/ / Icon "Inexhaustible Chalice": photo, prayer icon "Inexhaustible Chalice"

Icon "Inexhaustible Chalice": photo, prayer icon "Inexhaustible Chalice"

Alcoholism is a disease that cripples not only the body,but also the soul. Unfortunately, today this ailment has become a real disaster for the nation. Of course, it is necessary to fight alcoholism first of all by medical methods. However, it is quite obvious that without spiritual help in this case it is also necessary. The Orthodox Church in the fight against drunkenness has a great experience. It is considered, for example, that the prayer "The Inexhaustible Chalice" can help to abandon this pernicious habit.

Peasant's dream

Prayers near this miraculous image passin many churches of our country. The story of the icon "The Inexhaustible Chalice" is very unusual and interesting. At the end of the XIX century, one peasant of the Tula province (Efremov uyezd), after returning from military service, bitterly drank. His illness developed so much that he remained completely without means of subsistence. However, this did not stop him. The peasant continued to drink until his legs were cut off. But even after that, he did not abandon his bad habit.

prayer icon unfinished bowl

Однажды во сне к нему явился седой старец и advised him to go to Serpukhov, to the monastery Vladychny. There, at the behest of the holy peasant, there was to be a prayer before the icon "Inexhaustible Chalice" from drunkenness. At first, the retired soldier did not pay much attention to this dream. But when the elder appeared to him in the second, and then for the third time, he decided to obey him.

The way to Serpukhov and healing

According to the church tradition, decided to get rid offrom drunkenness the peasant, since he could no longer walk, went to the place indicated on his hands and knees. On the way to Serpukhov, he visited villages in which he stayed for the night. In one of the settlements he was adopted by an old woman. After pitying the drunkard, she rubbed his legs with some kind of ointment. Thanks to this the rest of the way the peasant has already overcome on his own two.

Nobody known then the icon "InexhaustibleChalice "the monks at the request of the visitor found hanging on the wall in the passage leading from the temple to the sacristy. After the peasant prayed before this image, he really was healed of his addiction. When he was brought to the cancer of St. Varlaam, he recognized in this holy and elder from his dream.

The glory of the miraculous image quickly spread toall of Russia. Of course, the icon was transferred to the temple. People came to the monastery in the thousands in order to recover from alcoholism or rid themselves of this bad habit of their loved ones. Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "The Inexhaustible Chalice" helped just a huge number of believers.

prayer in front of the icon of the Mother of God inestimable

Description of the image

It represents this icon (by type of writing)image of the Virgin Mary of Oranta. These are the icons on which the Virgin does not sit with the baby in her arms, but stands, raising her hands to heaven, as if praying for sinners. The difference between the image in question and that of other Orans is that on it Christ is depicted immersed in a cup on the table before the Mother of God. This symbolizes Communion. The day of the icon "The Inexhaustible Cup" is traditionally considered May 18 - the day of the death of Varlaam Serpukhovsky. In Vysotsky monastery (where the image is today), a prayer is performed on Sundays after the Liturgy, and then the Akathist is pronounced. Upon completion, the names of those who wish to be healed of drunkenness are read. Of course, this Akathist can be read in other churches of Russia.

The fate of the icon in the Soviet era

Во Владычнем монастыре этот чудотворный образ was located until 1919. After the revolution, this monastery, like many others, was closed down. The icon was transferred to the Cathedral of St. Nicholas the White on the street. Kaluga. In 1929 the Soviet authorities decided to close this temple. Almost all the icons in it were subsequently burned. Apparently, the same fate befell the miraculous image. All that is left of such a venerated image of the Virgin Mary as an icon "The Inexhaustible Chalice" is a photo. Prayer to this image helped to heal hundreds of people. However, nobody ever saw this miraculous icon after the closing of the Cathedral of Nikola Bely.

prayer before the icon of the inexhaustible cup

Restored the image of the "Inexhaustible Chalice"it was only in 1992. Since the original was gone, the priests decided to make an exact copy of it. The image was recreated (according to the photo taken before the revolution) by the domestic icon painter A. Sokolov. He was consecrated at the Vysotsky Monastery in May 1993. Since then, the prayer to the icon "The Inexhaustible Chalice" has been constantly pronounced in the monastery, but the flow of pilgrims has not dried up.

Reese for the icon

They say healings from drinking before the wayThe "Inexhaustible Chalice" was happening a lot. So, for example, it was this icon that helped the Moscow merchant Stefan Fedorov get rid of drunkenness. In a fit of gratitude, this rich citizen ordered a beautiful iconostasis for the image, and also laid an expensive robe on it.

Wonders of the new image

Despite the fact that there is today in Vysotskythe image of the monastery is just a list, it still helps people to recover from alcoholism. The first miracle before the "Inexhaustible Chalice" occurred in 1995. During one of the divine services, an unknown person placed an icon-case wrapped in cloth at the entrance to the church. A few days later, a new icon arrived in the temple, the Inexhaustible Chalice. The priests decided to try on her discovered icon case. And surprisingly, he suited her perfectly.

prayer in front of the icon inexhaustible cup of drunkenness

Что же касается исцелений от пьянства, то со the lifetime of the new icon, the number of people who got rid of the craving for alcohol is in the hundreds. After reading the prayer in front of the image, people are cured not only of the “green snake”, but also of other harmful habits - smoking and even drug addiction.

Prayer in front of the icon "Inexhaustible Chalice": where it is allowed to pronounce

Of course, in order to heal yourself orto heal your loved one, it is best to go to the Vysotsky monastery to the very image. In the monastery there is a special pilgrimage building in which those who wish to turn to the Mother of God can live for three days. You can also simply order a prayer by e-mail of the monastery or by phone.

prayers before the icon inexhaustible cup of alcoholism

According to many believers, drinking helpsNot only the “Inexhaustible Chalice” located in the Vysotsky monastery, but also any other such icons. Of course, in order for the prayers pronounced in front of the image to be heard, it is necessary to desire healing yourself. And, of course, the patient requires humility.

Молится Богородице для исцеления от пьянства, Smoking or addiction should be daily in the morning and evening. This can be done both in the church and at home. It is allowed to pray even a photograph of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” located in the Vysotsky monastery, found, for example, on the Internet. But it is better, of course, to get a real consecrated image. Actually the prayer itself to the icon "Inexhaustible Chalice" can be read by one person or two.

What prayer to say

In order to recover from alcoholism, you caneven just ask the Mother of God in your own words. However, it is better, of course, to read a prayer before the image. In this case, the appeal will be heard faster. In the church or at home, one may say a prayer to the icon of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” in Russian or in the Old Church. The following words are traditionally read:

prayer icon inexhaustible cup in Russian

Чтобы молитва перед иконой Богородицы “The Inexhaustible Chalice” worked faster, you need to say it by candlelight (of course, consecrated in the church). Such an appeal to the Blessed Virgin from drunkenness helps very often. If a miracle happens, in the future the same prayer should be periodically read for prevention. In this case, the healed person will never return to his addiction.

What else can you pray before the image

Конечно же, обращаться к Богородице перед образом The Inexhaustible Chalice can be used not only for healing someone from drinking, smoking or addiction. There is evidence that this icon also helps in solving various kinds of housing issues. If you, for example, cannot sell or exchange an apartment, you definitely need to buy such an icon and periodically pray before it. This image can also help in case of any other everyday problems. It is also believed that the prayer to the icon “Inexhaustible Chalice” promotes healing not only of alcoholism itself, but also of those diseases that arise against its background.

Image today

After the Inexhaustible Cup icon wasIt was consecrated in 1993 and decorated with a riza, in its lower left corner was inserted a small box with a piece of the belt of the Most Holy Theotokos. Since 2000, the image of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” began periodically to flow to the heart. Also, some priests and believers note that sometimes the eyes of the Most Holy Virgin seem to come to life.

 icon inexhaustible cup prayer photo

Prayers in front of the icon "Inexhaustible Chalice" (fromalcoholism and other misfortunes), thus, helped many people. But, of course, in order for the miracle to happen with you, a lot of spiritual work and boundless faith in the Creator are needed. In any case, this image, which is now in the Vysotsky Monastery, although it does not represent any special historical value, is undoubtedly one of the main shrines of the Russian Orthodox Church.

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