/ / What is the dream of a cigarette? Smoking and selling cigarettes in a dream

Why dream of a cigarette? Smoking and selling cigarettes in a dream

Sometimes in a dream we see a smoking cigarette in the mouth.at the man passing by. In some cases, puffs of smoke revolve around a girl sitting next to each other, or we ourselves enjoy the process of smoking a tobacco product. Why dream of a cigarette? Opinions of dream books about this differ: some say that such a picture indicates a fun pastime, others - fatigue and melancholy.

If you dream of a cigarette ...

In fact, the interpretation of any dream is based onthe details. What is important is not only the appearance of cigarettes, but also the specific stage of the process, the place where it occurs, the presence of people nearby, and so on. For example, the explanations of experts on the topic of smoking largely coincide. They answer with confidence, why a cigarette is a dream - this is a sign of communication, meetings with friends, a cheerful revel. If these are cigarettes, then you should most likely expect a disease in the house. When you see elite cigars - a person of higher rank and class descend to you, will help solve an important problem. But abandoned or smoldering cigarette butt foreshadows scandals in the family.

what dreams a cigarette
A pack of cigarettes, new and full, points totemptations that you will soon meet. When it is half empty, expect that in real life your work and merit will be ignored, underestimated. You will get much less than you expect. A broken cigarette protects from the effects of others: under the influence, you can change your values ​​to false ones.

Smoke in your sleep

Such a dream has a different interpretation.Why dream of smoking a cigarette? First, it portends a disease: of the respiratory system, throat, or mouth. Secondly, it warns you about wrong conclusions, erroneous judgments about a particular person or circumstance. To smoke a cigarette and give it to the other person - to gain common interests with another person. You will be united by an interesting business, friendly relationship or personal relationship. If you can not smoke a cigarette in any way or are not able to make a single puff, get ready for scandals with the second half. In the relationship will not come the most optimistic time, the period is fraught with great difficulties and problems. Not only disagreement is possible, but a complete break of communication.

why dream of smoking a cigarette
See during the night rest like someone nearsmokes - symbol of reconciliation. If a person is familiar, the establishment of relations will occur with him, when in front of you is someone else's character, wait for new meetings, interesting connections. Lighting a cigarette and enjoying the process is a sign of a profitable business or a successful enterprise.

Other actions

После того как мы узнали, к чему снится курить во dream of a cigarette, let's look at the interpretation of other processes occurring during the night rest. For example, buying tobacco products indicates your desire to learn something new. If you bought cigarettes and gave them to another person, get ready for the fact that in real life you will have to abandon your own plans for the benefit of other people's desires. Buying and throwing cigarettes is a symbol of a chance that fate will bring. The main thing is not to miss it and take the right opportunity.

And what is a quenched nicotine wand?A cigarette that you deliberately put out, foreshadows bad news that can lead you to a nervous breakdown. If the cigarette goes out on its own, get ready for disappointment in close people. To sell tobacco products - to influence. You are respected and bowed to your authority. A dream in which you make your own cigarettes symbolizes an important thing. It is loved, but, unfortunately, does not bring the desired satisfaction.

What do the dream books say?

Sigmund Freud explains in his own way what's the dreamcigarette. In his opinion, such a dream is a sign of an established and harmonious intimate life. Broken wand - a symbol of problems in the genital area. The cigarette butt points to the young man’s feelings about his physical inferiority, inexperience in love affairs. A full tutu is a good sign for women. It means that in their personal life they are fine. But an empty box can warn about diseases of the genital organs.

what dreams of smoking a cigarette in a dream
Universal Dreambook advises to be careful andattentive. If you saw a cigarette in a dream in any interpretation, be careful. In life there may be deceptions, betrayals, troubles. You may be misleading. The interpreter of the Wanderer associates cigarettes with a break in activity: perhaps you will go on vacation or be able to escape for several days from the captivity of your work duties. As for Vanga, the Bulgarian prophet negatively interprets such a night-time picture: seeing, smoking or buying cigarettes is a bad omen. You are waiting for failure, health problems and the law.

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