/ / Norwegian spiral anomaly: before and after the phenomenon

Norwegian spiral anomaly: before and after the phenomenon

In the tragedy of Shakespeare's "Hamlet" the main characterutters a phrase that is the key to many of the mysterious phenomena that we face. Remember: "There is much in the world, Horatio's friend, which our wise men did not dream ..."? Directly these words refer to strange events, occuring from time to time in the heavenly space.

Looking back to the past

«Норвежская спиральная аномалия» - так окрестили journalists an incomprehensible light show unfolding in the atmosphere over Norway. It happened not so long ago - in December 2009, the night of the 9th. Within 15 minutes the sky over the northern part of the country was literally blazing. The Norwegian spiral anomaly, and then still an unidentified phenomenon, at first had the appearance of a blue cloud spiral as a tropical cyclone. Her elongated form ended in a white "tail".

Norwegian spiral anomaly

As the movement "spiral" changed its outlines.The cloud grew and expanded, turning into a huge luminous ring, in the center of which a bright beam shone brightly. Naturally, the Norwegian spiral anomaly caused a real furore among the public. Guessings, conjectures, rumors at first connected it with the aurora, with the advent of a UFO, with an air typhoon, but meteorologists and astronomers rejected the listed versions. What really is a Norwegian spiral anomaly? Disputes are still being conducted.

In search of truth

Какие же варианты ответа наводнили тогда Internet space? The most desperate forecasters claimed that the Norwegians were witnesses to the discovery of a hyper-spatial tunnel. Other fans of fantastic versions have otherwise evaluated the phenomenon called the Norwegian Spiral Anomaly. What is it? For example, one of the black holes that are detected in the airspace as a result of the launch of the collider. Holes are small and short-lived, but they will appear again and again and will no longer be a harmless light extravaganza. Representatives of the most fanatical religious faiths put forward the idea of ​​the approaching Armageddon and the Day of the Great Court.

Norwegian spiral anomaly what is it

Within the framework of military doctrine

New turn wave of rumors and speculation scoredafter representatives of the Russian Ministry of Defense officially announced that on the ill-fated day of December 9, in the White Sea, an intercontinental ballistic missile "Bulava" was tested. Its launch was unsuccessful, with technical shortcomings and errors. And what the Norwegians saw and recorded on their phones was nothing more than an explosion of the third stage of the rocket. This is how they described the phenomenon in the Western media, blaming for the umpteenth time the “Russians” of illegal actions that threaten the world with immense cataclysms. What is interesting: it was not the only spiral anomaly in the world in Norway. Miracles continue, and the beginning of them, by the way, makes us look back even deeper in the 2000s, and more specifically in the 2004th year.

Long Island Spiral

spiral anomaly miracles continue

It was then, on April 23rd, a resident of Long Island,photographing the sunrise, filmed a strange phenomenon with a camera - a spiral consisting of 6 luminous lights forming an incomprehensible light cloud. And one more spiral, to the right, also appeared in the dawn sky. The phenomenon is called the Archimedes spirals. The nature of its origin is unknown. Periodically, spiral anomalies appeared over China, in the outgoing 2014, a similar phenomenon was observed over Mexican territory. The appearance of the spiral resembled a hologram or a well-worked pyrotechnic show. On the right, from below upwards, a light beam emanated from its center. He slowly rotated in a spiral. The beam enveloped a light haze, which gradually increased, taking on the appearance of a cloud. That is, the same funnel, spiral and light scattered in the clouds. The spectacle is amazing, spectacular, extraordinarily beautiful.

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