/ / Origin and meaning of the name Mia

Origin and meaning of the name Mia

the meaning of the name of the mission
It's no secret that the name has a huge impact onpersonality and character of a person, his preferences and compatibility with other people. In this article we will consider the female name Mia, rather ambiguous and mysterious. No one can accurately say from which language this name came into Russian. Some people hold the opinion that the meaning of the name Miya and its roots go to the Turkic proto-language. Others believe that this is a Greek name meaning "one, only". There is also the opinion that Mia is a German version of the name Maria. And, finally, some believe that Miya came to our language from Italian and translates as "my". The planet-protector, as well as the sign of the Zodiac of this name, can tell what the name of Mia means.

So, the most suitable sign of the Zodiac for Mia -Scales, because some of the character traits inherent in people of this sign, perfectly in harmony with the meaning of the name. Most of the girls named Mia are quite sociable and harmonious in society. However, they can not be called choleric - they are rather meek and modest, although they are incredibly easy and interesting in communication. Mia from childhood are incredibly accurate and cleanliness, they are always clean and neatly dressed, Miya will never see with disheveled hair or in crumpled clothes. This quality, of course, is a huge plus for any girl, so Mia enjoy success with the opposite sex. The meaning of the name Mia includes the balance of Libra. Girls with this name never "rush into the whirlpool with their heads," always thinking about their actions and thinking about the situation for several moves forward. Mia will never show her feelings publicly, but that does not mean that Mia is cold, she is quite sensual and passionate girl.

female name mia

The meaning of the name Mia is also directly relatedwith its planet-patron - Neptune. This planet is responsible for living imagination and a close connection with the subtle worlds. Neptune gives girls named Mia an understanding of the essence of things, and sometimes even mystical abilities. Mia always strive for an ideal in everything that they do, any disharmony contradicts their very nature and brings disappointment. Mia also seeks to unite with nature and freedom, so that it is not necessary to restrict it in anything - Miya will simply leave.

The stone-talisman of this name is beautifulandradit, which is suitable for sensual fair sex, not spoiled, but also not deprived of talent and male attention. This stone can be worn as an ornament, or simply in your pocket as a talisman. To his owners he brings good luck, inspiration and success, but in an exhausted state it is better not to use a stone. Andradit has the property of "pumping out" energy from emotionally unstable people, which exacerbates the feeling of emptiness after a hard working period.

which means the name of the mission

What does the meaning of the name Mia include?First of all - it's modesty, diligence and cleanliness, in conjunction with the mystical attraction and connection with the Cosmos. Mia's name itself sounds gentle and feminine, and in our region it is not found often, so more and more mothers choose it for their newborn daughters. And they will not be disappointed, since later most Miyas become beautiful in all respects girls and caring mothers.

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