/ / Aries and Capricorn, compatibility between them is theoretically possible!

Aries and Capricorn, compatibility between them is theoretically possible!

Aries and Capricorn, the compatibility of these signs - the themepretty ticklish. Let us say directly that the union of these two signs is possible. And in some cases their relationship is even very successful. Patient Capricorn can perceive the "childish" vagaries of Aries, but any patience sooner or later comes to an end. Against the backdrop of Capricorn, Aries looks like a fragile chick who tries to achieve his own way in all possible ways. He makes a lot of mistakes, stumbles, falls, again goes forward. Capricorn, on the contrary, systematically achieves the set goals, and from the calculation for the long-term period. Capricorn to stop on its journey is simply impossible. He moves forward, and does not even show any interest at all as to whether his companion is behind him. Moreover, Capricorn is able to go far, while Aries will suit his unnecessary exercises.

Already on the basis of this we can say that Aries andCapricorn, whose compatibility is a controversial issue, are moving in different directions. To come closer to these two signs is also impeded by their completely different polarity. Aries, for example, is overly cheerful, and his optimistic mood is not always clear to Capricorn, who can not perceive all the ease of attitude to Aries's life. Aries, to all other things, does not possess the wisdom and patience of Capricorn.

The ability of Aries not to notice what is happening aroundhis whirlpool of events to some extent annoyed the adult not years of Capricorn. The union of these two signs to some extent resembles the relationship between mother and a very young child. In the event that Capricorn this state of affairs will suit, then this union, of course, can last a fairly long time.

Не в пользу отношений между Козерогом и Овном says also that Aries is overly sensitive, which will not tell about Capricorn. For Capricorn, the most important are material values. He seeks to achieve a certain position in society and to provide himself and his loved ones a comfortable existence. To this, Capricorn is ready to put almost all of his strength.

Овен же не понимает, зачем вообще все это так It is necessary if you can do small. On this ground between representatives of this sign serious conflict flares up. Aries begins to constantly reproach Capricorn in that he spends too much time on his work, where he puts almost to the last effort. Capricorn in response to this is trying to find clear justifications. But, here's the trouble, Aries is not destined to understand and realize all the arguments of Capricorn. Therefore, after a while, Capricorn ceases to spend his energy on useless conversations with Aries, realizing that it is simply impossible to explain anything to him. As a result, between these signs there is alienation, which subsequently leads to parting. Capricorn no longer sees any prospects in this kind of relationship. Aries, on the other hand, tries to convince Capricorn to the pointlessness of his actions.

Horoscope compatibility Aries and Capricorn in different waysinterprets the relationship of these signs. And the main reason for this is, as it is not strange, age. More specifically, in the earlier period, the joint existence of these two signs is almost impossible. It is allowed to find a common language among themselves only in the second half of life. But, even in this case, this does not always happen.

Овен и Козерог, совместимость которых довольно ghostly, have different ideas about life. In order not to go into the smallest detail, let's imagine such a picture. Aries graze on a beautiful, full of vegetation meadow. And he absolutely does not care what will happen tomorrow, that is whether his favorite juicy grass is still here or is there a place where he can escape from the rain. And now he invites the proud mountain goat to join him. It would seem that everything is fine, but Capricorn can not be satisfied with uncertainty in the future. He aspires to climb as high as possible and feel free. It is at the top of a high mountain that Capricorn will find what he is looking for, that is, he will gain security, wisdom and find his destiny in life. Now, perhaps, it is clear to everyone whether Aries and Capricorn are compatible.

Эти знаки полны противоречий.But still the impossible is possible. As soon as Aries and Capricorns stop colliding with their foreheads, a period of mutual understanding comes between them. But on how long it will last, and will depend on the duration of their union! Now, draw your own conclusions: Aries and Capricorn - compatibility between them is achievable or not ...

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