/ / Calvary Cross: photo, meaning of inscriptions

Calvary Cross: photo, meaning of inscriptions

In the Christian religion, the image of the cross hasdeep philosophical and moral significance. He became a symbol of the great atoning sacrifice made by God for the deliverance of people from eternal death, which was a consequence of the original sin committed by our ancestors - Adam and Eve. His images are very diverse, and each has a special connotation. One of them, namely the Calvary Cross, is the topic of this article.

Calvary Cross

Cross - a picture of a great event

His outlines are familiar to anyone who somehowI met with Orthodox symbolism, and you can see them on the vestments of monks, church utensils, as well as in attributes related to the consecration of dwellings and transport. The Golgotha ​​Cross is a stylized picture of an event that took place over two thousand years ago in Palestine, which radically changed the whole course of world history.

His composition includes images of the Cross -the instruments of torment of our Savior Jesus Christ, Mount Calvary, on top of which this event occurred, the head of Adam, resting in its depths, traditionally depicted at the foot of the Cross. In addition, it includes inscriptions that have both explanatory and purely sacred character.

Shining in the Roman sky

The center of the composition is the Cross itself.It is known that his image as a magical symbol and even as an image of a deity was also found among the representatives of the most ancient, pre-Christian cultures. Only in the Roman Empire, he turned into an instrument of shameful and painful execution, which mainly slaves and especially dangerous criminals were subjected to. Its symbols appeared on the walls of the catacombs, where in the 2nd and 3rd centuries the first Christians performed secret worship services. They consisted of images of the palm branch, the scourge and abbreviations of the name of Christ.

Orthodox Calvary Crosses

В обычном, «незашифрованном виде», Крест впервые appeared in the IV century, when Christianity received the status of the state religion in Rome. According to the Sacred Tradition, the Savior appeared in the night vision to the emperor Constantine and ordered to decorate the banner with the image of the Cross, under which his army was preparing to fight the enemy. In the morning, a cross-like radiance appeared in the sky above Rome, dispelling his last doubts. Having fulfilled the command of Jesus Christ, Constantine soon defeated his enemies.

Three memorable crosses

Roman historian Eusebius Pamphilus describes this.banner with the image of the Cross in the form of a spear with a cross bar and inscribed on top of the letter abbreviation of the name of Jesus Christ. Undoubtedly, the Golgofsky Cross, the photo of which is presented in the article, was the result of subsequent modifications of the symbol that adorned the battle flag of the Roman emperor.

After the victory gained by Constantine, a signThanks to the Savior, he ordered the installation of three commemorative crosses and put the inscription “Jesus Christ the conqueror” on them. In Greek, it looks like this: IC.XP.NIKA. The same inscription, but in Slavonic, is contained in all the Orthodox Calvary Crosses.

Calvary Cross meaning

In 313, a great event took place:On the basis of the Edict of Milan, adopted on the initiative of Emperor Constantine, freedom of religion was established in the Roman Empire. Christianity after three centuries of persecution finally received official state status, and its symbolism was given a powerful impetus for further development.

The main elements of the Cross

Although the main Christian symbolIt has a different outline, the Orthodox Calvary Crosses are usually depicted as three-fold, that is, eight-pointed. They are a combination of a vertical pillar and a large crossbar, located, as a rule, at a level of two thirds of their height. This, in fact, is the very instrument of torment on which the Savior was crucified.

Above the large horizontal barIt depicts a small parallel to it, symbolizing a small plate nailed to the cross before execution. There were words written by Pontius Pilate himself: "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews." The same words, but in the Slavic outline, contain all the Orthodox Calvary Crosses.

Calvary Cross photo

Symbolic measure of sinfulness

At the bottom of the vertical pillar is placeda small inclined crossbeam - a symbolic base, reinforced already after the Savior nailed to the Cross. The Golgotha ​​Cross, like all Orthodox crosses in general, is depicted with a crossbar, whose right edge is higher than the left.

Эта традиция восходит к библейскому тексту, He tells us that on the two sides of the Savior two thieves were crucified, and the one on the right repented and found eternal life, and the one on the left blasphemed the Lord and condemned himself to eternal death. Thus, the inclined crossbar plays the role of the symbolic measure of human sinfulness.

Place Name Symbol

Calvary Cross is always depicted on somea pedestal personifying Mount Golgotha, the name of which is translated from Hebrew as "skull". This served as the basis for another name mentioned in the Slavic and Russian translations of the Gospel, “Place of Death”. It is known that in ancient times it served as the place of execution of especially dangerous criminals. There is evidence that the mountain consisting of gray limestone really looked like a skull.

Calvary Cross inscription value

As a rule, Calvary is depicted in severaloptions. This may be a hemisphere, as well as a pyramid with smooth or stepped edges. In the latter case, these steps are called “steps of spiritual ascent”, and each of them has a specific name: the lower one — Faith, the middle one — Love, the highest one — Mercy. On both sides of the mountain, on which the Cross of Calvary is depicted, two letters are placed - “GG”, which means “Mount Calvary”. Their mark is mandatory.

Cane, spear and skull

Besides all of the above, the Cross of Calvary,the significance of which, first of all, in the personification of the sacrifice and redemption of humanity through the sufferings of Christ, as a rule, is depicted with the attributes of the executioners mentioned in the Gospel. This is a cane, at the end of which is a sponge with vinegar, and a spear, piercing the body of the Savior. Usually they are marked with the appropriate letters - "T" and "K".

Calvary cross

An important place in the overall composition is occupied by the skull,pictured inside Calvary. This is the symbolic head of the progenitor of our Adam, as evidenced by the letters “G” and “A” inscribed near it. It is believed that the sacrificial blood of Christ, penetrating the thickness of the mountain, washed it from original sin. There are several versions regarding how Adam’s head was in the depths of this mountain. One of them claims that the body of the progenitor was brought here by angels, according to the other, it was buried here by a descendant of Adam Seth, and according to the most common version, the body was brought by the flood waters.

Other inscriptions

According to the established tradition, there are othersymbolic outlines accompanying the Cross of Calvary. The meaning of the inscriptions (always executed in Slavonic) is fully consistent with the gospel story about the passions of the Lord. At the top of the cross is usually written "Son of God." In some cases, it is replaced by the inscription "King of Glory." The inscription “IC XP” - “Jesus Christ” is placed above a large horizontal crossbar, and below, as already mentioned, “NIKA” - “Victory”. The place of the accomplished event and its main result are designated by the letters "ML" - "Place of frontal", and "RB" - "Heaven to be."

Particle of God's Grace

Schematic representation of the place of crucifixion of Christ -The Golgotha ​​Cross, the pectoral, the persistent, and the altar - is firmly included in the list of the most revered Orthodox symbols. Nowadays, it is not only an attribute of monastic austerity, but also a shrine, carefully preserved by pious laity.

Calvary Cross silver

Most Russians, sometimes even thosewho do not classify themselves as believers, adhere to, nevertheless, old traditions and carry on their chests symbols of Christianity, including the Golgotha ​​Cross. Whether silver is used for its manufacture, gold, or it is made of other metals, consecrated in the church of Christ, it always carries within itself a particle of Divine Grace, so necessary in the life of each of us.

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