/ / Aquarius. Stone-talisman for the sign of the zodiac

Aquarius. Stone-talisman for the sign of the zodiac

Excessively impulsive, fast and changeableare representatives of the sign Aquarius. The stone talisman should be with them all the time with him, as he will protect his owner from unnecessary trouble, will prompt the necessary answer to a tricky question and protect against enemy attacks. It should be noted that although Aquarius belongs to the air element, but more suitable stones, symbolizing the water. First of all, you need to pay attention to the minerals of the shades of water, that is, from light blue to dark green.

aquarius stone mascot
The talisman for Aquarius should be very strong,because he needs to strengthen the creative thinking, given to these people by nature, to control outbursts of negative emotions and protect from the evil eye. Green and blue stones perfectly clear the brain of unnecessary thoughts and generate positive, so they will be a real salvation for the typical representative of the sign Aquarius.

A talisman stone possessing the maximum spectrumaction, is aquamarine. It is the blue variety of beryl that has the most powerful influence on Aquarius. This mineral is able to change color depending on the weather, as well as on the mood of the owner. But most importantly, this amulet is able to correct not only psychological, but also physical health. Aquamarine improves overall well-being, fills the body with strength and vigor, it has a restorative effect on all organs.

Very often they are subjected to various stressfulsituations are representatives of the sign Aquarius. The stone-talisman will save you from fear and anger, remove irritation and fatigue, put your mind in order, make your head clear and able to reason with sober. In some seemingly desperate situations, the amulet helps to get out of the water. Also, aquamarine protects from dangers and tricks of enemies.

stone mascot for aquarius
Azurite is also a beautiful stone-mascot forAquarius. It belongs to water minerals, has a blue and blue color. According to its therapeutic and magical properties, azurite is similar in many respects to aquamarine, but this stone affects the psychological state more than the physical one. It allows you not to spill out negative emotions, not to succumb to fear, anxiety and not fall into depression. Azurite in a moment will restore mental balance. It is not for nothing that it was used in the past for the treatment of various addictions.

Also worth noting the special features of zircon,blue shades of which are most suitable for representatives of the sign Aquarius. The talisman stone has similar properties with azurite and aquamarine, but still has some differences. If the two previous minerals basically only suppress negative emotions, then zircon is able to activate positive feelings. This stone is perfect for people involved in creative professions, as it improves mood, stimulates imagination and gives self-confidence.

mascot for aquarius
Aquamarine, azurite and zircon are the maintalismans for Aquarius, but not the only ones. Representatives of this sign are also suitable for lapis lazuli, sapphire, opal, chrysoprase, amethyst, amber and garnet. Each of them has its own properties and has a different effect on a person, but all of them will be a reliable protection for its owner.

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