/ / Shiitake mushrooms. Benefits and methods of preparation

Shiitake mushrooms. Benefits and methods of preparation

Грибы шитаки – это съедобный вид грибов, growing on chestnut trees. They can also be found on larch and alder, oak and maple. There are these mushrooms and on walnut trees. The homeland of Shiitake (as they are correctly called) - China and Japan. Currently, this type of mushroom has become very popular all over the world. That is why they are grown everywhere, including in our country.

Shiitake mushrooms
Грибы шитаки известны еще с древних времен.They were used not only for making delicious dishes, but also for healing purposes. Ancient medicine men considered them to be an excellent remedy for the ailments of the upper respiratory tract, liver pathologies and the circulation system. There is an opinion that shiitake mushrooms can slow down the aging process of the body.

Полезные свойства этого ценного природного дара are due to the presence in its composition of a large number of amino acids, as well as micro- and macroelements (copper and iron, magnesium and sodium, zinc and calcium, etc.). It is believed that shiitake fungi can protect the human body from radioactive radiation, virus attack, and also prevent the formation of malignant tumors. All these actions scientists attribute to the substance of lentin.

Biologically active substances in the compositionfungus, are used in the production of powders, ointments, infusions and decoctions. It is proved that these drugs can be recommended for taking preventive measures to prevent atherosclerosis and hypertension, vascular thrombosis and diabetes, oncology of the rectum and colon, as well as ulcers of the duodenum and stomach. Interestingly, the useful properties of shiitake mushrooms are enhanced by their drying, frying, certain culinary processing. This also happens when cooking decoctions and infusions from them.

mushrooms shiitake how to cook
Delicious and fragrant shiitake mushrooms.How to cook them correctly? In order to get the most benefit from this product, it can be eaten raw. However, not everyone will like this. A quick way, when making shiitake mushrooms, is frying them in oil with garlic and salt. Serve this product with fresh or stewed vegetables. Delicious fried shiitake mushrooms and with rice.

Full-fledged, with a pleasant unusual taste dishIt turns out with another culinary processing of the product: shiitake mushrooms are stewed in sour cream. A delicious product can also be boiled in a small amount of water for several minutes after boiling. In this case, you should add salt, fennel seeds and garlic. It should be borne in mind that the process of cooking fresh mushrooms should not be long. Otherwise, you get a tasteless substance that resembles rubber in consistency. On the broth of cooked mushrooms you get a fragrant soup.

cooking shiitake mushrooms

В том случае, когда для приготовления блюд used dried shiitake, they should be pre-soaked. Only hats are used for food. The legs of mushrooms are tough and rough. But if you want, you can also eat them. Transform the taste of mushrooms and marinade will help. To make it mix soy sauce, sesame oil, lemon juice, pressed garlic cloves, pepper and any other spices you like. This marinade can be used to extinguish mushrooms or serve as a sauce for a shiitake dish.

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