/ / Why and why does the former guy dream?

Why and why does the former boy dream?

If you remember your dreams, you may notice,that from time to time they appear the most unexpected characters. To such often belongs the former guy. It happens that you have long had a new happy relationship, and you do not remember that person at all. Then why does he dream, and what does this portend?

First, the former boy can dream because,that you remembered about him on a subconscious level. It is often said that sleep signals about not completely extinct feelings. But feelings can be completely different. A former guy may be associated with you with some shortcomings, for example, indecisiveness in serious matters, because of which you broke up. When you notice a similar behavior behind yourself, but you can not admit to yourself in real life, the subconscious is taken for the job.


When you dream, what do you change to yourthe current man with the former, it is most likely just a projection of fears to change. In reality you are trying to be faithful. Just try to think about treason as little as possible and fill your life with new impressions: go somewhere along with the current guy, make a romantic date, etc. Then you will have new, happy, themes for reflection and the former guy will leave dreams.

Repeated dreams about pleasant romanticrelations with a former guy can mean that you would like to restore this relationship with him. Or the separation did not go very smoothly, you feel guilty for something. Try to sit down and understand the thoughts and feelings towards this person. Maybe I should call him, make up and stay at least friends?

dream a former boyfriend
According to esotericism, sleep can be inspirednot only our own thoughts, but also the thoughts of other people. If your ex-boyfriend really wants to get you back, dreams with his participation signal that he thinks about it almost constantly. And maybe even tries to realize some of his ideas on this.

An ordinary person can rarely read in a dreamthoughts of others, but with the former you had a strong enough emotional and physical connection (loving people can guess each other's thoughts even in real life). If you do not want to renew a relationship with a guy and see him in a dream, make special talismans to protect dreams, for example, a dream catcher.

Now, about what the dream books say when a former guy dreams. Not a good sign if you are dreaming of a dead guy. This heralds a danger, unless it saves you in a dream.

the former guy dreams
When a guy in a dream somewhere is leaving, says goodbye toyou, it shows that the relationship with this person is happily ending. You are unlikely to ever experience romantic feelings for each other again, maybe you will not even see more in reality.

Sometimes in a dream the former guy asks to give him any of your personal things, as well as food or watches. This indicates that feelings, on the contrary, have not died out. You should see this person again.

And if a guy in a dream gives you something, especially if it's a thing of red color, you need to beware of the betrayal of the present lover.

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