/ / Beautiful name Victoria: importance for girls, girls, women

Beautiful name Victoria: importance for girls, girls, women

Has not too much choice of diminutives: Vic, Vikusya, Vikusha. In other states this name may sound like Tory or Vicki, but more often the full version is used.

name Victoria value for girls

Victoria name: the value for the girl

Little Vic usually looks like a dad.In childhood, a pronounced phlegmatic. Slow, loves to listen to fairy tales, but does not want to learn to read by herself and a little lazy. He prefers playing dolls, not Cossack robbers. Is not a leader, calmly obeys more lively girlfriends. It looks calm and balanced, sometimes it can go away. As she grows up, she becomes more alive and brisk, takes care of herself with care, and is careful. Mom does not have to remind her daughter to get her hair done, Vika watches her appearance. Sometimes she wants to stand out among her peers. In this case, you can see it in a very short skirt or with an overly bright make-up. Vika will not become one of the first students, but can achieve success in drawing or dancing.

the mystery of the name of Victoria

Name Victoria: the importance for the girl - the character

Demonstrative girl will not outgrow,on the contrary, it will become one of the most pronounced traits of character. Appearing in a new team, Victoria will try to show herself, but if she gets a rebuff, she will not enter into a conflict, but quickly retires.

Victoria name: importance for the girl and her health

Since childhood, you need to monitor your health. With your daughter you have to spend a lot of time in the open air, classes in the sports section will be useful.

The Mystery of Victoria: A Profession

Vika feels great in the professions, wherethere is no need to communicate closely with people. Due to its bright appearance can become a model or model. She has an analytical mindset, so she easily joins the men's team. Can go to science or become a programmer. Her love children, many Victoria become good teachers. If her husband offers to become a housewife, she will calmly agree, she is not one of those who defends the right to independence.

which means the name of Victoria

Name Victoria: the meaning for girls, girls, women

Victoria is not particularly fond of secular life.Her girlfriends are few, but they are time-tested. Do not tolerate intrusion into your personal space. Unceremonious and tactless people will try to exclude from the circle of friends. Her isolation can be accepted by many as touchiness. In fact, Victoria does not get angry, but observes others. She does not like to soar in the clouds, stands firmly on the ground, builds plans that purposefully implements. Victoria does not count on fortune, but prefers to do everything herself. Since she is persistent, hardworking and persevering, it succeeds. Not very self-confident. Vika likes the atmosphere of flirting, often falls in love. She likes to portray herself as a little girl, who needs guardianship, although she can take care of herself. Jealous, treason will hurt her very much, she may not forgive. Family life for her is very important, when choosing her husband experiences strong fluctuations. She has high demands on the future life companion. This earthly girl. Indecisive, so the process of finding a future spouse will be prolonged. If the choice is made right, and her husband does not disappoint, then in marriage she will blossom. It will become more open, trustful, ready for everything for the sake of the family.

What does the name Victoria mean?

The name Victoria comes from the Latin "victory". In recent years, girls have been so called more often, earlier this name was not common.

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