/ / Religion as a social institution in the modern world

Religion as a social institution in the modern world

Human society is extremely complexstructure. Ensure its functioning, and in general existence is also not easy. Many factors, even within the society, paradoxically, are aimed at its disintegration. The basis of the existence of these or other human communities are social institutions, which are unique supports that support unity.

Religion as a social institution is one of thethe most important among these supports. This meaning is due to the fact that religion is closely associated with the spiritual experiences of people who ultimately appeal to the most, perhaps, deepest notions of life and death.

There are a number of characteristic features that are answered by religion as a social institution and religion as a way of understanding the world. Among them, the following are the main ones:

- the existence of a certain group of people united by faith;

- the presence of objects recognized as saints, and a system of sacred symbols;

- Observance of the set of formulated norms defining this or that world outlook and behavior;

- performing a set of rituals or similar activities.

In fact, religion does not exist in society in"Pure" form. It takes this or that form of organization - the church. Within the framework of a certain church, the specification and specification of each of the above characteristics is made depending on a number of factors. The formation of the church can be influenced by a certain time period, the existing political situation, the cultural level attained by believers. For example, these factors were due to the emergence of Christianity 20 centuries ago, as well as its subsequent split into many independent churches.

Existing in society, being on the one handthe result of its functioning, and on the other hand, support and support, the church performs various social functions. Religions of the world exist not for their own sake, but for the sake of believers. Many scientific theologians, cultural figures and religions, as the most important function, call the ability of faith to unite people, to consolidate society. This approach is based on the fact that during the joint participation in rituals people experience similar feelings, are imbued with the spirit of unity, and in everyday life they are guided by identical norms of behavior.

Of course, this is not the only function thatfulfills religion as a social institution. It is very important how it regulates the life of society. Defining a number of norms, the church tries to prevent immoral acts among people, protects the stability of the existing situation, if it is acceptable, and otherwise - actively criticizes, helps to determine the ways out of the crisis and avoid victims.

Unfortunately, along with all the positiveaspects, one of the significant negative factors in the modern world is the church. As a social institution, it unites people, but this union is not global and universal. Yes, each particular religion can be one within itself, but between the various churches there can be fierce fights. This feature is called the dysfunction of religion, that is, an action directed against society.

Summing up a definite result, it is worth noting thatreligion as a social institution at this stage of development is perhaps the necessary factor of unity. Even though it can be harmful, there is much more positive impact. The development of human relations and the growth of tolerance will make it possible to unite people of even different faiths, because at the heart of each of them, in fact, there are very similar moral principles.

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