/ How to make a Voodoo doll with your own hands?

How to make a doll Voodoo own hands?

The magic of Voodoo is a very specific direction.In it, not only different religious dogmas, but also many rituals and magic instruments were interlaced. Among the Slavic practitioners, sacrifice, fortune telling on bones or entering into a trance did not take root, but dolls-volts were more familiar. Therefore, today we learn how to make a doll Voodoo, and what it is.

What is the volt?

In ritual magic, one of the most popularmagic tools are considered dolls Voodoo. They can be both an ordinary tool and a powerful weapon. Mage-practitioners note that such unremarkable and stupid for the ordinary person trinkets, can have a strong impact on human energy. One thing is bad - the world cinema has instilled in the minds of viewers that the Voodoo dolls cause only harm. Of course, they are often used in black magic, but do not deny the fact that such things can be used to improve their situation. Now the question of how to make a doll Voodoo does not sound so frightening. Many Voodoo mages use volts to cure a person, to bring wealth or love to life.

Much depends on the hands in whichan object of magical rituals. Evil and cruel people can make a deadly weapon from a doll, in the hands of inexperienced magicians, it will turn into a bomb of mass destruction, and a person with good intentions will make from her a true guardian angel.

Voodoo doll on love, how to do?

The doll-volt is a figure in the form of a little man, shecan be made of wood, wool, rags or wax. The only thing that unites such figures is a part of the human body, which must be present during manufacturing. These can be nails, hair or discharge. For a better effect, use a photograph of a person and parts of his clothes to establish a closer energy connection.

Preparing the Mage

To correctly make a magical instrument,it is necessary not only to understand the basics, but also to know about the pitfalls. It's not enough to just make a magical instrument at home, you need to give it a power that would be effective. Then, how to make a doll Voodoo? First, you need to realize that this is a whole science, where every detail is important.

The first thing to focus on,- this is the preparation of the man himself for the creation of the Voodoo doll. Every creator of magic instruments must endow things with a charge of energy. Thanks to a properly loaded instrument, it is much easier to perform magical rituals. It depends on the person how powerful the volt will be, and whether it will bring at least some benefit. You can make a Voodoo doll per person, like a real one, but do not put the right mental charge into it. Ultimately, such a thing will be useless - it will not even affect the fly.

How to make a Voodoo doll per person?

Do not ignore the fact that one of thestages of preparation - this is a three-day post, which is considered the most effective way of self-cleaning. During fasting, you do not need to go to church. Voodoo, although she took many ideas of Christianity and Catholicism, is still an independent religion, so do not mix energy, otherwise the created volt will have an unstable mental background. During fasting, you need to clear not only your body, but also your thoughts. To begin this preparation will be enough.

Black cock

But for those who want to make a doll by themselvesVoodoo with high efficiency, it is worth considering about the sacrifice. The magic of Voodoo contains many similar rituals. The greatest efficiency among them is the burning of a black cock. While the magician observes fasting, he must buy a black cock (healthy and strong) and for three days feed it with clean corn and live food (beetles, earthworms, etc.). Pouring grain every time a bird, one must think that this is a small sacrifice to spirits.

When the three days are over, the bird must be slaughtered, the blood drained into the ground and burned at the stake. As long as the fire burns, you need to ask the spirits to accept the sacrifice and help in the creation of the doll.

Material selection

To make the doll Voodoo as best as possible,you must choose the right material for manufacturing. The first thing you should pay attention to is the naturalness of the material. To use artificial and synthetic materials is not a good idea, since their energy is not suitable for such purposes. Some mages use hay, dry grass, wood, bark, thin branches, natural fabrics, wax, yellow clay or cotton wool to create volts.

Also, depending on the purposes, the choice is differentmaterial. For example, the volt can be made from the clothing fabric of the person on which the magic of the doll will be applied. If this is not possible, the base of the volt can be sewn from any piece of natural fabric.

To make a Voodoo doll love, as shownpractice, it is better to use wax. Beginning mages, it happens, use clay instead of wax, this is wrong, since the effect of magic on this greatly decreases. Wax material allows you to firmly seal the nails or hair of a person, to whom the spell is made.

How to make a doll Voodoo?

To attract money, to make dollsVoodoo is best suited grass and tree, as in mythology they are the embodiment of wealth. The selected materials largely determine the power of the doll. Also, volts are recommended for dressing. If a love spell is made, just a clean natural cloth is used to enrich the cloth from the clothes of the person to be enchanted for enrichment.

Features of creation

So, how to make a doll Voodoo? The creation of different volts has its own characteristics. More often than not, people are interested in how to make a Voodoo doll for love, for money and for spoiling. These options and consider.

Wax dolls, which are used for lovemagic, are popular tools in the rituals of black magic. How to make a Voodoo doll of this type? To make a wax doll it is necessary to take:

  • 3 ordinary white candles;
  • 4 sticks from any tree;
  • thread made of natural fiber;
  • iron bowl or other strong container;
  • tripod;
  • dry alcohol.

So, how to make a Voodoo doll at home?To begin with, you need to prepare a part of the human body (nail or hair) in advance. In volts it is very important that the doll has a soul, without it it will be a usual wax cast - useless and inappropriate. If there is no way to get a nail or hair, you can use a small personal thing, well, or anything that can be rolled into the wax, and it has a connection to the person.


Well, let's look at how to make a Voodoo doll onrights on their own. It is very important to follow the procedure. If the volt is done correctly, it will receive from its creator the right energy charge, which will help in carrying out the desired ritual.

At the first stage it will be necessary to make the basisfor the doll. It is made of wooden sticks. First, you need to choose the longest of them, it will serve as the basis. To her, you need to thread another wand to make a figure of the cross. In the lower part of the figure, we tie up two more sticks, so that the figure of the little man eventually turns out, this will be the basis for the doll.

The second stage is to work with wax.In the saucer you need to put dry alcohol, install a tripod above it and put a heat-resistant container on it. From the candles you need to pull out the wick, and wax crumbled and poured into a bowl that stands on the tripod. Then it needs to be melt, but not bring to a boil, it is enough that it simply softens to the state of elastic mass, from which you can blind something. After the wax has warmed up, it needs to be gradually removed and clothed with the base of the volt. It is extremely important to match the parameters of a person's figure. For example, if it's a man, you need to build a muscular torso, for female dolls, the obligatory elements are long hair, waist, chest.

At the same stage, you need to attach to the dollsoul, that is, roll in the wax nails, hair or personal items. But, since the volt should resemble a person as much as possible, some mages shred their nails and make this mixture into a common wax mass, and if there is hair available, then they are attached to the doll's head.

Voodoo doll make love spree

In the third stage, the volt is worn.Clothing can be made from any fabric, but it is still better if this fabric is made of human clothes. To create design models will be superfluous, it is enough to sew something like a loose, long shirt. This is true for both male and female figures. Well, if there is a picture of a person, you can cut out your face and paste it in the head area. Here's how to make a Voodoo doll per person.

Wax volts are used to conductritual to death, to spoil, charm or impose a lapel. Voodoo dolls can accumulate information no worse than salt or sugar, transform it and store it.

It also happens that people try to make dollsVoodoo with candles bought in the church. Not that it was impossible to do, but such a volt would be suitable only for Slavic rituals and will not become an instrument in the magic of Voodoo.


So, after the figure is dressed, alreadyyou can use a Voodoo doll. Make a love spell or something else with her help is allowed after the magician makes the binding. To do this, the volt must be given a name. Usually a doll is named as well as the person to whom it was made. The plot of the binding is as follows:

Henceforth your name (the person's name), with this doll you are one. As with the doll, it's with you. May it be so! Ago, Ago, Ago!

Monetary volt

But this is not all information on how to do it.the Voodoo doll. The magic of Voodoo makes it possible to create dolls that bring wealth and prosperity, but such volts are not made from wax. For example, for a doll that brings money, use two types of natural cloth, sawdust and dry grass. Just like the wax doll, this is done in several stages:

  • Stage one. Sew from a fabric a cover resembling in shaperights. You can create something like a tumbler: head, arms and a tapered trunk in the form of a bag. It is worth remembering that such a volt is a powerful talisman, amulet or amulet. It can not be a magic tool that is used for spoilage, a spell or a lapel.
  • Stage two. When the base is ready, it must be filled with drygrass and spices. It is necessary to put a laurel leaf in the fabric, as in many nations it represents wealth and prosperity. After filling, the doll needs to be sewn, making the seam as small and unobtrusive as possible.
  • Stage three. When the doll is filled with grass and sewn up, she needs to make a face. You can use embroidery for these purposes. When the face is painted, for a doll of threads it is necessary to make hair, and decorate the head with a ribbon.
Make a Voodoo doll yourself

The only condition is that all materials must be natural. Ready-made volts can be used for rituals for enrichment or simply keep with them like an amulet, pre-personalizing the volta with you.

Seeds and herbs

Well, now we know how to make a dollVoodoo own hands, but there are some more useful points. Various seeds and herbs are used to fill the volts. Someone mixes them with cotton wool (because they lack the right amount of natural filler), someone uses it in pure form. But both there and there it is necessary to know what specific seeds and grasses are responsible for.




From evil

Garlic, basil, bay leaf.

Seeds of cumin and zira.

On luck

Basil, thistle and chamomile flowers, asparagus, parsley.

Mustard, beans, quince, sweet peas.

To improve health

Verbena, dandelion leaves, catnip, hops, peppermint, immortelle.

Pumpkin, cumin, apples, seeds of the Christmas tree.

To attract love

Violet (root and leaves), lavender, horse chestnut.

Orange and linen.

To enhance passion

Myrtle, aloe, coriander, wormwood, verbena root.

For money

Horse chestnut, clover, bay leaf.

Rice, corn, lentils, kidney beans

How to work with a doll?

To get the desired effect, the doll needsto pierce. This is especially true for volts, which are used to direct spoilage and spells. To influence the person, it is necessary to pierce the doll with a pin. Depending on what part of the body is hit by the needle, the corresponding effects will appear.

For example, if you need to make a spell, thenit will be enough to take three needles. A thrust in the heart - appeared to love the other in the head, to change the thoughts, and in the genital area for the emergence of passion. In rituals at least need to use 3 needles (as a maximum of 13).

How to make a Voodoo doll per person independently?

Also, Voodoo dolls that are made for health, money, luck, etc. can simply be stored as talismans, without using the "terrible" acupuncture rituals. True, the effect of this will be very weak.

Get rid of the doll

From the volts that were used toto bring damage or for love spells, you need to get rid of, and you need to do it correctly. Usually ritual instruments are simply burned. But since a person is tied to volts, the doll must first be freed from the so-called “soul” (unless the magician has any intention to harm someone). The ritual of liberation is very simple: a voodoo doll needs to be poured with holy water and said the following:

I purify the doll with holy water, I let you (name) go free, there is no more her power over you, and your name is not given to her now. Amen.

This will help to separate the doll and the person. After that, you can burn volts.

How to make a doll Voodoo?

And finally.Beginners are interested in whether such magic is dangerous? Of course, it is dangerous, since more ancient rituals have survived in Voodooism than in Slavic magic, besides, when creating a doll, the mage gives it a very strong energy. But not this most terrible, Voodoo dolls are very effective, and even for beginners it turns out to achieve the desired from the first time. And it is very important that the magician can control himself. It often happens that the first successful magical experience gives a sense of omnipotence, and such thoughts are very dangerous and can easily lead to trouble. Therefore, before you contact the Voodoo dolls, you need to be 100% confident, your ability to work with energy and keep yourself in control.

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