/ / A plot to raise money at home - features and reviews

A plot to raise money at home - features and reviews

Традиция привлекать удачу и богатство в свой дом has developed quite a long time. It should be noted that this method is not easy, it requires a certain attitude. It is believed that to attract money, you need a desire and confidence. In such a delicate matter, one can not do without a positive attitude.

to grow a money tree

The tradition of raising money

Заговоры на привлечение денег действуют не только on a subtle level. They also affect the human psyche, help to assimilate the truth that in wealth there is nothing wrong. Psychologists say that one of the main problems of people is the fear of being rich. Many are completely incapable of presenting themselves in the role of a rich man, they prefer to be satisfied with the small things that they have. However, it is not worth doing so if there is a desire to have money. After all, independence opens up new horizons for people. It can be achieved through special conspiracies.

rituals and rituals for welfare

Rite of the earth

One of the most powerful conspiracies to attractmoney came from the tradition of burying coins right in the garden. It was believed that this gives a good harvest, which subsequently will bring profit. In more modern interpretation, these conspiracies occur in the form of a "money tree". It is done with the help of the earth and can remind a children's fairy tale about Pinocchio. However, in order to increase the amount of money around you, in many rituals they really need to be germinated. You can do this right at home, using pots for indoor plants.

The rite is done as follows:

  • It must be performed on the new moon, in order to get a good profit by the full moon.
  • In the soul should form a clear intention about how much money you need to get, and for what purpose they are planned to be used.
  • In the ground (it is possible in a flower pot), a yellow color coin of the highest possible value is buried. At the same time, a conspiracy to raise money is read:

"Mother is a native land, you bear fruit every timein due time. Enrich me, servant of God (name), wealth and luck. Let the seed be strong and powerful, not weak and false. And let my life be better and sweeter. But do not give me the spirit of money-love to destroy me. Give me how to be the most generous and rich in the whole district to hear. Amen".

The required amount will be due withinof the week. The coin should not be dug out. If, after this conspiracy to raise money has been pronounced, the plant will wither, this may be a sign of spoilage. In this case, it is necessary to perform special ceremonies, which exempt from negative influence.

Plot on water

С точки зрения магии вода является ценным carrier of various information. In order to attract the right amount of money, you must give her your sincere request, as well as mentally justify why this money is needed.

It is important to take into account the important point - watershould be just live, not boiled or bought at the store. Use only natural or flowing. The water from the creek or the sea will be good.

You can use salt water. It is easy to make, adding to the water from the tap 1 tsp. salt.

Above the water is read the following plot:

"Pure water, my dear sister!

Дай мне, рабе Божьей (имярек) три капли на удачу and luck, five drops for prosperity and wealth, and the whole ocean for happiness. I close the plot with a key, but I wash it in this water. How clean this water is, so let my thoughts be pure, and desires - clear. Amen".

Inked water should be washed for a minimum of three days. At the same time it does not need to be wiped with a towel, the moisture should dry up itself.

On nutmeg

This fruit is not just a good seasoningor a component of perfume products. Nutmeg has a very special magical properties. In particular, it is popular with residents of Japan.

To perform the ritual, you need to take a nut, andcut it into two parts. After that, you need to press on its surface, and with the oil that will act, touch a large cash bill. At the same time, a conspiracy to raise money is said: "Luck and money let them come into the house. And let the troubles avoid me. I'll close this conspiracy with a key. I will be generous and rich, for luck is in my house. The key, the lock, the tongue. "

Vanga's method

The conspiracy to raise money from Vanga is readto install a powerful amulet on the doorway. He connects the street, or the general corridor in the entrance, with the inner room of the house. It is through the front door that different people come to us, bringing their energy. In addition, positive energy can escape through the doorway, which can have a bad effect on well-being. Reviews of the conspiracy to raise money, created by Vanga, confirm that these prayers do work.

Using the lunar calendar,when the night star will decrease. This ritual is carried out only on the descending Moon - otherwise, there is a risk of negative consequences. To perform the ritual, you need to approach the opening and say the following three times:

"Bright Guardian Angels!Protect my house from evil thoughts and evil eyes. Prohibit a person bad passage, and open this door only to good people. How many good people come to visit me, so much money and luck I will have. Amen".

After that, you should moisten your fingers in holy water,and three times cross the opening. In conclusion, three drops drip on the threshold. An important point: during the ritual, one must be at home alone, in complete silence.

red thread to attract money

A conspiracy for a red string of wool

For its execution, you need a red woolen thread.Measures a length of about two palms reading this plot to attract money into their lives, and knots knit on it. They need to be done as long as there is absolutely no room left for the thread. By tying everyone, you need to repeat the "money magnet":

"I tie a thread red, I whip my life beautiful."

Then the thread is put in a purse, and in no case can anyone show it. It is also impossible to throw out and lose it.

Conspiracy on the coin

This is one of the most popular plots onfull moon to raise money. A silver coin is required for execution. The ritual is simple enough. It is necessary to adhere to only one rule - it is done only on the growing moon. The coin is put in a jug of water, which is left overnight on the window. Before this you need to read a short plot:

"To you for the full moon, but for me to riches!".

In the morning, you can not talk untila sip of water will be taken from this jug. The water that remains will be drunk by the relatives of the house. If there are none, she rushes to work and gives out to colleagues.

On the pin

This conspiracy for the new moon to attract money is also popular. When the new moon comes into play, a pin is taken and the words are read:

"The moon is born, and its power is awakening.The moon's power is directed towards me. As the moon does not part with the sky, so does not leave this house. Afterwards, there will be riches to riches, but I will bring good and joy. " After that, you need to leave a locked pin on the windowsill. It will begin to work with the onset of the morning.

Нужно отметить, что данный заговор на привлечение money in your life needs to be spent every month. In other words, the talisman acts only until the next Moon, and by the end of the period its effect becomes weaker.

moon conspiracy

Rite of the New Moon

Another popular and effective white ritualmagic to attract money. The plot at home on the new moon, like many other rituals, is simple enough. To fulfill it, you need a purse, which is constantly worn with you. One day before the full moon comes, it is placed on the windowsill in such a way that the falling light hits its surface.

Leave the purse for three nights. Each of them reads the next plot.

"There are many bright stars in the blue sky, and there is enough water in the seas. So let and in my purse there will always be enough money that I would have enough for a comfortable life. The key, the lock, the tongue. "

After the work done, you need to put a small amount in the wallet. Then the purse should be left on the windowsill for three more nights. Every night another plot is conspired to attract money to the moon.

"I stand under a completely new moon, let it illuminate my path. To all my envious persons and evil enemies let the salt fall into my eyes, and the gray ash - into a sinful language. Amen, Amen, Amen. "

money conspiracy

Rite using the ring

Judging by the reviews, this is another strong enoughconspiracy to attract money and good luck. It will be particularly effective if you use a ring of gold. However, for ordinary increase in cash flow, simple imitation jewelery is also suitable.

In this case, you should adhere to the basic rules for choosing a ring:

  • It should like the reader of the plot.
  • The ring should not be engagement.
  • It should not contain stones.

Exactly at midnight on a full moon, the object is placed on a green cloth. The wax candle is lit, and the following words are read:

"I put good luck in my hand,

And I'm invoking gold coins in my pocket.

I always carry success with myself,

Soon I will be richer than all.

Money flows in front of me

Stormy golden river,

And they will always remain with me. "

The ring should be left lying till moonlight in the morning. To wear it is on the index finger. It is connected with the planet Jupiter, which is a symbol of success and wealth.

Money pot

When conducting rites for "magnetization"wealth is often used by the money itself - coins, banknotes of different currencies. To perform this ritual, you will need a special pot, which can be described metaphorically as a "hen". Its function is to actually "incubate money". It is difficult to choose a more precise definition, because that's the way this subject operates. You can use even the simplest pot, made of clay. You can optionally paint it with a special pattern with interspersed money symbols. This will strengthen its effect. Then put a handful of earth in the pot. Also in it are placed and other items that represent wealth in different expressions. It can be jewelry, coins, ornaments, expensive herbs.

Then you need to put the pot on your hands and divein a state of rest and serenity. In this case, as such, a conspiracy to attract money and good luck is not used. When performing a ritual, you need to imagine on the mental plane that everything that gets into the pot gradually transforms and multiplies wealth. After this, put the pot in a quiet place, and cover it with a stand. Well-being will not improve instantly, however, significantly.

plot for money on an anthill


Most of the plots and rituals to attract money are made to the growing moon, and this ritual is no exception. To do this, you need to find an anthill, and cast a spell over it:

"Also, like many ants in this pile,

So that the money I have always been,

Did not translate.


how to draw a lot of money

Simoron Ritual

The rite is used to repay the debt. As you know, this type of rites is characterized by a cheerful mood and childish spontaneity. The procedure for repaying the loan is as follows:

  1. A copy of the credit agreement is placed inside a three-liter can.
  2. The bank needs to be covered with soda and extinguished with vinegar.
  3. This "pleasure", if desired, can be stretched for 2-3 days.

Then you need to take a regular office folder, andput there what remains of the contract. On the folder is written: "Credit case number ...", and on top with fat red ink: "The loan is repaid ahead of schedule. Case is closed. To the archive. "

The magic of money allows you to significantly increase incomeand get rid of debts. It improves the aura of a person who is responsible for obtaining a livelihood. The science of attracting additional funds has been known since ancient times, but the use of these rituals is effective to this day.

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