/ / Prayer of the son for the mother. Orthodox prayers for parents

Prayer of the son for the mother. Orthodox prayers for parents

Not only the child needs a parent's love.Adults also need their care and understanding. It is important in life to show respect and reverence to your parents. Orthodoxy teaches everyone to properly repay their ancestors. And these are not material values. Our parents need our emotions, our love and our attention. Not always a person can openly express their feelings, especially men. However, mothers do not always expect them to manifest love.

the prayer of the son for the mother

For them, the main thing in life is for their children to bealways happy. Sons sometimes find it difficult to embrace their mothers, to say warm words to them. But all this can be done by turning to God with prayer. The prayer of a son for a mother is one of the most powerful on earth. But you can also express respect for your behavior.

Secrets of ideal relationships with parents

prayer for parents

  1. When parents say, listen carefully to them silently.
  2. Regardless of the position of a person, he must always get up when his parents are standing.
  3. To develop obedience, one should always fulfill the requests of the parents, if they do not contradict Orthodox truths.
  4. It is necessary to respond quickly to the call of parents and never raise their voice.
  5. In all ways, their wishes and requests should be met.
  6. Simplicity and softness in communication is the secret of harmonious relationships in the family.
  7. Any actions towards parents should be sincere, and not as a favor.
  8. Before the Lord these people stand much higher - this should be taken into account when communicating.
  9. Do not frown, looking them in the face.
  10. Without the blessing of parents, one should not do important things.

Strong prayer for parents can do real miracles.

The Importance of Orthodox Prayer for Parents

Unfortunately, parents do not grow older over the years.Diseases come into their lives more and more often. And I want to not only physically help them, but support mentally and spiritually. Prayer for parents and their health is the best that children can do for their loved ones. After all, blood ties are the strongest. And the Lord hears such prayers in the first place. According to the faith of a son or daughter, parents can completely cure even the most serious ailments. Just as loving parents care for their children, grown-up sons and daughters must take care of their mother and father. Prayer for living parents will help even establish relationships, if necessary. In this case, it is necessary to read the effective prayer "Hate and offend us, forgive ...". Below is a wonderful prayer of his son for his mother. Daughters can also read this prayer. The Lord does not divide people, He accepts the purity of their hearts and the depth of their faith.

Appeal to God

Our Father

"Our Father in heaven, in the name of our God, the LordJesus Christ, this Orthodox prayer sounds about my mother's health. Come and help her heal from all bodily and spiritual ailments! Show your infinite mercy and the miracle of transforming not only the body but also the souls of men. I believe with all my heart that You will hear my pleas, addressed to You from all my being. You have borne a heavy cross, many wounds have suffered so that we can be healed of all the diseases. Let it be as You want and as we deserve. We trust only in Your mercy! Amen".

This prayer should be read several times until the mother fully recovered. The Lord will certainly come to the aid of the beggar. The main thing is to believe and wait patiently.

There is another strong prayer for the parents, which should be read constantly.

Prayer for loved ones

"O my Lord, O eternal son of the Lord, hearMy supplications to you are turned in tears. Grant my (my) names to your boundless divine love, consent in everything. Protect their bodies from disease, so that they may serve you righteous with good works. And grant me the obedience to always be faithful to the parent word, remove hypocrisy from my heart, deliver from deceit in relation to relatives. Do not leave us all without your mercy at the Last Judgment of the Lord! Amen".

Thanksgiving Prayer

Strong prayer for parents

"Our Father, I express my gratitude to you forwhat gave me birth in this family. I pray earnestly for my parents. After the Lord, I am most grateful to them. Teach me, Lord, and always show my gratitude to my parents. Give them your grace for all your labors and worries. Give them good health and everything necessary for their salvation and happiness. Do this, Father, so that I can always please, love, appreciate and respect them. Give me the strength to always help and take care of your father and mother. Hear my humble prayer and bestow blessing upon our whole family, that it may be one heart and soul in Christ. Amen".

Prayer for protection can be addressed not only to Jesus Christ. The Mother of God graciously accepts all the prayers and hands them over to her son.

Prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary

prayer for protection

"O Most Holy Virgin Mary, Blessed MotherOur Lord Jesus Christ, the Intercessor of all. We flee to Thee in faith, we beseech Thee. Ask thy Son, that he hearken unto our prayers. Look down from heaven on us, unworthy of a slave, and descend to our tearful petition. Let go, Lord, all our sins and our parents, committed by them at will and without. Grant them your intercession, forgiveness and protection for you both on Earth and in Heaven. Prolong their age and strengthen their health and mind. Oh, Presnodeva to the Theotokos, give this prayer to your son, our Lord Jesus Christ, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The prayer of the son for the mother about her health can be lifted up by Saint Matrona of Moscow.

Prayer for health

"Blessed patroness, holy MatronaMoscow! I have affliction of the soul and with it I turn to You, God's intercessor! Send your grace and grant my mother healing from the ruthless ills that overcome her body and soul! Ask the Lord for the forgiveness of all our sins and remove all harsh trials. Let the ulcer crawl, the wounds will be prolonged, and the soul will be healed of grief and infirmity. Every day I pray you with thanks and faith. Hear my petitions and pour out my mercy. May it be so. Amen".

prayer of the living

Matrona of Moscow can be contacted by herwords, and short prayers for the healing of bodily ailments. She is very gracious. The Lord always listens to her petitions. He especially takes words that sound like the son's prayer for his mother. The prayers lifted up in the temple are more powerful. Having come to church with the purpose to pray about the health of my mother, three candles should be put: Lord Jesus Christ, Saint Panteleimon and Saint Matrona of Moscow. Then take turns to pray and ask the saints for their mercy that their mother and father are healthy. You should also ask for spiritual health, because it is spiritual illness that provokes physical in time, so that people pay more attention to God. It is believed that in difficulties, a person often recalls the Lord, turns to Him and carries out His instructions.

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