Every exam is an incredible challenge.every student. That is why it is always preceded by stress and fear. Moreover, it is usually not only a student who just has to pass exams, but also his relatives are going through it. However, there are no reasons for gloom and pessimism, you just need to learn to believe in your abilities and, of course, prepare as thoroughly as possible. In addition, every believer has a special "weapon" - faith. In particular, you can use dua before the exam.
Dua is a special prayer aimed atappeal to Allah. It is believed that this is a form of worship. It is customary to read such a prayer in different life situations. Basically, every Muslim asks for the help of Allah before starting a new type of activity.
In order for this particular prayer to be accepted,the believer must direct all thoughts to Heaven. It is necessary that the prayer be sure that the Almighty is watching the “presence” of his heart during the utterance of sacred words. It is noteworthy that you need to pray persistently and repeat many times. During the utterance of sacred words you need to lower the tone of the voice a little. It is advisable to ask even in a whisper. Each message must necessarily begin with the fact that a believer exalts Allah. And you can ask about the desired infinite number of times.
In case of not receiving the desiredreal life from Allah, to him it will be credited on the Day of Judgment. Moreover, this promotion will be considered a kind of reward and can bring a person much more benefit than on Earth.
Any voltage can always prevent excellent results. Therefore, it exists in Islam dua before the exam.
So, before beginning such a test, one should read this prayer:
If a student is already directly in the exam and from minute to minute he is to answer the teacher's questions, then the following prophet Musa should read:
The Messenger of Allah always taught his devotees only the bright faith in Allah and in themselves. Therefore, if you are scared and timid, then you should speak such a dua before the exam:
In order for success to be always there, you should read the 62 ayat of Surah Al-Anfal:
It is not a secret for anyone that in every serious test a concentration of attention and all mental capabilities will be needed. For this you should read a special dua before the exam:
The main thing to remember that the pledge of any exam -hard work and thorough preparation. The Russians have such a proverb: “Patience and hard work will do it all”, in the Koran there is a similar expression: “... to a man only that - in which he was zealous. And his zeal will be discerned. "
Of course, you should pay attention to the choiceprayers, so you need to know which dua is being read before the exam. It is imperative to remember that to ask from Allah is always necessary and regardless of any external circumstances. Refer to the Almighty and believe in the power that is sure to help. After all, the Du'a is the strongest Muslim prayer.