/ / How to make a theater of shadows for children with their own hands

How to make a theater of shadows for children with their own hands

The room is dim, only the brightly shining desklamp. It's worth raising your hands - and there are shadows on the wall. And if you fold your hands into fancy shapes or move your fingers - the shadows come to life and turn into mysterious figures or animals. This truly fascinating process fascinates not only children, but also adults.

Theater of shadows for children with their own hands

After all, in order to show the children an unforgettable,a vivid idea, it is not necessary to go to the theater. You can arrange a theater of shadows for children at home. They take part in the preparation for the show with great pleasure - they carve out dolls, master the stage, invent characters and scenarios, with enthusiasm they depict the figures of magic animals with their hands. All this is not only interesting, but also informative, and also useful. Adults spend time with their children, while the children develop their thinking, splash out their fantasy, inner perception of the world.

Theater of shadows for children with their own hands

The development of fine motor skills is very useful forchildren, especially small children. The shadow theater is exactly the role play that will help this process. Images that are obtained on the wall only with the help of correctly installed lighting and their own hands and fingers, bring children into admiration. After all, there is so much new in such a production as a shadow theater for children - with their own hands an adult can show elementary movements, after seeing which, the child will be delighted and will certainly try to repeat these actions and even create his own. Successes, achievements of the kid in copying movements, animals will bring joy not only to him, but to all surrounding.

Shadow Theater for Children at Home

When the child learns the basics, you can dothe process is more interesting and exciting, for example, put a whole play where the main role will be assigned to him and your hands, and the audience can be close and friends of the family.

Theater of shadows using paper dolls

In order to make the theater of shadows by our own handsfrom paper, there is no need to build any cumbersome equipment. It is enough to take several electric lamps, due to their illumination, the shadows will be bright and clear, and a light sheet for the screen. In the absence of a sheet, a simple white wall is also suitable.

Shadow Theater with your own hands made of paper

Lamps need to be installed so that they are goodilluminated the screen, the rest of the room should be darkened. Spectators invited to the show should be in the shadows, and direct participants in the show between a well-lit screen and a light source. Now it is necessary to include imagination - and the world of shadows will come to life. For the realism of what is happening you can adjust the size of the image, to increase the characters on the screen you need to move the dolls away from the wall, and to reduce, on the contrary, closer.

Theater of shadows on stage

There is another way to make the shadow theater with your own hands for the children - the fairy tale you invented at the same time will unfold on the real stage.
But this requires a little more preparation than was necessary for the previously announced ways.

How to make a scene

Dimensions of the screen and side walls each definesyourself. But it is most convenient to play with screen sizes of approximately 50 by 50 cm and side walls - 50 by 30 cm. The resulting box needs to be tightened with paper, the specialized film for patterns is best suited, it is sturdy and does not shine through.

Shadow Theater with your own hands for children's fairy tale

Silhouettes of pupae should be made from cardboard, withThis all moving parts, such as hands, feet and head need to be cut apart. To fasten the parts together you can use ordinary wire, for this you need to make holes in detail with an awl or a thick needle, stretch the wire in them and wrap them in a ring on both sides.

To the body of the doll you need to attach a cane 40-50 cm long, it can be any thin stick. It needs to screw in the screw and fix the body of the cardboard doll.

To the doll came to life, that is, it began to move,you need to use threads. They should be strong, the best for this purpose is a floss. In the legs and hands, as well as in the walking stick, the pins of the pins should be fixed. Tie the thread to the loops on the legs and hands and stretch it through the eye of the loop on the canes. If you pull for it - the limbs of the doll will rise, if you let go - go down.

If you tie to the right and left side differentcolor thread, this will not get confused when staging. But do not get carried away by the variety of colors, while running during the action this can be confusing.

To make the silhouette clear, the doll and decorations must be pressed tightly against the screen, the light must be between the screen and the puppeteer.

In fact, to make the theater of shadows forchildren with their own hands, you can also use an ordinary large cardboard box, for example, from under shoes. The main thing is that it is stable on the table. Figures can also be anything, you can include your imagination and imagination, creating fabulous and unusual characters, and you can cut out on ready-made stencils.

Theater of shadows on stage

Performance for friends

It will be fascinating to spend so entertainingan occupation not only with the family, but also with the involvement of friends and their children. In order to arrange a joint theater of shadows for children with their own hands, it is better to think in advance and hand out scenarios and roles. Let each of the main characters independently prepare their own doll at home - this will be even more interesting both for the participant himself and for other children taking part in the performance.

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