/ / ROC what is it? Russian Orthodox Church

ROC what is it? Russian Orthodox Church

Christianity in Russia began to spread in IXcentury. This process was greatly influenced by its neighborhood with the mighty Byzantine Empire, which professed Christianity. To deal with the question: "The Russian Orthodox Church - what is it?", Let's dive a bit into the history of Ancient Russia, where preachers were initially engaged in the educational activities of the Slavs - brothers Cyril and Methodius. The first baptism took Kiev Princess Olga in the year 954. This event contributed to the fact that after her Kiev Prince Vladimir in 988 baptized Russia.

rpc what is

History of the Russian Orthodox Church

In the pre-Mongol period, the Russian Church wasMetropolitan Patriarch of Constantinople, who appointed his Metropolitan of the Greeks. However, in 1051 this throne was first occupied by the Russian metropolitan Hilarion - a very educated church leader.

The history of the Russian Orthodox Church shows that the construction of magnificent temples in Russia began in the 10th century, and from the 11th century the first monastic farms were created.

The first monastery (Kiev-Pechersk) foundedRev. Anthony of Pechersk, who in 1051 brought Athos monasticism to Russia. It was he who became the center of Orthodoxy in Russia. Subsequently, the monasteries were not only spiritual centers, but also centers of culture and education, where historical chronicles were kept, theological books were translated, iconography flourished.

history of the Russian Orthodox Church

Union of principalities

Asking the question: "ROC - what is it?"It should be noted that in the period of feudal fragmentation of the XII century, only the Orthodox Church remained the main bearer of the idea of ​​the unity of the Russian people, who opposed the constant princely feuds.

In the 13th century, Tatar-Mongol hordes attacked Russia, but even they could not break the Russian Church. Morally, spiritually and materially, it contributed to the creation of Russian political unity.

In the 14th century, Russian principalities began to unite around Moscow. The great Russian saints became the spiritual assistants of the Moscow princes.

Moscow diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church

Great Companions

Metropolitan Alexy became the mentor of the Holy PrinceDmitry Donskoy. Saint Metropolitan Iona of Moscow helped the Moscow prince in maintaining the unity of the state system and ending feudal wars.

Orthodox St. Sergius of Radonezh blessed Dmitry Donskoy for the Kulikovo battle, this feat of arms was the beginning of the liberation of the Russian lands from the Tatar-Mongols.

Many are not in vain interested in the topic "ROC - what is it?"And here, first of all, it should be noted that the Orthodox Church helped preserve the culture and national identity of the Russian people. For example, in the XIII century, construction of the Pochaev Lavra was begun, as was affirmed by Orthodoxy in the Western Russian lands.

In the period from the XIV to the middle of the XV century in Russia wascreated up to 180 monasteries. A significant event was the founding of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery in 1334 by St. Sergius of Radonezh. In this monastery the Monk Andrei Rublev found use for his wondrous talent.

Aftokefaliya. Patriarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church

Over time, the Russian state began to gainforce and liberation from invaders, and with this, the Orthodox Church in Russia became more influential and powerful. With an understanding of what the ROC, comes and understanding of its huge role in the history of the state.

Перед падением Византийской империи в 1448 году The Russian Church gained independence from the Patriarchate of Constantinople. Delivered by the Council of Russian Bishops, Metropolitan Jonah became the Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia.

And now, in 1589, Job, the Moscow metropolitan, became the first Patriarch of Russia.

In the XVII century, Polish-Swedish attacked Russia.invaders. But the Russian Church did not give up here either. The great patriot Patriarch Yergemon was tortured by invaders, however he was the spiritual leader of the militia of Minin and Pozharsky.

In the chronicles of the Russian state, the heroic resistance of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra from the Poles and the Swedes in 1608-1610 is also described.

The next patriarch, Nikon, took up reforms inresulting in a split in the ROC. These reforms continued in the 18th century by Peter I. From 1700, after the death of Patriarch Andrian, the new Primate of the Church was no longer elected, since in 1721 the Holy Synod of Ruling was created, which was ruled by government officials. It existed for about two hundred years and was detrimental to the ROC.

Restoration of the patriarchate

In 1917, the All-Russian Church Council was convened, where the Patriarchate was restored. The Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia became the Metropolitan of Moscow Tikhon.

But the Bolsheviks considered the ROC their ideological opponent, so it was subject to complete destruction.

From 1922 to 1924, Patriarch Tikhon was underarrest. When it was formed, the Russian Orthodox Church abroad. After his death, the struggle began, and as a result, the ROC was headed by Metropolitan Sergius (Stargorodsky).

In the Soviet Union, only a small number of churches were left for worship. The main part of the clergy was shot or was in camps.

By the time of World War II, the whole church structurewas almost completely destroyed, but the catastrophe of hostilities forced Stalin to resort to moral assistance from the Russian Orthodox Church. Priests and bishops were released from prisons.

The process became culminating when in 1943 at the Bishops' Council the Patriarch was elected - Metropolitan Sergius (Stargorodsky), and in 1945 at the Local Council - Metropolitan Alexy.

In Khrushchev time many churches were closed, inBrezhnev period, all persecution of the church stopped, but it was tightly controlled by the authorities. So, very difficult, had the ROC. What is survival and prosecution, she knows, alas, first-hand, the hard way.

Patriarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church

Moscow Patriarchate

In 1988, the celebration of the millennium of Russia becamea landmark event for both the Church and the state. The restoration of the churches was improved. Next patriarchs were Alexius I, Pimen and Alexius II. Today, the modern Russian Orthodox Church is headed by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia. In our difficult times, it was a heavy burden on his shoulders - to seek ways of reconciling all Slavic peoples. After all, in order and created the ROC.

modern rpc

The modern Moscow Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, established in1325, has about 1506 temples. 268 chapels belong to parishes and monasteries of the diocese. The structure of the diocese is divided into 48 royal districts, which includes the monastic one. Deanery counties are united in 1153 parishes and 24 monasteries. In addition, the diocese has 3 parishes of the faithless, which are completely subordinate to the Metropolitan. The ruling bishop of the Moscow Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church is the Metropolitan of Krutitsy and Kolomna Juvenal.

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