/ / Founder of Buddhism and basic information about this religion

The founder of Buddhism and basic information about this religion

Buddhism - the teaching of religious and philosophicalorientation, undoubtedly, is the first world religion on the time of its foundation. Christianity is "younger" than Buddhism for 5 centuries, in turn as Islam - for as long as 12 centuries. The founder of Buddhism - Siddhartha Gautama, was an Indian prince and lived in the Ganges valley, his childhood and young years passed in his father's palace. From his infancy he was surrounded by wealth, and ahead of him was a serene, full life. But one day a meeting with a sick ascetic, the corpse of a deceased, an old man turned his idea of ​​his own life. He reconsidered his life and completely renounced his former world, becoming a hermit.

Throughout his new life, he sought the path andA way that would save people from their suffering. The basis of this teaching is the belief that the soul after death is reincarnated and does not go into non-existence. All subsequent lives are given in order to reach the highest degree of spiritual state - Nirvana. The founder of Buddhism - the Buddha, seriously reformed and reworked the Vedic texts. On the basis of this, he preached equality of people, building communities where there would be no caste, as well as universal justice between people.

The Buddha had a huge impact on life and imagethinking of Indian society. Being a representative of the higher caste, being a prince, but having abandoned the whole corporeal, he preached spiritual values. Of all the actions, the most pernicious is thought, as Buddha founder Buddha taught. That is, before taking any action, first of all comes the thought of this action and even one bad thought is destructive for a person professing Buddhism.

Where did Buddhism originate? It is not known exactly.Modern scholars and researchers disagree on this issue, but the generally accepted doctrine states that the birth of this religion took place in the north-eastern region of India. Quite quickly spread across the whole of India, by the end of the first millennium BC it reached a great dawn. By the twelfth century of our era, this teaching practically disappeared from India. By this time Hinduism, revived from Brahmanism, prevailed here. Hinduism preached directly opposite truths, based on the caste society, as well as the performance of certain ceremonial actions. All this Buddhist religion categorically denied.

The ideas of Buddhism flourished not only in India, but also,beginning about the third century BC, covered a significant part of southeastern and central Asia, and also partially Siberia and Central Asia. This multidirectional distribution did not allow the first sprouts of religion to dry up.

Having spread out, this culture promoted the erection of syncretic complexes of cultural orientation, which together form the Buddhist culture as a whole.

If the place of origin of religion isresearchers, some differences arise, then when answering the question "Who is the founder of Buddhism?" there is no doubt. The founder of Buddhism Buddha Shakyamuni is deeply revered in the countries of Asia and, undoubtedly, is a historical person. This person, according to legend, reached the highest level of enlightenment and could easily talk with animals, birds and even trees and stones. He created a teaching that, along with Christianity and Islam, is one of the world's major religions.

To date, the world center of Buddhismis Tibet and it is in the vicinity of the Tibetan mountains that there are monasteries in which monks learn the laws, thereby creating the Buddha. Here there is a certain ritual of choosing the next incarnation of Buddha Shakyamuni.

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