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Do you know how to find out the zodiac sign by date of birth?

With the birth of a child, parents are not particularlythink what is his sign of the Zodiac by the date of birth. At first they are concerned about the choice of a name for the baby, then the time when it is better to christen the child, etc. In the whirlpool of the trouble about a new member of the family, thoughts about how to recognize the sign of the Zodiac by the date of birth go to the distant future.

Character by the sign of the Zodiac

how to find the zodiac sign by date of birth
It may very well be that if moms and dads at oncedrew attention to the fact, under what constellation their baby was born, it would very much help in the upbringing of the child. We have many times heard the complaints of young mothers that, they say, their child is still very small, but already shows its character. In part, it is the zodiacal sign that influences character formation. Possession of relevant knowledge allows you to find an approach to a person at any age.


During the year our Earth is making a movearound the Sun, while observing the celestial star against the background of various constellations. The path along the circle among the stars is usually called the ecliptic, but it runs through 12 constellations. Most often we use the expression "sign of the zodiac", this name came from the Greek word "zoon", which means an animal.

Zodiac signs

Many people are interested in the question of how to learnZodiac sign by date of birth. But to start a little history. If you pay attention to the names of the constellations, you can catch the notes of the agricultural and hunting period in the history of mankind. If you take the constellation Libra and Virgo, then these names can be timed to the harvesting period, Taurus and Aries - as it symbolizes cattle breeding, Aquarius and Pisces - can be associated with fishing.

zodiac sign by date of birth

Human qualities

The sign of the Zodiac of the person indicates in whichit was the constellation that was the Sun at the time of its birth. We all have different habits, attachments, character - in a word, we are unique, each in its own way. For example, it is believed that it is the Sun that influences the will of man, determines its potential. The sign of the Zodiac, in turn, allows us to understand what features and basic features of character a person has. Thanks to the zodiacal characteristic, all people can be conditionally divided into 12 constellations.

Errors in date

Those who not so long ago began to be interestedhoroscopes, are wondering how to find out the sign of the Zodiac by the date of birth. In fact, everything is very simple. Each constellation has clear dates, which make it easy to determine which sign of the Zodiac the person belongs to. But experienced experts say that it is necessary to take into account the phases of the moon and the lunar calendar, because the new day does not come at 12 o'clock in the morning, as all of us are used to believe. Hence, there may be inaccuracies in determining the exact date of their Zodiac sign. But such subtleties can only concern those people who were born, so to speak, at the junction of the two signs of the Zodiac. In such cases, you can refer to specialists or various kinds of zodiacal calendars. Thanks to such a calendar, you can easily determine which is your sign of the Zodiac.

Four forces

In addition to the fact that there are 12 signs of the zodiac,each of them can relate to one of the four existing elements (Water, Air, Earth, Fire). Moreover, there are also patronizing, favorably influencing planets, etc. It is not surprising that people who were born under the same element have similarities and qualities of character, but nevertheless, on different signs of the Zodiac the "spontaneous patron" can influence differently.

But let's talk about this a little more in detail, and in order not to be unfounded, we will give examples.

horoscope zodiac dates signs

Element Water

This includes people born under the signScorpion, Cancer or Pisces. Representatives of these signs differ emotionality, deep receptivity and sensitivity. They, like water flowing around a stone, avoid problems and find a way out of difficult situations. Nevertheless, Cancer can be compared to water vapor, such are they, hot, crowded people, but Scorpions are rather "cold ice", which is able to hide from others their plans and feelings, but people of this sign, if they wish, can to melt away. As for Pisces, it is water that flows underground. Representatives of this sign of the Zodiac often resist difficulties and struggle with problems, but in the end - they win.

Element Air

People who are born under the signGemini, Aquarius and Libra. These are very cold representatives of mankind, not allowing emotions to take hold of their minds, at the same time they are quite cheerful and energetic. Scales are the most "cold", self-confident, calm and calculating, while Aquarius has many plans and his thoughts are always strained. The twins are, perhaps, the most changeable sign, like the air, it can be cold or hot. His main trump cards are charm and intelligence.

Element Fire

The very name of the element speaks for itself.These are active people, incendiary, dynamic and vigorous, however, this, to some extent, and gave rise to the shortcomings of "fiery people" - intolerance, stubbornness, a tendency to contradict all. The people of this element are those born under the constellations of Leo, Aries and Streltsy. Absolutely all representatives have similar character traits, just someone with more, and someone with less pronounced qualities.

Element Earth

Here we include Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo.This is perhaps the most restrained and collected element, which generously endowed its "wards", rewarding them with perseverance, diligence, consistency and practicality. However, they still have shortcomings - these people are quite pessimistic, tough and mean. It is the sign of the Virgin that is the most pronounced representative of the earthly elements.

your sign of the zodiac

Love horoscope

In order to find an approach to a person,it is enough to know his horoscope. Signs of the Zodiac (dates of which are known to everyone) can tell a lot about and even help determine the choice of a partner to create a reliable and lasting marriage union. It is on these principles that many fortune-telling and all kinds of predictions on a love topic are based. The advice of astrologers is very simple - if people belong to the signs from one element, then it will be a very strong tandem.

And now advice for those who are looking for an answer to the questionon how to learn the sign of the Zodiac by the date of birth in order to pick the perfect partner. Remember one thing, a very important rule of life: nothing stronger than sincere love has not yet come up, so do not pay too much attention to finding out which sign of the zodiac your half.

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