/ / Have bothered habitual cutlets and a shop sausage - try chicken rolls with a stuffing, you and your family will remain are happy.

Tired of the usual cutlets and shop sausage - try chicken rolls with stuffing, you and your family will be satisfied.

Meat and chicken rolls with filling useamong our mistresses is very popular. After all, they are simple to prepare, very nourishing and have an attractive and appetizing appearance. In addition, experimenting with fillings for the same recipe, you can make a completely different to taste rolls.

Basically, these rolls are made from chickenfillets or pork (flank, sirloin). As for the fillings, they can be very different: eggs, mushrooms, ham, various vegetables, nuts, dried apricots, prunes, cheese, pancakes, egg omelet. Here you can safely show imagination and focus on the taste preferences of the family.

Since there are a lot of recipes and all of them are not possible to describe, I offer you only a few of the most loved and tested.

Chicken roll with dried apricots

To cook chicken rolls with a filling ofdried apricots, we need: chicken breast (4 pcs.), dried apricots (250-300 gr.), mushrooms champignons (8-10 pcs.), 100 gr. bacon and hard cheese, a few spoons of mustard, black and fragrant pepper, salt.

Preparation.Chicken breast is washed, dried with a towel and lightly beat off, trying not to damage the fillet (you can cover it with a food film or put it in a plastic bag). Each beaten piece of salt, sprinkled with black and fragrant pepper, greased with mustard. Filleted in this way, the fillet is placed in the refrigerator for 20-25 minutes.

Mine mushrooms, we dry them and cut them thinslices. Dried apricots in a bowl and pour boiling water, let stand for several minutes, drain the water and drain it. Then cut into small longitudinal strips. Hard cheese rubbed on a large grater. Cut the bacon into thin strips.

We take out the chicken breast, lay it out, withthe desire to slightly dosalivayem, on top of the entire area we spread mushroom slices, sprinkle a little grated cheese, we put dried apricots on top. All neatly turn off the roll and wind with strips of bacon. We fix the received composition with toothpicks or rewind threads. The same manipulations are done with the remaining chicken breasts. We have chicken rolls stuffed on a baking sheet and placed in a preheated oven to 180-190 degrees. At the same temperature, the baking process passes. After about 20-25 minutes, the dish will be ready.

Serve chicken rolls filled with dried apricots can be in hot form, or as a snack in the cold.

Meatloaf with mushrooms and cheese

Roll, cooked according to this recipe, willa highlight of any table. Therefore, having prepared such a roll for a festive meal, the question of how to cook a meatloaf, you will hear from your satisfied guests more than once.

For the preparation of pork roulade with cheese-mushroomWe need the filling: pork loin (1-1.5 kg), hard cheese Russian (200 g), white mushrooms or champignons (500 g), Bulgarian pepper (2 pcs.), small garlic head, green onions (100 grams gr.), a few spoons of mustard, peppercorns.

Preparation.We take pork loin, we cut it into a layer. To do this, we make a longitudinal incision in the middle, so that approximately a centimeter remains to the edge, now we cut across the formed pieces to the right and to the left, leaving an incisal edge of 1 centimeter. If you did everything right, the loin should be laid out like a book, forming a large leaf with a thickness of 1.5 cm. In the open sheet of meat we make shallow incisions, they are necessary in order that the seasonings are better absorbed. Solim, grease with mustard, pepper. While meat absorbs spices, prepare the filling.

Bulgarian pepper is cleared of seeds and cut intosmall-sized straws, mine and mushrooms, lightly remove the moisture with a napkin, cut them in the same way as pepper - straw. Chop the green onions, crush the garlic. Hard cheese rubbed on a large grater. All mix and slightly add salt. When all the ingredients are sliced, spread them evenly on the meat. Gently roll the roll. We fix it with a thread.

If desired, you can make a sauce that willroulette during baking. To do this, mix a few spoons of olive oil, peas of black pepper, a spoonful of mayonnaise and half a glass of white wine.

Before you put the roll in the oven, waterhis sauce. Put the roll in a preheated to 190-200 degrees oven, at the same temperature passes and baking. Periodically it is necessary to check the readiness of the roll, while not forgetting to water it with sauce. Approximate time, through which the meat loaf should be prepared, is 1.5 hours.

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