/ / Religion in Kazakhstan: a look into the past, realities

Religion in Kazakhstan: a look into the past, realities

Kazakhstan is a country with a very ancient and interestingreligious history. Many religions intersected here, some of them very old. Religion in Kazakhstan has a deep past, and it is worth a look.

Pre-Islamic period

Long before Islam came to Kazakhstan,Tengrians were common here. In this belief, the supreme god was Tengri. This name was also used for other deities, but data about them were almost not preserved.

kazakhstan religion

The essence of this faith was the division of the world intothree spaces: heavenly, earthly and underground. Natural phenomena, the elements had their own interpretation. This religion in Kazakhstan also had regional characteristics. The southern inhabitants believed in the sanctity of the caves. In one of them, for example, women went to treat infertility. In the East, the countries of the saints were appointed heads of related groups.

In Kazakhstan, before Islam, tooShamanism prevailed. The Supreme Shaman conducted rituals, communicating with the spirits of his ancestors. Such sessions allegedly helped him heal people, find lost cattle and even manage nature.

The coming of Islam

Мусульманство в течение не одного века проникало to Kazakhstan. Religion, having embraced the South of the country, spread to the Seven Rivers and the Syr Darya coasts at the end of the 10th century. However, part of the regions professed Christianity (Nestorianism), which came here in the XII-XIII centuries with naimans.

At some point, the development of Islam in Kazakhstanwas suspended because of the conquest of territories by the Mongols. At that time the Turkic and Mongolian tribes adhered to traditional religions. This trend was preserved under the Khan Burke during the Golden Horde, and was further strengthened by Khan Uzbek. Sufi Muslims had to take their religion to the steppes. But soon the missionaries were given the location of the leaders of the nomads.

what religion in Kazakhstan

С каждым годом мусульманская религия в Казахстане strengthened its position. Many mosques appeared, often built at the expense of private investments. Deep implementation of Sharia law in the life of Kazakhs occurred during the reign of the Sultan of Aryn-Gaza.

The XIX century was marked by the influence of the steppesTatars, who often became mullahs and performed an educational function, contributed to the development of culture and literacy. Later, among Muslim Kazakhs, a modernist trend is emerging - Jadidism, which promotes secular education and education in general.

Current situation

So, what kind of religion is in Kazakhstan today?At present, this republic is poly-confessional. There are more than 3,000 religious associations. 40 denominations are represented by more than 2500 religious buildings.

Основная религия в Казахстане – ислам суннитского directions. There are over 1,600 Muslim associations, more than 1,500 mosques have been built. The number of residents of the country professing Islam reaches almost 9 million, and this category is multinational.

religion in the territory of Kazakhstan

The second place in terms of the number of believers is occupied here by Orthodox Christianity, its share is almost 30%. In addition, there are more than 300,000 Catholics in Kazakhstan with a solid infrastructure.

But this is not all religions in Kazakhstan.Among the citizens there are many Protestants, Jews, Buddhists, etc. After attaining independence, the first Buddhist temple was built here, a large number of new mosques, churches, churches, prayer houses, synagogues were built.

Famous religious buildings

Magnificent buildings of various religious trends with their architecture adorn the cities of the republic, increasing its tourist appeal. Among the most famous:
1. The Palace of Peace and Harmony
2. The mosque of Nur-Astana
3. Beit Rachel Synagogue - Habbad Lubavitch
4. Holy Ascension Cathedral
5. The Cathedral of the Mother of God Relentless Help

Nur-Astana is the largest mosque in Central Asia, and the Beit Rachel-Habbad Lubavitch Synagogue, respectively, is the largest synagogue in this region.

religion in Kazakhstan

Those who have ever been in this exoticcountry, know how multinational Kazakhstan is. Religion and freedom of its choice are one of the rights of citizens, which are effectively realized here. Tolerance and mutual respect in the relations of confessions is the best way to harmonious development of society.

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