Tragedy in a dream is a favorable sign
Oh, you'll be pleasantly surprised when you find outwhat a fire in the house is dreaming about. You'll never guess! This is for the wedding, fortunately, for a new pleasant change in life. And in all the dream books you will find the same meaning. Although there are differences in the interpretations. And depend on the details seen in a dream.
If the tragedy occurred precisely in the sleeper's house,in reality it is worth preparing for a great holiday and celebration. Wedding, noisy festivities on the occasion of the birth of a child or just a meeting with loved ones. In a word, a holiday. It is very important that during the fire there are no injured, dead people and animals. Otherwise, sleep is interpreted as a harbinger of quarrels in the house. Remember who put out the fire. If you took part in this, prepare for the bad. And you do not need to guess what the fire in the house for the sleeper is about. Put out the fire in a dream - drive away luck and not let happiness into your house. If you saw how others fought with fire, know, be good. Pay attention, if in a dream during an attack or a war you saw your home burning, then it's to long illnesses in the family, to losses and losses.
Interpreters of dreams explain in different ways to whatthe house fire is dreaming. Some believe that this is for joy and a bright future, others say that such a dream is a sign symbolizing anger and envy. There is an opinion that the fire dreams of losses and life problems. But again, in order to correctly interpret what you saw in a dream, you should analyze the details.
How did Nostradamus interpret it?
It is said that Michel Nostradamusthe exact dream book. He was a great man, seeing not only the future, but also able to explain dreams and read stellar signs. Nostradamus argued that the interpretation of sleep depends directly on the phase of the moon. By the way, what the fire in the house is dreaming about, he described in great detail in his notes. And his explanations are very simple. If there was a fire in the house, then it symbolizes passion, carnal fantasies and desires. Are you still wondering what the fire in the apartment or house is about? Correlate all the interpretations - and you will certainly find explanations. Perhaps you are in a state of love and experience a burning passion for your loved one. In reality your emotions do not spill out. But in a dream you give free rein to your fantasies. And they dream in the form of fire.
Another value
Probably everyone will interpret for himself what he sawin a dream fire, matching the details. But I want one more thing to say. If you are standing on the ashes, know that in the near future you will have a new place of residence. And to check whether all the interpretations given are correct, you can only after you have a fire.