/ / What Sunday prayers are read in the service in the temple and at home?

What Sunday prayers are read in the service in the temple and at home?

When there is a prayer, the believer bows his head ina sign of humility and reverence, makes belt and earthly obeisances, can lie prostrate with his head bowed to the ground. All these bows, given the knowledge of the church's charter, the believer does not just and not when he pleases. Everything in the divine service is endowed with meaning and has both external and internal sides. For example, earthly obeisances with the touch of the head of the earth and the immediate subsequent lifting of it have a profound symbolic meaning: because of sin we fell to the earth and through the atonement of Christ we again have the opportunity to be taken to heaven. Among all the prayers and services, Sunday is a special service, festive.

The meaning of the Sunday prayer service

Важно знать, например, что в церкви есть дни, when prostrations are not done, moreover, they are forbidden by the statute. This is caused by the meaning of the celebrated event. First of all, these are Sunday prayers, polieleynye days, from the Feast of the Nativity to the Epiphany, the whole Pentecost from Easter to the day of the Holy Spirit, and the days before which the polyeleks solemn all-night vigils pass. Prohibition of obeisances these days was already stipulated at the first Ecumenical Council, where it is clearly stated that this rule applies to the entire church, and prayers these days are worth doing while standing on their feet.

Sunday prayers

Decisions of the cathedrals

Церковь придаёт очень важное значение совершению prayer rules at the services and at home. This is evident from the fact that the decree on how to make Sunday prayers, to spend poly-week days and Pentecost, is repeated in a number of rules. The VI Ecumenical Council also explains in rule 90 the abstention from earthly obeisances from the evening Sabbath entrance to the evening Sunday entrance. This symbolizes the joy and veneration of the resurrection of Christ.

Basil the Great in the works "On the Holy Spirit" (91rule) says that in the beginning (1 day) of Sunday, it is necessary to perform Sunday prayers standing upright, because of the resurrected Christ and our future resurrection, our duty to seek the highest. Therefore, on the Sunday day, standing right in front of God during prayer is a reminder to us of the granted grace. This day is called a single eighth day, symbolizing the time that follows after the present - an eternity, an endless century. The Church teaches its parishioners to perform Sunday prayers standing up, to often remind of an endless life, not to neglect to be put into this.

Sunday prayer text

The Purpose of Church Prayer

Celebrating the victory of life over death, Christ overdevil, the church on Sunday is building a proper service. Therefore, prayers on the Sunday service on their knees in these days are unacceptable, this will contradict the whole meaning of the holiday.

Church worship is edifying forbelievers the goal when reading the psaltery and the hymns. It is important to know about the true teachings of Christ, to become disposed to prayer and repentance. It is important in the prayers to cause a sense of gratitude to God for everything. It is important to feel praying to the needy in intensified prayer for further favors to us and to receive peace of mind for the soul.

From home prayer morning Sunday in the churchdiffer in that they are committed by clergymen who are lawfully in the temple, ordained through the sacrament of the priesthood. Through prayer, a Christian enters into a mysterious communion with God, and through sacraments receives from God graceful forces for a righteous life.

Church prayers are connected in a special way. They include reading the Psalms, the Holy Gospel. A certain thought develops consistently throughout the service.

prayers on Sunday service

The essence of Sunday prayer

The article can describe only some moments that reveal the meaning of the Sunday prayer. The text of the full liturgy is to be found in special sources.

  • At the liturgy with the priests while singing“You sing,” it is necessary with reverence and the fear of God to pray for the Holy Spirit to be bestowed upon all who stand in the temple. At the same time, the troparion of the third hour is uttered to itself, and then: “Create a pure heart in me, God ...” And again, the troparion is said by itself, followed by the words of the verse: “Do not reject me from Thy face ...” Once again, a prayer is recited and a troparion is repeated: “Lord, the Ie of Your Most Holy Spirit ...” All these prayers work silently, to themselves and with emotion.
  • When the Holy Gifts are consecrated in the altar, the Holy Spirit descends, the church members present attend to receive consecration and renewal. Then with humility call the Holy Spirit.
    Sunday morning prayers

About Sunday stichera and troparion

В стихирах воскресения идёт речь о том, чтобы Бог ruined my soul from the dungeon. Turning to Christ, the prayer speaks of His great victory over hell, of the death of the cross, of the deliverance of the dead. The soul of a repentant sinner prays to Christ, the source of life, to have mercy on her and give the prayer to be with the righteous. From the depths of his heart, he calls out to the Lord and asks to hear him, a sinner, a voice. The soul cries out to God and rejoices in the Resurrection of Christ!

The Sunday troparion speaks of the angelic powers and Mary, seeking Christ in the tomb. But He is not there - He is risen!

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