/ / Monastery of Spaso-Andronicus: photo, address, reviews

Monastery of Spaso-Andronicus: photo, address, reviews

The monastery of Spaso-Andronicus belongs to the mainshrines of Moscow. This ancient building impresses with its Majesty. The monastery is famous for the fact that Andrei Rublev created his icons here. That is why the monastery is called the cradle of iconography of Russia. After the death of the iconographer's power, they were preserved on the territory of the monastery. There is also the Andrei Rublev Museum of Art.

Saint Andrew Rublev

monastery of Andronik rescuers

Точная дата рождения иконописца неизвестна.Presumably this is the year 1360. He was born in an educated family, belonging to the highest circle. This is clearly reflected in his work. Master studied painting in Bulgaria and Byzantium. It is even possible that the Monk Andrew was a disciple of Theophanes the Greek. The icon painter dedicated his life to spiritual creativity. His name is mentioned in the information about the Trinity-Sergius Lavra and the Spaso-Andronic Monastery, where he took the monastic tonsure. All his life, Andrew spent in a spiritual atmosphere of holiness. By his example, he inspired all ascetics, for he was a living example of a holy person. More than 20 years he led the life of the icon painter-devotee.

His work is the image of the Holy Trinity,which to this day is considered an unsurpassed example of icon painting. Also the hands of Andrei Rublev were painted the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir and Zvenigorod and the Annunciation Cathedral in the Kremlin. Also participated in the painting of the iconostasis in the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin in the Savva-Strozhsky Monastery.

Events preceding the creation of a modern monastery

The legend says that in 1354 Alexiswent to Constantinople to meet with the Ecumenical Orthodox Patriarch. When he returned back, in the Black Sea, his ship was hit by a heavy storm. The metropolitan cordially addressed prayers to the icon of Christ, but the storm continued to rage. Then Alexy swore to Christ that if he survived, he would certainly build a temple in Moscow dedicated to the image of the Savior, not made by hands. The storm immediately stopped. It was a coincidence of circumstances or God's conduct, but the day of Metropolitan's arrival to the Motherland coincided with the celebration of the Savior Not Made by Hands.

What was the original temple, practicallyis unknown. There are suggestions that he was made of wood. Later began to appear information about the stone building in 1360 or in 1390. But archaeological finds indicate that before that time there was a church structure on that place.

More reliable facts is that the monastery of Spaso-Andronicus was built in 1410-1427 by the abbot Alexander.

History of construction

Spaso Andronikov Monastery reviews

In the "Book of the Powerful Tsarist Genealogy" PachomiyaThe Logophet says that the painting of the cathedral was not without the hands of Andrei Rublev. Other sources also say that Andrei Rublev and Daniil Cherniy went to Moscow in order to paint the cathedral. A few years after his arrival in the monastery Andrei Rublev left this world and was buried in the Spaso-Andronievsky monastery. History says that this was the last work of the icon painter. At the end of the 18th century, during the restoration, almost all of the master's work was destroyed. Only a few fragments of the painting on the windows survived.

In the years 1763-1779, the restoration work was carried out at the monastery. An extension was made in the form of a covered porch.

In 1812 the temple overtook trouble.The burning fire of the fire almost completely destroyed the iconostasis. In 1850, the cathedral significantly changed its original appearance. On the south side, a side-chapel of the Assumption of the Virgin was attached to it, with the north side - a chapel of St. Andronicus, over which a tent roof was erected.

After the revolution, the monastery of Spaso-Andronovsky becamea place for prisoners. Later the building was handed over to the Serp i Molot plant. At that time workers lived in all temple buildings. In 1959 the cathedral turned into the Museum of the Ancient Rus' art Andrei Rublev.

In 1989, the Council was transferred to the Moscow Patriarchate and the monastery of Spaso-Andronovsky again resumed its direct activities.

Life inside the monastery

Today in the Spaso-Andronikov Monasterynot only divine services take place. At the monastery operates the school of singing. Today this is a great rarity. The cathedral has its own choir. There is also a workshop for icon painting. On the basis of the monastery church books are published, telling about the history and traditions of the cathedral.

In 2010, the monastery of Spaso-Andronicus was visited by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill and made a small compliment in it.

Where is the Spaso-Andronicus Monastery? The cathedral is located in a picturesque place on the banks of the Yauza River. This makes it a real pearl in the crown of Russia's cultural heritage.

The body of the monastery consists of temple buildings,administrative buildings, monastic necropolis, monastery walls with towers. Behind these walls there are also other buildings belonging to the territory of the monastery.

Architecture of temple buildings

К храмовым сооружениям относится собор Спаса The Holy Image. This is one of the oldest monasteries in Moscow, which is a model of ancient Russian architecture. No temple structure, according to experts, does not have such perfect proportions. Dimensions of the monastery influenced the parameters of other temple buildings. As a result, the full composition looks very harmonious.

The facades of the Cathedral of the Savior are divided into three parts. In the east there is an altar consisting of three parts. In the center of the remaining facades are perspective portals.

On all walls there are windows, which allows to penetrate the light from all sides. Uniform illumination of the temple gives it a magical appearance.

The temple was rebuilt several times.But in the 20th century restorers were able to restore its original forms. But the frescoes written by Andrei Rublev are still not preserved. Near the temple on the south side is a well. Tradition says that the water in it is holy, since it was excavated by the Reverend Andronik.

The building of the Church of the Archangel Michael

where the Andronikov monastery is located

Originally, in 1506, was builta two-story refectory. The first stage was occupied by economic services, on the second level there was a refectory. In the center of the huge hall there is a pillar on which four vaults rest. This structure was formerly the Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin.

Later, near the refectory, the church of the Archangel Michael was built. The building is designed in the Baroque style, but the architects stood the combination of style with the refectory, combining the two buildings with one cornice.

It is in this place that the Museum of Andrei Rublev is now located.

Спасо-Андроников монастырь в Москве – это целый a complex of architectural masterpieces. One of them is the Christmas Church. But, unfortunately, today only the wall from the western side remained of it. In 1930 the church was destroyed.

Today, the Holy Gate was restored, butThe premise, which used to be the church above the gates, had to be redeveloped. Now at this location is the collection department of the Andrei Rublev Museum and the accounting department.

Bell tower

Spas Andronikov Monastery in Moscow

In the late 90's near the fraternal corpsbuilt a belfry. Earlier in this place there was also a bell tower, which was built in the early 19th century. The height of the bell tower reached 80 m. It was the tallest building in Moscow of this type.

In 1803 the second tier of the bell tower occupiedthe church of Simeon, but in 1930 it was destroyed, perhaps forever. Unfortunately, such a magnificent monument of classical architecture can not be restored today.

Administrative buildings

The monastery of Spaso-Andronicus also has buildings,in which administrative work is conducted, as today it is primarily the Museum of Culture. Initially, the administrative structures were also, but they had a completely different character. For example, the first floor of the abbey chambers now serves as a hall for holding periodic exhibitions, the second floor is occupied by the administrative body of the museum.

There is also a fraternal corps built inearly 18th century. In 1763, it was expanded to the south. Initially, it was intended to accommodate monks. Today, here is the museum's depository.

Spaso Andronikov Monastery Photo

In 1811, on the territory of Spaso-AndronikovThe monastery was built theological academy. The building was decorated with semicircular windows. Here, classes were held for ministers of churches. The school trained about 100 students. Today this building is intended for museum departments.

Andronikov Monastery

Monastery buildings

On the spot where the museum's security is now located, there used to be a service building. Near the refectory there was an economic building for storing food. Today it is an auxiliary room of the museum.

In 2011, in the north-eastern part of theone-storey refectory "Bread house". This modern building is quite harmoniously blended into the overall ensemble. Visitors to the museum can taste any dish in a cozy cafe-refectory. There is even the possibility of organizing weddings and other solemn events.

In 2006, during the reconstruction, remains were found, which are supposedly the relics of Andrei Rublev, but this has not yet been proved.

Other buildings on the territory of the monastery

Spaso Andronikov Monastery Address

The Spaso-Andronikov Monastery (photo above: a bird's-eye view) has other buildings.

По сегодняшний день функционирует Троицкая chapel located outside the monastery walls. It was built relatively recently - in 2011. The chapel is richly decorated with painted Florentine mosaics, made by master Mario Antonucci.

In honor of Andrei Rublev, a monument dedicated to the iconographer was erected on the territory of the monastery. In 1985, the monument was installed in a park near the Holy Gates.

Every Moscow resident and guest mustvisit the Spaso-Andronikov Monastery. The reviews of other people about him are very inspirational. To many, this place resembles an ancient castle. This is a great place for solitude and the opportunity to collect your thoughts. The monastery and the whole surrounding area are extraordinarily beautiful. In this place you can really feel the spirit of history.

It is easy to find the Spaso-Andronikov Monastery. Address: Moscow, pl. Andronevskaya, 10.

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