leached erythrocytes in the urine of children are in the form of colorless rings, they can be wrinkled (in high-density urine) or enlarged (in urine with low density). These cells do not contain hemoglobin, they are found in acid urine.

Elevated red blood cells in the baby's urine

elevated erythrocytes in the baby's urine
This condition is called hematuria.Sometimes the fact that red blood cells in urine exceed the normative values ​​can be seen even visually, since urine acquires a brown or red hue. In this case, we can speak of macrohematuria, that is, a strong concentration of erythrocytes in a biological fluid. If these cells in urine are present in an amount of more than 2 units, but this can be detected only by microscopic examination of excrement, microhematuria is diagnosed. In general, increased erythrocytes in urine in children indicate the presence of inflammation in the organs of the genitourinary system, kidney disease, tuberculosis, gastrointestinal disorders, pneumonia and other ailments. In addition, excess concentration in the urine of red blood cells can occur due to strong physical activity. However, this phenomenon is short-lived, therefore, when the analysis is repeated, the erythrocytes in the urine of children can already be within the normal range. In small children hematuria can result from a cold or respiratory tract infection. In boys, the excess of the norm of the content in urine of red blood cells can be associated with phimosis, in such a situation the consultation of the urologist does not hurt.

erythrocytes in the urine of the baby norm
How to reduce the red blood cells in the urine

If hematuria is detected, doctors shouldefforts to direct on revealing the reasons of such condition and treatment of the basic pathology. For this, the necessary diagnostic measures are carried out. If the erythrocytes in the urine of children are increased because of kidney disease, the doctor will recommend observing a certain renal diet, prescribe the use of anti-inflammatory medications and, if necessary, antibacterial and diuretic drugs. To reduce the burden on the kidneys, you should drink less liquid. If the cause of hematuria lies in the pathology of the urinary tract, treatment will consist of antimicrobial instillations or antibiotics. Regardless of what triggered the increase in the urine of the number of red blood cells, consult a doctor about diet compliance. Perhaps the doctor will advise you to reduce the consumption of acidic and salty foods to reduce the formation of salts in the body, or give other recommendations.

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