Salting of cabbage in brine for the winter is carried outpretty easy. In addition, such a preparation does not require the use of table vinegar. That's why the presented recipe is very popular among those who do not like to make too sharp snacks.
Necessary ingredients for winter harvesting:
Salting cabbage in brine for the winter is made withusing young and fresh vegetables. To do this, take all of the above components, wash them well and peel them, and then chop them. Cabbage is then recommended to cut into thin strips, and grate the carrots on a large grater. Next, both vegetables must be thoroughly mixed in a large basin (do not strongly crush, as the workpiece should turn crispy).
Salting cabbage in brine for the winter requiresuse of three-liter glass jars and polyethylene caps. Sterilize the dishes should not be, because the storage will be stored not in the cellar, but in the refrigerator. In addition, such an appetizer is unlikely to lie for long. After all, it turns out very tasty and juicy.
Для того чтобы сформировать зимнюю заготовку, you need to take a few glass jars, and then loosely put in them a vegetable mass of white cabbage and grated carrots. If desired, these components can be flavored with a small amount of dried fennel seeds or cumin.
Засолка капусты горячим рассолом осуществляется в several stages. First, it is required to pour a sufficient amount of potable water into the pan, and then bring it to a boil. Further in the liquid must be poured in large table salt and mix well.
After the specified time, it is required to pour outall the brine in a saucepan, add sugar to it and bring to a boil. Further, the hot liquid should be placed again in jars with cabbage and carrots, covered with plastic covers, wait until completely cooled, and then put in a cold store. Keep such a procurement should not more than 3-4 months.
Snack from cabbage on hotbrine can be consumed 2-4 days after its preparation. To do this, the workpiece should be put in a deep plate, sugar and vegetable oil, and then mix well.