/ / Can I wash my head before the exam - signs and superstitions

Can I wash my head before the exam - signs and superstitions

Session - this is a special time, requiringstudents and students the maximum concentration of attention and full force. After all, depending on whether an exam or test is passed on a particular subject, a lot can depend in the future.

Can I wash my head before the exam?
For students in the school, a successfully passed exam isa passing grade to a higher educational institution, for students - the opportunity to obtain a long-awaited diploma and realize their desires in search of a good job in the specialty. In any case, preparing for the exam takes a lot of energy and strength from the students.

Signs and superstitions

Many people have faith in various signsand superstition. So the students did not stay aloof from these legends - regardless of the material learned, the level of preparation, they often ask themselves before a difficult test: what to do before the exam to be sure to pass it?

What should I do before the exam?

People who are impressionable and suggestible are especially inclinedbelieve in various signs and superstitions heard from a neighbor at a desk, grandmothers at the entrance, friends, neighbors in the staircase. Most often, a student who wants to pass the exam perfectly, puts a five-ruble coin in his shoes - it is believed that this method will bring good luck. But no less common is the superstition of washing your head before surrendering. So, can I wash my head before the exam? Let's try to figure it out.

Why not wash your hair?

Course material is studied, cribs are written,the last days are given for the repetition of examination tickets. It seems that everything is ready for a high evaluation, but here is the once heard belief about whether it is possible to wash your head before the exam, everything does not give rest. Where did this sign originate? There are several possible explanations for this:

  • It is believed that the knowledge gained in the processtraining and during preparation, during the washing of the head are washed together with water and shampoo. Therefore, this is one of the main rules of superstitious man, which can not be done before the exam categorically.
  • One more opinion on this score from the point of view ofpsychologists. A student before such an important test is very tense, and if he has any faith in the fact that any wishes before the exam will bring him 100% of the result, it is better to listen to your feelings. Thus, it is as if programming itself at a subconscious level to achieve the stated goal, allegedly due to following superstitions.

What can not be done before the exam?

  • On the part of unprepared students, who alreadydo not know what to do before the exam yet, to get at least some evaluation, you might think that a slovenly, untidy look with greasy hair will cause pity from the teacher. He will see before him a tormented man who did not sleep at night, preparing for exams, who came to the surrender at the last gasp, not having the strength to even wash himself. Well, how not to put such a hard worker at least a minimum estimate? But here everything is not as smooth as it may seem: unwashed head is not enough for anyone who will cause something other than disgust, except to tie it with a handkerchief, explaining it with their religious views on life.
  • And one more opinion on this.It is believed that to do before the exam, any manipulation of appearance is not worth it. Allegedly, this switches attention to the need to look beautiful from the main point to this point - from passing the exam.

Particularly impressionable

If you are obsessed with this belief and the question ofwhether it is possible to wash your hair before an exam, does not give you peace of mind, it is better not to touch it at all. Since this is the only thing you can think about on the eve of such an important event and during it, and this will increase anxiety and affect the result of the exam.

Students and students: wishes before the exam

If fear looks stale in the eyesteacher is stronger than any beliefs, it is better to wash your hair. It is important to understand here that not a single sign has any scientific basis, and everything in this life depends on your mind, not on the freshness of your head.

Wishes for students

No matter what decision you take for yourself, what cannot be done before the exam, and what you absolutely need to bring to life, the main thing in passing the exam is thorough preparation. Here are some tips:

  • Study throughout the school yearthen you will know the subject very well. Learning something a couple of days before the exams is almost impossible, regardless of how clean your head is.
  • Work out with tutors. If knowledge does not climb into the head during lessons and lectures, an individual teacher will be able to assist you in learning the material studied.

Badly prepared students

Do not wash your hair, perhaps this method will really help you successfully cope with the exam ticket.

What to do before the exam?

But there is not only a superstitious way of puttingexams, but also more mundane, although not entirely honest: write cheat sheets. Even if you can’t or don’t want to use them during the exam, no moments of material will be fixed in your head.


Whatever you do on the eve of the exam, whichWhatever answer you have to the question whether you can wash your hair before an exam, do not forget that the result of the test depends entirely on your knowledge and level of training.

If there are moments in which you are surewhether it is superstition or scientifically proven facts, stick to your own course, because the result of your work directly depends on your inner comfort, belief in yourself and various types of beliefs.

Good luck and excellent ratings!

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