/ / Chinese plum wine: review, types, features and reviews

Chinese plum wine: overview, types, features and reviews

In the eastern countries, the sink is considered a symbollongevity. There are many useful properties that Chinese and Japanese winemakers use to make delicious sweet wines. Plum very slowly wanders without sugar, therefore for preparation of a drink from it it takes a lot of time, diligence and patience. A rather expensive drink is Chinese plum wine. Reviews about it say that this is the most positive fruit drink. About him and will be discussed in our article.

Features of a strong national oriental drink

The Chinese and the Japanese are enthusiastic about everything,which is connected with the plum. Plum spirit in these countries began to produce a very long time, more than a millennium ago. Classical Chinese plum wine with plums make from the Shanghai greenish-white variety mum. This drink is quite strong, about 20 degrees of concentration.

Chinese plum wine

Ume plum is very much appreciated in China.In July, when its fruits ripen, traditional summer rains are pouring in the country. These downpours have been dubbed "plum rains". It is believed that a drink from the mummy relieves fatigue, stimulates metabolism.

Modern Chinese technologists are tryingUse the same recipe for the drink that their ancestors used. What does the drink look like and what does it taste like? Chinese plum wine is distinguished by its lightness and unusual aroma. It has a gently golden color, a fruity bouquet with almond notes. It is a sweet, sated drink, without a shade of mawkishness, having a long pleasant aftertaste.

How not to love Chinese plum wine!For the production take the ripe plums Ume, together with bones, fill them with a fruit sugar-alcohol solution. First, the drink has a greenish-yellow color. With the help of various spices and herbs, the wine is given the necessary shade and flavor. So there is a red, yellow, green Chinese plum wine. As additives take the leaves of green tea, honey, a very fragrant local plant - perilla.

Overview of plum wine

Alcohol from the plums is not only prepared inChina and Japan, but also in many countries of Europe and Transcaucasia. To make a plum drink, many recipes have been developed, so the assortment of alcohol is very large. This fruit alcohol is suitable for any meal, especially a gala dinner.

The most popular plum wine from China is"Yukiha". To produce this kind of drink is not easy. First, the plums are placed in special containers, and the strong national drink Shohu and fruit sugar are added to them. This mixture is stirred every day and insist about a year. Then the drink is filtered. Then this strong alcohol is diluted with plum juice, adjusted to 15% alcohol and bottled.

Chinese plum wine with plums

Many Chinese and Europeans appreciate the ancient plum wine Plum Wine. It is considered an exquisite and expensive drink. Alcohol is poured into small bottles from 0.355 l to 0.72 l.

From the first sip some fall in love with the Chineseplum wine with tianyi plums. It resembles compote and has a pleasant aftertaste. It is very good to feed the bird to him. Wine-soaked plums are also eaten.

Several floating plums can be seen in bottles of Happy Panda wine. The drink has a nice golden color. The sweet taste of green plums pleasantly merges with the bitterness of the seed.

Today they produce plum wine in Russia.This is how the production of a fruit drink at the Rubin plant near Moscow was adjusted. The experimental alcohol is called “Ke-Co”. Connoisseurs of wine drinks are aware of Russian white wine from plum "Fruit-Leith".

Неплохое качество имеют сливовые королевские drinks from Armenia "Artsruni" and Arame Plum. Many have heard about the Japanese Hatsukuru plum wine and the Orient Sun Chinese drink. The shops meet the German wine "Zen" and the Bulgarian drink "Haiku".

Инновационным продуктом считается аутентичное plum wine from Japan - Naomi. This is the embodiment of the ancient traditions of Japanese winemakers. For the manufacture of the drink using Italian equipment. Naomi is very rich in minerals, so it relieves fatigue, improves metabolism.

Red Plum Wine with Tan Fang Plums

Сладкое красное вино со сливами Tan Fung известно worldwide. This is a traditional Chinese drink made from the delicious mume fruit berry. The wine has a rich pomegranate hue, to get the color using the plant perilla.

chinese plum wine reviews

Tan Fung has a delicate fruity flavorbones of plum. The wine is very pleasant to drink, because it has a pleasant acidity. The drink is used to create cocktails, sauces and various Chinese dishes.

Application procedure

Сливовое вино очень приятно пить, оно не sugary, although it has a sweetish taste. How to drink this alcohol? As dishes use frosted piala on a low thin leg. The Japanese put it on the tables in restaurants in special small decanters. Drink wine in small sips, stretching pleasure. Not bad before applying the product to cool a little ice.

Most often they are washed down with sushi or combined with desserts. Perfectly reveals the taste of plums, if the drink is added to ice cream.

Red Plum Wine with Tan Fang Plum

How much is and how to choose

Among the large range of plum wines in RussiaThere are original and fake copies. Non-natural product differs in the composition of preservatives, flavors and dyes. High-quality wine from plums is quite expensive. Before buying, you should carefully examine the label, pay attention to the manufacturer.

A bottle of Chinese plum wine in the amount of 0.72 l has a cost of around 1000 rubles. This kind of drink will give odds even whiskey.

plum wine review

Customer Reviews

Many buyers occasionally indulge themselves expensiveChinese wine from plums. Usually get a drink with 12% or 15% strength. Consumers mark the special taste of wine. Sweet saturated most often diluted with ice cubes.

Experienced lovers advise to drink it in moderation in order to adjust the metabolic processes in the body. The head after the drink does not spin. Perfectly combines alcohol with fish and meat.

Many families buy plum wine for their liquor bars. The greatest holidays will sweeten the real Chinese plum wine!

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