/ / Lessons of astromineralogy: sign of the zodiac Aquarius, stone-talisman for him and other useful information

Astrology lessons: zodiac sign Aquarius, stone-talisman for him and other useful information

Among the signs of the zodiac Aquarius is recognized as one of thethe most sociable, benevolent, so to speak, enlightened. People, whose destiny he rules, are usually wise, know a lot, know how, have an unusual thinking and the ability to understand not only the confused situation, but also his neighbor. Stones that correspond to the sign are just as unusual and bright. It is better to receive them than to buy oneself. After all, if a souvenir with gems gives Aquarius a good friend, it will strengthen their friendship, she will survive many trials. And if the present is from a loved one, the feelings will not cool down after a while, and they will not be dull.

Garnet is a symbol of friendship, love, harmony.

Aquarius stone
What are the minerals of Aquarius?The stone corresponding to this sign is a garnet. Especially useful is its expensive variety - green, dematoid. However, red, yellow, and pink grenades also have a beneficial effect on Aquarius. What is it expressed in? First, it strengthens interpersonal relationships, adds sincerity, purity to them. In this regard, gifts from pomegranate are especially valuable and important. Therefore, if your girlfriend or young man is Aquarius, a garnet stone in cuff links, pendant or earrings will be an excellent demonstration of your attachments, that same path to the heart of an expensive person. Moreover, representatives of this sign are especially useful for green grenades for relaxing and calming the nervous system as a good stimulus to recovery, release from mental instability and bouts of depression.


stones suitable for Aquarius
Chalcedony, he is also a moss agate, too, as it is impossiblemore closely related to the sign. Unconsciously, any Aquarius will be drawn to it. Stone promotes the activation of thought processes, helps to develop intellectual abilities, positively influences eloquence. Who is good for wearing ornaments with chalcedony? Representatives of creative professions, teachers, people of science. And for other Aquarius it will not be superfluous.


what a stone Aquarius
Let's continue the list of gems, which shouldsurround yourself with Aquarius. The astrologers consider the stone of amethyst to be its immediate affiliation. After all, the mineral meets the original essence of this sign: it personifies peace, sincerity, sincerity of thoughts. Therefore, if a woman-Aquarius is seized with passions, is nervous, beads from amethyst will restore her composure, a level, friendly mood. And men will find inner harmony and peace, for example, a cross with inclusions of mineral. In general, stones that are suitable for Aquarius are inferior to amethyst palm in the issue of resolving love relationships. Here it becomes even more important than a grenade.
turquoise - the stone of joy
It has long been established that the engagement ringwith amethyst will bring the couple a family happiness for the rest of their days. Moreover, it was worn by widowers and widows in memory of the deceased wife or husband as a symbol of imperishable love and a sign of unwillingness to create a new family. Hence the somewhat dramatic second name of the mineral is the "widow". Therefore, it is not recommended to wear it to young people who have not yet married, or those who want to find their soul mate again.

blue lapis lazuli

In the jeweler's shop

On this, our list of what kind of stone Aquarius is important, does not end. Happiness, fun, luck, material stability will bring to life the turquoise born under this constellation.

Lazurite will be an excellent stimulator of creative potential. Esoteric abilities will strengthen jade. And other gems can also become Aquarians good helpers.

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