Automatic transmissions do not work ontraditional gear oils. They are filled with a special ATF-oil. This fluid is a high-index mineral or synthetic composition. Such fluids for automatic gearboxes allow for the operation of systems that control and control gear shifting. Also through this fluid is transmitted torque from the engine to the automatic transmission. Additionally, ATF-oil lubricates friction parts and cools them.
The first automatic transmission created in 1938year This design is called Hydramatic. She was different vacuum system gear. This unit was created by Pontiac engineers. Even then, the company was part of the General Motors carmaker.
By the end of the 40s automatic transmission had become familiarpart of the car. And it is not surprising that the first ATF-oil for automatic transmissions was created by General Motors specialists. This was the world's first specification for transmission fluid. It was called Type A. The fluid was created in 1949. Then, GM began to develop gear oils, and later to classify, put forward the most stringent requirements for them. Products that were created in General Motots laboratories, due to the lack of competition, have become the international standard of working fluids for any type of automatic transmission.
In 1957, the already successfully existing specificationrevised and decided to add one small new application - Type A Suffix A transmission fluid (short for ATF-TASA). After 10 years, created the specification B (this is ATF Dexron-B).
In 1994, the entire world community learned aboutNew specifications, where new requirements for viscosity properties and temperature characteristics were stated. The specification also implied more improved frictional properties. These are Dextron-3F and Dextron-3G. After 8 years, Dextron-3H comes out. But the most modern and the most rigid is ATF Dexron-4. Of course, today there are other specifications from other automotive manufacturers. These are such giants as Ford, Toyota, Huinday and others.
To understand the difference, you need to go toquestion from afar. Automobiles use engine oil, gearboxes, hydraulic boosters and ATF oil. What are the similarities between all these fluids? The basis of these oils are hydrocarbons, which are obtained through the processing of minerals. This gives some similarities in the characteristics. All of these tools have lubricating properties, increase the slip between the rubbing surfaces.
ATF oil is one of the most difficult.the composition of fluids among all the lubricants used in modern cars. To such a lubricant, there are high requirements and standards. Oil should have a lubricating effect - due to this, friction is reduced, and at the same time wear and tear in the gearbox elements is reduced. At the same time, friction forces in friction groups should increase. This will reduce the slippage of brake bands and other nodes.
Consider a few specifications of ATF oil,characteristics and numbers. For the Dexron-2 specification, the kinematic viscosity is 37.7 at 40 C. At 100 degrees, the same parameter will be 8.1. For Dexron-3, the kinematic viscosity is not standardized at all, as well as for other specifications.
Любое масло (не важно, минеральное оно или synthetic), can be mixed without any consequences. Naturally, more modern liquids have improved characteristics and properties. If a modern liquid is added to an ordinary one, this will improve the properties of the filled oil. The older the specification, the lower the performance it will have. Also, the shelf life of ATF oil is much lower. Experts recommend changing this fluid every 70 thousand kilometers. It is worth noting that many modern manufacturers do not regulate the period of replacement of this fluid. It is filled for life. But when the car takes care of 200 thousand kilometers on one oil, it is not very good. The fact is that the fluid in the automatic transmission is working. It is she who transmits the torque from the engine to the wheels. This oil is constantly in action, even when the machine is at neutral speed. Over time, it collects production products.
If the oil in the box changes completely, thenbest to get a more expensive tool. In this case, it is necessary to take into account constant or variable friction characteristics. If the budget is limited, then even universal ATF oil will do. Its application will not affect the quality of the box. If the liquid is topped up, then experts recommend using products of a class higher or at least not lower than filled. But if its resource has reached 70 thousand kilometers, full replacement is necessary. It is advisable to make additional washing. This operation takes an additional 20 liters of oil. It is not cheap, but judging by the reviews, this operation perfectly washes out the chips. And its presence, as you know, makes it difficult for the automatic transmission.
So, we found out what ATF oil is for automatic transmission.