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Which drives are best for a car

It's not such an easy task to choose the discs for yourfavorite car, as it may seem to us all at a glance. Which discs are better? If to remember, literally 10 years ago there were no special questions, which ones to establish, because the proposal was rather sparse. However, today much has changed. Stores of automotive subjects are simply bursting with diversity, not letting us sometimes decide which discs are better. Many of us may have noticed that sometimes the prices for the same models are very different, sometimes quite significantly. And it's not about wrapping up, but about the quality of the goods.

So all the same, which discs are better?The choice is required to be made, starting from the preferred places and time of your ride. It should be taken into account that the disks are of three types: cast, steel, forged. To understand which discs are better - forged or cast, you should find out what their difference is. The cheapest are steel. They are just perfect for lovers to drive on the floodplain, jump from the trampolines or hills and make regular trips to nature. In addition, they are very durable. For many, this is a determining factor in the question of which discs are better - forged or cast. Another advantage is the fact that they are easily corrected in the case where the pit falls too deep. Typically, for such purposes, a conventional malleus is sufficient. The cons are visual perception. Disks are not very beautiful, because their appearance is absolutely ordinary. This minus is easy to hide thanks to the caps, which can be purchased and installed at any time. Weight is also a disadvantage, because they are very heavy.

How to decide which disks are better?Light alloy wheels are much lighter in weight than steel, but they have a more pleasant appearance. Especially they like girls. Beauty, of course, is an important factor, but it is worth remembering which discs are better for winter and more durable. Due to the fact that the structure of the disc is granular, such an acquisition will prove to be unreliable. With their constant use, cracks may appear, and as a result, even defragmentation may occur. This in turn can negatively affect the sliding of the wheels, which is unsafe for the winter period of time. Of course, today it is possible to easily restore a disk, however, we should not forget that one way or another, the internal structure will not be restored.

As for Europe, it is believed that thisit is fundamentally important what drives are better for winter. Forged models are installed on sports cars. This is explained by the fact that the high cost of tuning does not allow you to put wheels of this type. The cost for one pair is about 500 dollars. As for Russia, then the situation is different. Manufacture of such disks is carried out by defense and industrial enterprises. Their cost starts from 2 thousand rubles. Although forged wheels and inferior cast in appearance, however, they are more than offset by their strength, durability and ease. Forged steel wheels are very popular in Russia. From which alloy the disk is made, should also be taken into account. Usually, aluminum or magnesium alloys are used.

If you are a fan of off-road, then we advise you to putalloy wheels. They are cheap and strong enough. If you only ride around the city, it is better to choose comfortable cast wheels. When making your purchase, do not forget that the cast disk is fragile, but beautiful at the same time. If you want just such, then it is best to buy only the products of world famous manufacturers. This is a kind of guarantee that if you get into a large pit, you can leave yourself, and not with the help of an evacuator. Forged disk though is more expensive than the others, but surpasses others in its parameters. By purchasing such wheels, you can safely expect that they will serve you for at least one year. To buy expensive forged imported discs is not necessary, because their quality is about the same.

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